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Recent dreams containing whale

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Dreamed about being in a beach resort

Dreamed about being in a beach resort for vacation, and I was witnessing a person jumping into the water to tame the orca but the orca whale pulled him into the water in a flash and did not return back to the shore. I was not alone witnessing it. There were lots of people with me left in terrified shock when it happened. It caused trauma in the dream that after the scene, in the later part of the dream, I was scared to plunge my feet into the water for fear of getting dragged and drowned by the orca whale.

Inside a cave that had a waterfall

Inside a cave that had a waterfall and Clift, me and 4 girls who were considered best friends were checking out. In the water at the end of the waterfall there was a killer whale. When we were in a canoe in the water, one by one each of the girls fell off and the whale ate them. Eventually I was the only one left, and the whale pushed me to the shore. At that point I woke up

There was a flood, and killer whale

There was a flood, and killer whale escaped. I was holding an extremely scared orca and i becam verry protective and maternal over it