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So..there was me my mom my uncle

So..there was me my mom my uncle my nana and papi and my 4 other cousins and we were inside of our house and then suddenly we heard this huge BANG so my uncle looked outside and it was this..HUGE robot..he had blood on him and his eye's glowed red and blue and he had a blue and yellow party hat he had wire's instead of skin and he looked inside the window all we saw was his eye so we tried to run out of the house and into my uncle's truck only a couple of us could fit so my mom and nana hid in the back shed behind the house my papi grabbed a gun and shot at the weird robot i was shaking in my dream not in real life just in my dream because i was so horrified i was crying in my dream and kept saying we're gonna die! then i woke up and i was still terrfied a bit but i got over it..

30 ans après son lancement dans les

30 ans après son lancement dans les pages de Raw, 25 ans après sa première parution en album, Maus est de nouveau sous les feux de l’actualité avec la parution de MetaMaus, un livre-DVD tout à fait remarquable tant par sa conception que par l’éclairage nouveau qu’il apporte sur le chef-?uvre d’Art Spiegelman. Le DVD, tout d’abord, propose une version numérisée des deux volumes de Maus, chaque planche pouvant être accompagnée par son brouillon, des esquisses ou des extraits sonores. Différents documents, des sources et des commentaires complètent cette offre numérique. Quant au support papier, MetaMaus réunit une série de conversations enregistrées avec Hillary Chute, professeur à l’université de Chicago. On y apprend bien évidemment comment Art Spiegelman a imaginé et réalisé Maus, comment il a vécu l’immense succès du livre, comment sa famille l’a elle-même vécu, pourquoi Art a représenté les juifs sous forme de rongeurs et les nazis en chats, pourquoi le livre a parfois soulevé la polémique. On y parle de la bande dessinée, de son choix pour ce médium, des techniques graphiques employées sur Maus… Un échange particulièrement dense sur près de 300 pages, accompagné d’une riche iconographie. En complément : l’arbre généalogique de la famille Spiegelman, la transcription d’entretiens avec son père, une chronologie, un index… Un ouvrage aussi fascinant et exigeant que Maus ! E.G. air max 90 pas cher

I wanted a dog so i went

I wanted a dog so i went to search one, at first i wanted a border collie, but i chose another one because my brother would say i only chose a border collie thinking of myself, later on a friend loses the dog because the door was open and blamed me. Being sad in the evening it returns. but because i really wanted aborder collie blue merle so after i found out the other dog was pregnant and had given birth to little ones i saw it as a reason to exchange it for another dog. Suddenly the dog is gone and my brother had gotten married. A man arrived with a truck with a border collie inside, but it was a brown one, and i really wanted a blue merle. So i asked is there really no other? they said no. Having another dog aswel called layla a labrador she runs to it, and it turns into a wolf biting her wanting to look if she okay she's suddenly a beautiful girl with a ripped face, like her skin were just sheets of papier but only half of it was ripped. after that i finallyk got my border collie blue merle but suddenly it changes into a cat and back to a dog and i woke up.