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Interpretation of your dream:

I was in a dark hallway bottom of staircase and newspaper pirate hat's descending into the street

What is the meaning of I was in a dark hallway bottom In a dream

What does it means I was in a dark hallway bottom In a dream ? - Dream meaning


Mystery. The unknown and unformed. A place of fear or of potential. Difficulties ahead. To dream of darkness overtaking you on a journey, augurs ill for any work you may attempt, unless the sun breaks through before the journey ends, then faults will be overcome. To lose your friend, or child, in the darkness, portends many provocations to wrath. Try to remain under control after dreaming of darkness, for trials in business and love will beset you.

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To dream of newspapers, denotes that frauds will be detected in your dealings, and your reputation will likewise be affected. To print a newspaper, you will have opportunities of making foreign journeys and friends. Trying, but failing to read a newspaper, denotes that you will fail in some uncertain enterprise.

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To dream of pirates, denotes that you will be exposed to the evil designs of false friends. To dream that you are a pirate, denotes that you will fall beneath the society of friends and former equals. For a young woman to dream that her lover is a pirate, is a sign of his unworthiness and deceitfulness. If she is captured by pirates, she will be induced to leave her home under false pretenses.

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to see a staircase in your dream symbolizes change and transformation. Going up and down a staircase can represent a rise or fall in economic or social status and the general efforts that are required to accomplish life's small and large goals. Climbing may represent an achievement of your ambitions and a movement in a positive direction. Descending may symbolize your doubts or a period following hard work and achievement of a significant goal. Generally, dreaming of ascending a stairway connotes movement in a positive direction while descending is indicative of a down period or negative flow of ideas or actions. See also: Climbing It is also defined by some dream dictionaries as a link between levels of consciousness. If you are climbing the stairs, you are ascending into a higher level of consciousness, if you are descending, then you are going into a lower level of consciousness. to see a staircase in your dream symbolizes change and transformation. Going up and down a staircase can represent a rise or fall in economic or social status and the general efforts that are required to accomplish life's small and large goals. Climbing may represent an achievement of your ambitions and a movement in a positive direction. Descending may symbolize your doubts or a period following hard work and achievement of a significant goal. Generally, dreaming of ascending a stairway connotes movement in a positive direction while descending is indicative of a down period or negative flow of ideas or actions. See also: Climbing It is also defined by some dream dictionaries as a link between levels of consciousness. If you are climbing the stairs, you are ascending into a higher level of consciousness, if you are descending, then you are going into a lower level of consciousness.

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To dream that you are walking in a street, foretells ill luck and worries. You will almost despair of reaching the goal you have set up in your aspirations. To be in a familiar street in a distant city, and it appears dark, you will make a journey soon, which will not afford the profit or pleasure contemplated. If the street is brilliantly lighted, you will engage in pleasure, which will quickly pass, leaving no comfort. To pass down a street and feel alarmed lest a thug attack you, denotes that you are venturing upon dangerous ground in advancing your pleasure or business.

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