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I had an elephant as a house Dreams Interpretation Online - Understand My Dreams

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I had an elephant as a house pet. He was sitting on my couch and then lumbering around my house. I took him for a walk in India. He suddenly knew his home was nearby and left running towards it.

What is the meaning of I had an elephant as a house In a dream

What does it means I had an elephant as a house In a dream ? - Dream meaning


To dream of reclining on a couch, indicates that false hopes will be entertained. You should be alert to every change of your affairs, for only in this way will your hopes be realized.

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They are associated with terms like wisdom, memory and the power of persistence. Overall is a very positive dream that will bring you dignity and distinction. Memories, something worth remembering. Power, strength, endurance. Danger or destruction. Memories, something worth remembering. Power, strength, endurance. Danger or destruction. To dream of riding an elephant, denotes that you will possess wealth of the most solid character, and honors which you will wear with dignity. You will rule absolutely in all lines of your business affairs and your word will be law in the home. To see many elephants, denotes tremendous prosperity. One lone elephant, signifies you will live in a small but solid way. To dream of feeding one, denotes that you will elevate yourself in your community by your kindness to those occupying places below you.

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Center of being. Spiritual self. Shelter. Basic need fulfilled. Happiness within the family. To dream of visiting your old home, you will have good news to rejoice over. To see your old home in a dilapidated state, warns you of the sickness or death of a relative. For a young woman this is a dream of sorrow. She will lose a dear friend. To go home and find everything cheery and comfortable, denotes harmony in the present home life and satisfactory results in business. See Abode.

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Financial security. Happiness within the family. Honor and dignity. Being. To dream of building a house, you will make wise changes in your present affairs. To dream that you own an elegant house, denotes that you will soon leave your home for a better, and fortune will be kind to you. Old and dilapidated houses, denote failure in business or any effort, and declining health. See Building.

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Amusement. Companionship. Reevaluation of your object of affection.

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No restraint. Freedom. Distance. There is something that you want to escape from. To dream of running in company with others, is a sign that you will participate in some festivity, and you will find that your affairs are growing towards fortune. If you stumble or fall, you will lose property and reputation. Running alone, indicates that you will outstrip your friends in the race for wealth, and you will occupy a higher place in social life. If you run from danger, you will be threatened with losses, and you will despair of adjusting matters agreeably. To see others thus running, you will be oppressed by the threatened downfall of friends. To see stock running, warns you to be careful in making new trades or undertaking new tasks.

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