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I saw a big ocean crystal clear

I saw a big ocean crystal clear water that our crash gear failure crash happened in that ocean inside the car my dad mom brother aunty aunty son was inside actually I was driving but I felt down in between the partition of the road I was chasing running for them and searching but they accident was happened in the ocean. I cross the ocean to save them and to search their bodies but so I jumped inside the water but I couldn't I was drown so the workers inside the ocean save me pull me out then I try again to search for them so I asked one guy he asked me to inside to take jumpsuit and ocean inside I said I don't want to go inside that he instead went and his look from the door was so scary he threw me a cotton and band aid cloth with wierd face so I spit to him and angry to him and I told him never then he close that door that door was the way I came to construction side of water so I had no where to go I was Stück but I decided to search for ocean and search but something happened burden to my body then I woke up.

It was my birthday and he was

It was my birthday and he was there as well and there was selena gomez at my birthday too announcing stuff and we were at like a super rich house for my birthday and then after the party we went to go clean up and all of a sudden we were at sip for my birthday with tracy and braxton and then there was a bunch of construction people that came in and said that we needed to put in a bed so i walked into a room and it turned into my mom and dads room and i was holding a baby i think it was zaya for sure and they did a super big bed in and i left zaya in the laundry basket to go wash the dishes and braxton was cleaning up the room near the bathroom so he was there then i looked at him and he looked at me and we made eye contact and it was so awkward but he then said that he liked me and stuff and in my head i was thinking like umm i have a boyfriend i gotta go tell shane and then we went home very awkward and then braxton texts me like “i’m really sorry i know you have a boyfriend but i just couldn’t help it like you’re tiny, pretty, sparkley, orange,” and then sent like lipstick, a painting emoji and some other weird emojis

⁃ dance studio ⁃ dancing a song

⁃ dance studio ⁃ dancing a song that i had learned a long time ago ⁃ practiced it for a performance ⁃ cried because i sucked at it ⁃ then went to go perform it in front of this famous judge lady ⁃ we got a high rating and were invited to perform ⁃ i was going home from the audition space ⁃ had my parents’ car, didn’t know how to drive it ⁃ halfway thru i pulled over to call my mom ⁃ a policeman approached me, i told him that i was waiting to pick up my mom and that i was 16 (i don’t have my license though) ⁃ it was too hard to drive so i picked up a mountain bike that was broken on one side from the side of the road ⁃ there was construction and huge trucks everywhere ⁃ i managed to squeeze past and was going super fast ⁃ met another cyclist on the way and she asked me how i was going so fast. i talked to her for a little while too. ⁃ was looking at tiktok (but i had morphed into a nature reporter man out of no where) ⁃ fell into a ditch that was actually a panda home ⁃ one of the pandas could talk/communicate ⁃ was talking to the panda when the tribe went under attack by gorillas ⁃ don’t really remember this part but the gorillas were trying to take the baby pandas ⁃ they entrusted the baby pandas and one of the uncle pandas to me and told me to take good care ⁃ i brought them halfway home when i turned around and went back ⁃ didn’t have an interpreter anymore but there was a panda who could interpret with signs. i told them that if they ever were attacked again to send me a signal, and that i’d come back to rescue them. ⁃ the rest of the dream is pretty hazy. crazy dream. i remember somewhat getting home. hiking through the forest too. DREAM PT 2 (a lot more hazy) ⁃ continuation of the first dream ⁃ when i got home there were a bunch of people on my street ⁃ were all a part of an institution and i joined too ⁃ originally very fun and games ⁃ people were drawing lots to see who would sleep where and have access to what - was inside of my house ⁃ i remember our shoes being removed and being put on the balcony under a red fabric roof ⁃ there were more than 18 floors because i remember the lucky number for the lots being 18 ⁃ separated from preston who went into another group- was sort of my protector amd ended up with this other lady girl and another girl that i vaguely knew from my middle school (was in a grade below me) didn’t know the lady at all but conditioned to feel safe with her ⁃ the three of us slept in the same bed i remember waking up in the middle of the night and seeing the two bodies morphing together. I didn't see the middle school girl at all after that ⁃ at night it became a lot more gruesome and over time it was bad (will explain further later) ⁃ in the mornings ⁃ had to wear white and red tracksuits to differentiate from each other (the groups) the tracksuits reminded me of prison tracksuits ⁃ couldn’t talk to people who weren’t in your group or you’d be taken away ⁃ couldn’t interact at all ⁃ had to complete tasks every day ⁃ i remember not being able to do the electrical task (used my body to connect the wires, almost died) the lady was annoyed with me because I couldn't do the task on my own ⁃ at night everyone was put in this individual chamber in their minds (different for everyone) and it was red and dark ⁃ there were ropes and weird scary shit in the room and the room would progressively get lighter and lighter as time went by ⁃ the goal was to avoid looking at this one light- it was oval and shaped like a keychain of sorts. if you looked at it you’d be removed from the people that you were with (aka killed) ⁃ cut to a theatre with red chairs and a big screen ⁃ i was watching (in 3rd person again) 3 people talk to each other in the theatre ⁃ then all of a sudden there were bubbles and a kiss and then i went into the head of one of the people (i think the bubbles were some sort of inhibitor) ⁃ had to avoid the specific light again but this time the setting was much different ⁃ instead red of a room with ropes, this person’s room had their mom lying down and they had to do their best to look away from the light that was near their mom (was always placed randomly) ⁃ that’s as far as i can remember

