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Hello, The dream which i am about

Hello, The dream which i am about to explain, i have seen it couple of times for now. well, my family introduced me to a girl nearly couple of moths ago via phone and photos for the arrange marriage, so i havent seen her personally, she is quiet girl, from good family background and all and i like her and i love to marry her. and at one stage she also said that she dont mind to marry me but as we havent meet yet, we will take decision once we see each other personally, now whats happening is, she talks to me nicely but only when i talk to her, she is not putting effort from her side to call or message me regularly, she replies to my msgs and when i call her, we talk on the phone too but just as a friends but as i said, only when i do it from my side. now i saw this dream couple of times where she was lip kissing a boy whom i havent seen in my life, but the second dream was stange where she was kissing under the blanket with a hollywood celeb but before they start kissing, i saw a wings coming out of no where and got attached to her on her shoulders like an angel and then they start kissing under white blanket and then i entered in the room and i removed a blanket, and she sighed. and i was angry and upset about this and i grabbed her face in my hand with anger and then i woke up. i dont know whats going on, pls help me with this as i saw this kinda dream second time, is she is already with someone/?? is she dont like me??

On Friday I had a dream about

On Friday I had a dream about Homecoming. In this dream I was getting ready for Homecoming with my friends at a hotel in San Francisco. Instead of being at school, Dougherty’s Homecoming was being held in Los Angeles. After getting ready, my friends and I caught a cab to the airport so we could fly down to LA. Within 20 minutes of being in the air we began feeling some turbulence. The captain put on the fasten seatbelt sign and warned everyone to stay seated. All of a sudden the plane jolted and started falling down from the air and unknown speeds. Terrified, I held onto the armrests of my seat and prayed to God to make sure we do not die. All of a sudden there was a huge flash in the sky and the plane safely landed on some island. Surrounded by water and nothing but sand and palm trees, everyone began to panic. My friends and I sat on the beach in our Homecoming dresses waiting for someone to find help when all of a sudden we ended up on Hollywood Blvd.