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Was sitting in the living room and

Was sitting in the living room and I noticed ed a big woman standing in my front door with a scarf on her head and she was smiling, I raised from the sofa and shut and locked the door My daughter spoke a name Carolyn I said you know her she said no. I noticed there were 2 ladies walking through my house from the kitchen I immediately stood again and rushed the strangers out and locked the door again now my daughter is sweeping up glass from the floor with a crimson colored broom and she said I broke your phone, I said that's a lot of glass, my granddaughter and I walked in the kitchen and there were 2 white doors and we locked both of them. I was distracted by noise coming g from a lap top I tried to shut it off and u couldn't. As I entered the living room again my my daughter was now sitting in rhe family room across from the living room she was sitting on rhe floor braiding her daughter hair. At that moment there was a young man walking through the house he had a sky blue hood on that covered his face he reached into his pocket and threw 4 small items behind my daughter the items floated to the floor as I counted 1 2 3 4, my daughter finally noticed es him at that moment we stopped talking and we could read each other thoughts, I watched him go into my living room and he disappeared, daughter told me with her mind I'm going to get my gun. My granddaughter and I tipped to the second floor. There were 4 white doors.i entered 1 and locked it. I was rumbling through my dresser to look for my gun. My eyes became heavy I turned ti the door and a tree rose from the floor like a stick tree it was filled with birds not chirping but fluttering like the knew me. I turned and another door appeared there were 2 fingers holding a small glass under the door the glass was beautifully engraved with solid gold it was mesmerizing. I started to look gor my phone to call my daughter to check on her because everything was silence an S I looked for my phone I noticed my granddaughter was siu d asleep that quick with her eyes wide open. I was so tired I could barely move the dream has now become magical with the beautiful black and grey birds with white stripes under their wings. My phone rang in real time and I woke up feeling mystical like people were using my house as a method of transporting.

It was night time and there were

It was night time and there were people gathered very rowdy and intoxicated huge Loud loud evil heavy music I've not heard before was blaring all around me along with people yelling and talking laughing and screaming at eachother and meanly hurling insults. Huge fires in fire pits and it was like some sort of wild bonfire party. But these people were not nice they were rowdy fighting screaming and all sorts of bad things were happening. They gathered around me in a big circle myself with arms tied behind my back and I was disheveled and bleeding from my nose and beat up but not crying. I remember two woman sitting on giant pair of Buffalo Horn mounted on a tall doorway we were in a hastily built structure big enough for a crowd to form the circle around me. The woman were jeering at me calling me names and then people began pushing me some spit on me tearing at my clothes. I was beligerant and caught the eye of the women they were dressed like cowgirls I remember. I remember I said how could you do this I am a woman just like you. They laughed and mocked me. I was raped by men beaten and I didn't cry or stop fighting even when they had me down and the men took turns I didn't cry. Then I was alone everything was gone I just remember miles and miles of dirt and dust blowing all around my body but I wasn't in my body anymore I was looking down at it from above. The silence was awe striking.I think I must have been dead.

Scene 1: at a light. 1 car

Scene 1: at a light. 1 car in front of us. light with railroad track. one train went in front of us on the driver side straight. our light stayed red. not understanding why we couldn't go straight. then looked further ahead and saw another train going to the right in a turn position. (other side of the light.) staright train stopped. 1 more right in front. we were in between 2 tracks. front one had train go by. everyone's car shook but ours. all trains stopped and we went home. dropped off megan. then dropped me off. scene 2: walked in the house from back door. walked up the porch and in kitchen door. then i went into living room to set down mail. walked back into kitchen to get coffee.then i hear the back door handle jiggle. i turn around and a man walked in. hoping no one was home, we stood there and looked at me. then looked into the famiily room then back at me and astared at me. then i woke up?! man description: black, 5'6-5'9 weight:average male weight. not slim, not heavy. short black hair. small circle messy hair. blue jean colored blue jacket with zipper. zipped up just passed half way. black beanie. with jacket hood half pulled over. N-95 white face mask. dark colored shirt. (black or dark blue) man let me see memory from like 20 min ago. was being told he had to do it. wanted a reason to not do it when he walked into my kitchen.

Call me crazy but, I dreamed of

Call me crazy but, I dreamed of a unfamiliar man with a pale face, black leather jacket, and black boots standing by my bed. (everything went dark suddenly)I started hearing this eerie (not necessarily ghostly) but like a strange ringing.( it got louder and intense) In the moment, I felt my body facing the opposite direction of my bed.I suddenly heard a metal clang combined with a window breaking as if something was messing around in my room.( I don’t have any heavy metal objects) I didn’t want to open my eyes and I felt my own body take one deep breathe. Suddenly I woke up around 3:33 am and everything was normal.Im not making this up, what was that ringing? Who was that man?Metal clang?

Waking in the middle of the night

Waking in the middle of the night at around three in the morning.. up to the sound of heavy rain and could actually smell it. But there was no rain outside

Bought a jeep,But it is top heavy

Bought a jeep,But it is top heavy so can easily roll 1 minute Especially on hills if I go to fast over them just now Then all the surrender I'm surrounded by roller coaster hills just now Next morning I wake up and there are tons of jeeps going down my road Should I buy a jeep?

Living in the mid-western USA at the

Living in the mid-western USA at the time of my dream: I was walking down a gravel road which was heavily foliated on each side of it. I knew from the foliage that I was in the southern USA. Came upon a cleared lot on the left side of the road that was marked out by wooden survey stakes with orange tape flags. There was a one-story wine red house one lot further along beside it. My attention was drawn to the stake nearest me at the front left corner of the lot. As I was looking at it, I suddenly started rising up in the air. As i did, I realized that a ridge ran along the back of the property. As I cleared the ridge-line, I could see a newsh concrete block/precast elementary or middle school on the other side of it. A playground with heavy timber playground equipment was between the school and the ridge on their side. The dream jumped and I found myself standing on a sidewalk, looking out on a four-lane divided highway with a grass median. I realized there was an older red brick building immediately behind me and I turned and went up a step or two and entered it. I had the sense that it was maybe a hardware store, Don't remember doing anything while in it, or having any further sense about it. I left through the front door I had entered. As I walked back outside I realized someone was standing on the sidewalk up against the building to the right of the doorway. I looked to the left and saw the beginning edge of a town. I turned to the person standing there and realized I couldn't see their face. I asked them what town it was. They replied, "Oak Ridge". I realized it was an angel of God. I woke up. This dream happened suddenly, like a download. Amazing clarity, colors and details. Understood it was Oak Ridge, TN.

Driving an all terrain vehicle with my

Driving an all terrain vehicle with my two dogs. There had been a recent heavy rain and trees were down, there were mudslides and rock slides. It was in spring, and the trees had new leaves. Water was dripping everywhere. I stopped at a crossroads, near a tiny store. My dogs jumped out with me and began to wander around. A truck stopped, and two redneck men got out. One man took a shovel and violently beat my gentle little dog to death. I ran to my dog but I knew I was too late.