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I have eleven brothers. At IHOP with

I have eleven brothers. At IHOP with two of them as we are leaving my brother Matthias tells me he hasn't slept for six days because its finals week and he is a double major in biochemistry and chemical engineering. I take the keys to our station wagon and then there is a guy with a gun and he wants my purse but I tell him I need to get my grandfather's diary but it's not a diary. It's my own gun and when the guy in the hood sees it he passes out and then I hear a huge thud and Matthias has had a seizure from not sleeping.

Bonjour, Envie d’une décoration de table insolite

Bonjour, Envie d’une décoration de table insolite pour fêter un anniversaire entre amis ou en famille ? Nous avons tout ce indispensable en rayon dans nos magasins : assiettes , gobelets , chemins de table , livres d’or , confettis , centres de tables et toute une sélection d’articles plus originaux les uns par rapport aux autres . Nous avons également regroupé dans la catégorie anniversaire de la e-boutique les différents articles de fête par âges : 18 ans , 20 années , 30 ans , 40 ans , cinquante années , 60 ans , 70 années et 80 années ainsi qu'1 sélection pour les anniversaires bambins . lunettes solaire pas cher Merci

Située en ile de france (75, 91,

Située en ile de france (75, 91, 92, 93, 94 et 95), la société de plomberie serurerie est à votre écoute pour tous vos travaux en matière de plomberie et chauffage, mais aussi d'énergies renouvelables et de salles de bain. Créée en 1949, l'entreprise de plombeier a paris serurerie fait depuis longtemps preuve de sérieux et de réactivité. Notre équipe de plombiers et chauffagistes qualifiés vous offrent une qualité de travail inégalable. Nos équipes de professionnels se déplacent 7 jours sur 7 en ile de france... La prise de contact est rapide et nos devis sont gratuits. Nous répondons à toutes vos demandes de travaux, passant du simple dépannage en plomberie ou chauffage, à l'installation de sanitaires ou à la pose de panneaux solaires ou de salle de bain, jusqu'au ramonage de votre cheminée. Nos plombiers chauffagistes sauront vous conseiller dans le choix des meilleurs équipements et mettront tout en œuvre pour vous satisfaire dans les plus brefs délais. Nos certifications Partenaire Dolce Vita de Gaz de France et Professionnel du Gaz vous garantissent le professionnalisme de notre équipe de plombiers chauffagistes, des installateurs de confiance qui suivent une charte et applique un référentiel technique, engagés dans l'efficacité énergétique. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toutes demandes de renseignements, nous répondrons en détail à vos questions. Un devis précis sera établi avant toute intervention.

I I dreamt when I had reached

I I dreamt when I had reached late for a chemistry practical test and feared to enter. But after my friend getting out they told me it wasnot too late. I should have entered

An old abandoned white vintage victorian house,

An old abandoned white vintage victorian house, shabby and falling apart. i ascend whats left of the staggered stairs, into the crook of the attic, where lie pieces of scrap and junk. many people gather in, pouring contents into a large boulder, it is later transformed into a giant amethyst geode, i realize i just witnessed an alchemical proccess, i see the bowls of salt and pitchers of flux strewn out on the table, the crew then gather outside the door, removing a giant american flag from its post and hanging something else in its absence. i hear music and talking. a jester woman fumbles and humors the crowd. i am outside, i remove my sock and regrow a toe from a sprout, you ask me what i have there and i remove my limbs to fashion you a new member (genital).

My dream begins with My dad, his

My dream begins with My dad, his wife and my two half sisters driving home from a family get together in the country. It was well after dark and the girls were fussy and over tired. We saw out the window a small but unfamilliar church as we drove down one of the historical roads with the overarching oak trees (you know , the kind of streets you aren’t allowed to build on or develop?) . From the car we could see the lights in the church were on and people were inhabiting it despite It being late. Dad call from the driver seat , “ hey, Maybe we should go pay them a visit” and I was like “no dad, It’s 11 o’clock at night. Plus, you cant just invite yourself into a church function that’s weird and impolite. “ You just don’t want to go say hi because you think christians are weird” I stopped arguing as we pulled into the empty parking lot ( where were the attendees parking?) . So walked into the church and said hello . The people there were all plump and friendly, and they greeted us as if they expected our company. There was a girl my age wearing a purple sweater that matched the brackets of her braces who wouldn’t stop asking me were I wanted to go to college. The mood changed from jolly to forboding as we decided to leave. The people we met in the church followed us to our car urging us to stay . As we drove home I saw the same church front appear in different places on the route home. Everything seemingly returned to the status quo as we ended our trip and got settled in at home. All the while I was obsessing about the bizarre church and the even stranger people within it . who were they ? Where were their cars? Why were they at church in the middle of the night, in the first place? The next day in chemistry I was telling a friend ( a kid in my chemistry class that I actually can’t stand) about the mysterious encounter and my plan to return the following night. he was like “ whoa , that’s spooky, Don’t go!” and I was like “ I’m definitely going” He said “well, in that case , I’m coming with you” So, we drove out to where the church was passing a few identical churches on the way. We went back to the original site of the church and entered. Its patrons hadn’t left . When we enter they all came at us trying to restrain us. Before they were upon us I tried to reopen the door and escape. I had locked automatically. Then just when the situation seemed most dire, my friend pulled out a pocket knife , and broke a window through which we escaped and sped away in my car. The Church building followed us , popping up sporadically on streets that had been empty before.

Weird dream I'm stuck in 1950's America

Weird dream I'm stuck in 1950's America with a band of well-dressed misfit college students. The group roams the dry, desolate earth during what seems to be the end of the world. We're staying at an abandoned gas station with a broken down car wash and an old barn/church building. Time lapse I'm with the young ladies of the church/barn at a youth meeting and I feel my stomach rumble. Because of this the older lady leading the group made me do what she called a pregnancy test in front of everyone. This involved taking a bottle of my urine and pouring it over a piece of sliced ham and adding chemicals. I remember thinking "I don't need to worry about hiding anything in front of them, this is a place I can be honest". Time lapse Of course, like any weird plot, I am pregnant but this youth leader in all of her "medical wisdom" says I'm too weak physically to have the child. The solution she came up with was to take it out and put in in my dad (who was somehow there) for the remainder of gestation and then cut it out of him. Time lapse So we try this procedure and my dad is pregnant with my (and heaven knows who's) child. Time lapse Somehow (I'm assuming something went wrong with the leader's terrible medical plan) I'm the one who's pregnant again. Time lapse Though I can't remember seeing the actual event, I'm crying because I lost the baby because my body was too weak to handle it. Time lapse I'm sitting on the curb of the gas station playing with the dry dirt under my feet and contemplate going into the barn and being with people or staying where I am alone with my emotions, hoping someone will reach out and be with me Alarm clock goes off and ends the dream

I dreamed i had white worms in

I dreamed i had white worms in my dark hair and i was pulling them out killing them and getting disgusted i bought a chemical shampoo to kill them and realized there were to many so i went to the doctor and they gave me 3 shots to get rid of the worm problem in my hair

I let a customer in the business

I let a customer in the business late when we were closing and she told everyone how great i was and then a young boy who was a former co-worker came up to me and gave me a red hibiscus flower and i kissed him on his lips and i felt chemistry with him and he told everyone.

I was in a homeless mans shack

I was in a homeless mans shack and I found some cell phones. I took the phones. The man came back so I played it off. I was thirsty so the man offered me some water in what looked to be a nasty jug. I drank and when I did it tasted like gas or chemicals. I spit the water out 3 times. Me and the man went to a store, where we bought drinks or food out of a machine. Then I woke up.