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I was walking on the rooftop of

I was walking on the rooftop of a school and had to walk a distance to get down. I noticed some students walking to the edge of the building and they stepped off the roof and plunged downwards. One of them was from my drama class at Haig Girls' called Mia. Curious, I looked over the roof and saw that there was a giant trampoline at the foot of the school right where they walked off the roof. I wanted to follow suit but was very afraid. A few girls stepped off the roof in the meantime Opposite this school building is a school called Teck Whye primary school. Suddenly, a flood came. I know it's because of the rain, but I don't remember if I could feel it. The water rose till it reached the roof.at the opposite school, the water had covered the entire roof except for the middle part. Someone came to me on her motorboat and I hitched a ride. : For some reason, after she'd sent me through the centre path of the opposite school roof, I found myself in a mystical but dusty room with many books and artefacts. I don't remember what 1 took, but before I knew it, I was back where I first started, with the flood still happening, holding some books and artefacts in my arms (in paper bags), just as quickly as it started, the water of the flood started to drain and the water levels dropped quickly. I stepped of the rooftop the way Is saw my students did and iwas enveloped by the murky green water I felt the water receding quickly and as I passed through branches very quickly, I landed on the trampoline which now looks like a crash mat. A lady and a man (who was in priest garbs ) met me at the crash mat. I showed them the artefacts and books I'd saved And the priest nodded at me. He told me to take The magick books and leave the rest behind. I asked about the paperbag of bronze people statues who looked like mother many and he said to leave those behind too. I was reluctant to do so, but did as he said and took the magick books.

This dream is less frequent than the

This dream is less frequent than the shark dream, however when I dream this, I am always far along in a pregnancy, and I can see my body from a distance. I always know that I am pregnant, and the father seems to be irrelevant. Recently I dreamt this dream, but the father was someone from the future. I was watching the father play as a child, but I knew I had his child from the future. His family was placing a lot of pressure on him at the time, and I told him not to worry about those things, that better things would come


DREAM ANALYZER DREAM QUIZ About Nancy Wagaman, M.A. Contact Feedback Search Dream Dictionary Dream dictionary: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ You entered: I dreamt that i was having a sleepover with my friend at my old house and then i told her that something happened woth me today , a previous friend who recently passed away appeared to be alive again. Her family contacted me and she appeared and told ne its true and i stayed in disbelief and questioned this topic the entire dream and throughtout the dream where just scenarios of her proving shes alive and me not being able to believe it then the dream in the end was it being her one year anniversary and me scared to go to their house because i saw her and i feel something bad regarding it

I saw my mother telling me how

I saw my mother telling me how we have lots of places to visit. Then I remember visiting a man whom I have never seen in real life yet is was married to with a kid probably in my dream (I never saw it in the dream nor was it mentioned I think, I just knew). We had an amazing amazing time together, the most close I've ever been to anyone I loved, it was surreal, it was the purest purest love I've ever felt. During that time, it was mentioned that I also had a relationship with my recent broken up ex, probably because the boy was only my baby daddy?? Well, we talked around, and I asked if he wants to know about the boyfriend, and he frowned, and he answered no, it's not because I want to know about him, but...and he never finished. In the end I again heard my mother telling me we have plenty of places to go to, and then I woke up. When I woke up, I couldn't remember his face, though I could see it in my dream, he kind of reminded my of my ex, but not exactly, he was different.

I've been having a dream I've not

I've been having a dream I've not had for a long time. My first sexual dream at 12 has come back to me at 25yrs old. I was in a castle with a pale faced, white gothic shirt, black jeans with a belt, long black gothic and hooded cloak and long black hair and a very elegant vampire named Vincent. All I can hear is "Come to me" as I try and find him. "This lady belongs to me. SHE'S MINE!!" Telling me "I know of your desires. You haven't learnt much yet, but allow me to be the first." I struggled to break free, but no luck. While I was getting wet between my legs and vagina, he lightly degrades me, licks me and occasionally orders "Obey your Master." I get spanked, licked on the breasts and vagina, his teeth lightly biting my neck to make me bleed, but not turning into a vampire as he knows his strength. As you might imagine, the dream was more intense while I was on my cycle. He knew whenever I was on my cycle and would lick the blood that I had and no longer embarrassed that he has and will seduce me as now I'm fully grown. As well as doing everything he can to fill my head with doubts if I try to fight him. Keep in mind, everything spoken by whispers

A battle with 2 armies. I helped

A battle with 2 armies. I helped lead 1 army and wielded a sword and shield. My army was armoured men and women. Our opponents were magical monsters created by a witch in a tower using a magical orb. We had to fight our way through the army to get to the tower. Once we had destroyed the monster army, we confronted the witch in the tower. I goaded her with harsh jokes about her appearance into revealing herself. For some reason the jokes were all 20th century cultural references. Our army was uneasy about the references and did not quite understand them at first but quickly got onboard with them and started to laugh all at once. This infuriated the witch who reversed course and headed to the top of her tower again. The witch had a big hole in her face where her mouth and nose should be. When she revealed herslf a girl shot her magic orb away from her using a bow and arrow. I picked it up and began to destroy it. The fact was that unless I believed I could destroy the orb, then it could not be broken. And it did not break no matter how much i hit it and dashed it to the floor. Once I truly committed myself to destroying it, and beleieved i would destroy it, it shattered. Once it broke, my fist went all the way through it and the tower that the witch lived in began to crumble and the witch began to shrivel up and die. An orchestral symphonic piece of music began to play and once the tower had fallen it exploded.

I went on a roadtrip with my

I went on a roadtrip with my old professor and some kids I never met before and I accidentally chocked one of them. After that I went with my current classmates in the center of our natal city and after this trip our teacher was so mad at us that she split the class in two. After I went home I had a party with my family and my mother was dead, and the party was right across my childhood home that has been in the family for generations but it was in a totally different place and painted pink

I dreamed I just got married and

I dreamed I just got married and myself and my husband and all of our deceased parents, children, brothers, sisters helped us move into a huge farm house with a big pantry and an old coalstove with a new built in electric oven in rhe centre of the coal stove