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I lost my son. I found him

I lost my son. I found him later. he was sitting calmly on a rock wearing a white t shirt with a book in his hand, staring at calm but unclear water.

Hi. My dream was really brief. I

Hi. My dream was really brief. I was at a resort with family. There was fire drill. Whilst waiting for my mom & aunt to come down, decided to take some pictures of the beautiful scenery. I heard splashing & roaring coming from the water but initially ignored it. Then I saw a large tiger calmly swimming around, & at one point even strolled along the beach. Next 'scene', I was just still on the sand along the shore with a cushion on my lap. Suddenly I hear yelling & look up to see a local guy running towards me, & closing in on him running like a mad man was my lover. I then noticed the tiger swimming parallel to my lover & yelled at him to stay away. Next thing I knew the tiger was lunging at me but just in the nick of time my lover grabbed the tiger, joined a few seconds later by the local guy. I then proceeded to help by grabbing the tiger by the scuff and we wrestled it to the ground. Dream ended there. Could you help me interpret pls? Thanks

Most of the family is in the

Most of the family is in the car dad is driving fast looking over embankment at flooding get around curve and there is fast flowing muddy water on the road we hit the embankment I look at husband calmly and say I can't swim son in backseat

I woke up in my mom's house

I woke up in my mom's house in my room with a man standing over me. He was about to kill me and my sister. He was a hit man named "The Nun." I asked what they were paying him to kill me and he said $800 for me and $800 for my sister. I told him I would double the offer if he did not kill us. He said ok. I never paid him yet, but I said I was going to. Before he left I asked who wanted us dead, and he said your mom. I later called my dad crying and told him that mama put a hit out on me and my sister. He said, "And you actually believe that, your mother loves you." I then realized that it was dumb because she did love me, so I told him I was planning on call her and asking. I called my mom and calmly asked why she hired someone to kill us. She said your sister just called screaming and yelling asking the same thing. She said it was not her, that she would not do such a thing like that, and she loved us. I told her I did not know who to believe, I told her, my dad, my sister, and "the Nun" to meet me at my school. We were all going to take a lie detector test. I was the first one there. My head coach and assistant coach were there. My head coaches dad was going to give us the test. Everybody showed up except The Nun, and as soon as I realized he was not there, I woke up.