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I was In a school bus with

I was In a school bus with random kids and a teacher. we were I. a weird world wig huge exotic plants and dinosaurs and weird animals. We had to stop and run and hide and a cute boy is my partner and we hide inside a plant. That is hollow and he hugs me and protects me.we then come out when the danger is over and I faint he catches me.we slowly fall in love.

I dreamed that I got in a

I dreamed that I got in a physical altercation with someone who had a white magic bean. He dropped the bean and a beanstalk grew. It also grew a large prehistoric forest. There were dinosaurs and I had to flee. So I climbed over a wall and walked into a bathhouse where I saw a T-Rex walk into and then dissipate. I realized that the bathhouse was safe from any predators. So I stayed there and people started come and sitting in the bathhouse water. I did not go in the water. Then I realized there was a lot of people there and no food. I started to think about how to get food but then more people started to come to the bathhouse. The people who were already there tried to fight them off and not let them in but I told them to let them in. Then I began exploring outside the bathhouse. There was a library attached to the bathhouse which I realized was also safe from predators. I found a coke which someone tried to dump out and I told her it would be very useful and not to dump it. Then there was a giant that uprooted the beansprout plant and everything returned to normal.

In my backyard my mom and dad

In my backyard my mom and dad are being eaten by dinosaurs. i go on a plane and fly away to my friends house

I was walking out of a college

I was walking out of a college building with my mom and grandma. My friend then started to shoot at me with arrows. I ran around the corner of the building and fell into quicksand. I then rose out of the quick sand on the back of my dinosaur and went after my friend. I had a t-Rex and my friend then was on a pterodactyl. We continued to battle until both dinosaurs disappear. We then walk away without looking back.