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There was a hole in my mattress,

There was a hole in my mattress, as if it were manufactured. and i would piss in it so i did not have to go upstairs. there was a guy with mickey mouse ears, made out of flesh. he was doing surgery and had no mouth. there is also a recurring ski lodge.

I had a dream about i futhermore

I had a dream about i futhermore promise and swear that i will not cheat wrong or defraud a lodge of fellowcraft masons or a brother of this degree

I had a dream about and lodge

I had a dream about and lodge in the monuments, which eat swines flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels

I dreamt I was in a lodge

I dreamt I was in a lodge always upstairs, I was in labour and my old neighbour was in labour her kids and husband were there my parents and my husband but never saw his face, I gave birth then I was upstairs with my bother and his wife and my husbands brother and his wife who we don't get on with we're all together laughing and joking and taking mick out of me and my husband don't remember my husband being there then I am meant to be getting ready for my baby's christening but I'm looking in a wardrobe for a dressing gown

My ex-husband shows up at my house

My ex-husband shows up at my house and tells me he's staying until next week. I meet his new wife, and start to miss my ex-husband even more as the days go by, almost wanting him back. I start to notice that the new wife's itinerary for my ex-husband is longer than the one he gave me, and I find out he in fact doesn't leave until another week later. My boyfriend can tell there's something going on with me, but he just stays quiet. I fell asleep on a chair and a man tries to wake me up because brunch has started and a huge line has started to form. I tell them I'm French and to leave me alone. They won't stop bothering me, so eventually I got up and left. I then realized what day it was and that it was the last day I was going to see my ex-husband. I ran to my apartment, all while dodging and maneuvering my way around the ginormous brunch line of people waiting to eat. I couldn't find him, so I decided to wait outside for him to catch up with him and eat. Right as he came outside, I was about to run up to him, but he disappeared in the crowd with his wife. All of a sudden, these weird creature people were in town assassinating my ex-husband's army crew that was there. My ex-husband was the last one alive. He decided to play hero and try and kill them, and he got one of them. I was balling for him not to be a hero and just hide in the shadows until they go away, but he insisted that he wasn't going to do that. One of the assassins were coming up fast, and it was a woman in a red dress. I decided to hide in the restrooms, and I noticed some women employees were locking up both the top and bottom of each stall, making it easier for me to hide. My ex-husband came in to try and wait for the female assassin to come in so that he could kill her. She came in from behind them and walked slowly in between him and the two staff ladies without a word. All I could hear was the click of her heels as she passed by. The lady who was locking the door in front of me looked at me after the female assassin passed by and smiled reassuringly before she fell forward and dropped dead on the ground with an odd ceramic tea cup lodged in the back of her neck where her spine and neck connect. Just then, everyone else who was standing, including my ex-husband, fell down dead with different ways of how they died. My ex-husband had a huge slice across his forehead, and the other lady had some of her intestines pushed out of her back. Before I could make any other noise, or cry, I heard the female assassin walking back towards the bodies, to make sure they were dead. I slipped back into hiding, and pretended I was dead just in case she saw me. She also had a little minion this time following her. Right as she got close enough to see me, I could hear her walking towards me and I woke up.

I have had the exact same dream

I have had the exact same dream twice. My sister and me live in a lodge style home in wildereness. She has 3 black leopards she has raised that are pets. I have 4 Black and Tan German Shepherds that I have. One day we are out and the leopards and dogs are playing in the yard and I see a mountail lion running down a trail nearby heading toward us. I yell to my sister to get the leopards and I get the dogs and we head to the barn and lock the door. I woke up at the moment the mountain lion crashed through a window. I have had the exact dream twice.