United Steel Industries is a new Rolling

United Steel Industries is a new Rolling Mill in Fujairah. USI is incorporated in 140,000 square meters of land. The plant will produce bar and wire rod products for civil construction. The rolling mill project was designed in 2005 by Germany’s concern SIEMENS - VAI ( SVAI ). Our mill capacity is 1.1 MTPA producing wire rods and Rebar's. United Steel Industries images

Choose from over 1,600 Premium construction Templates

Choose from over 1,600 Premium construction Templates from the 1 source for construction Templates. Created by our Global Community of independent Web Developers. Do it yourself pest control tucson

In a house that was under construction.

In a house that was under construction. I climbed up a ladder on the wall to get to the 2nd floor and two snakes were half way up as I was climbing. One snake looked normal with some green on it and the second snake was white.

It felt like a few years had

It felt like a few years had passed in the dream. We were heading our way to a sort of construction site. Again none of this will make any full sense. It was a dream. It seems as thought we hadn't seen each other in a long span of time. I didn't mind helping you out or being part of the ride. Various topics were discussed. I was there to help you move what looked like bookshelves at this site because you already had a plan in mind. So, for whatever reason, seeing I had my phone (I recognized the lockscreen's photo) I placed it unlocked on what looked like a nearby dresser; essentially freeing my hands completely to move the empty furniture. We were kicking ass until -maybe- the second shelf. Trying to see the environment around me, there was a small puddle to my left. Yet as I had missed my step, you reminded me to be careful "Don't do anything stupid." Well that advice you gave didn't last long as I had slipped into the now what seemingly transformed into a lake and I was pulled under. You reacted with haste, jumping right in. All I could think of during that process was "Really? Again with this?" My leg was trapped. You somehow got it free and pulled me to the surface. I could see myself laying there for a moment You said one word. "Yuki" Like it was perhaps a name or something you called me? My only thought I had was that it was Japanese. Nothing else was really said. I got to my feet and I grabbed my phone.

I’m up in rafters and it is

I’m up in rafters and it is a building like a church under construction and the child catcher from chatty chity bang bang is coming up Road I try to gel to warn everyone but lose balance and fall before I got I notice told and rolls of yellow carpet

In reality I was in the driver's

In reality I was in the driver's seat and my friend Scarlett was in the passenger seat we're just good friends we have just started hangout over the summer. I was tired I was high from smoking marijuana so I fell asleep. In my dream I saw that I was still in the car in the same position with Scarlett in the passenger seat and then I entered drove into this road and as I got to the middle of the road there was blocked off and then I realize the rest of the road is pretty much is blocked off with construction materials laying around all over the place in piles creating blockade. So I pulled to the right to figure out what I was going to do. Then I realized full-size Nissan SUV also entered into the road as he got to the first pile of construction obsticle in the middle of the road it disappeared and the Nissan SUV just kept going and going and going and everything that was blocking the road was not there anymore and the road was clear so I followed it to the end of the road but it was not there anymore I don't know if it went left right or straight ahead just disappeared along with all the things that wore blocking the road. In a very low voice in my sleep I heard Scarlet calling me that you wanted to go home so I woke up. You know I smoked marijuana that night I was able to tell her in detail even down to the point and that the Suv was a light brownish color and it was a older model at least 10+ years old. Scarlet already had interpreted the dream in her word right away but I want to see what you guys come up with. **He's a little back story I've been dealing with a lot of stress in my life I'm unable to concentrate at work I think I have ADHD I'm unable to handle multiple tasks at once conversations or social problems any problems I start to panic I over-react I bug out and I ignore it or just completely forget about it. forget about it.**