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I dreamed that there was this war

I dreamed that there was this war happening and that I was much more involved than I am in the war now In class we would have drills pertaining to the war. It was really scary. So all the freshmen and sophomores went on this trip and Sue and I were left behind. So when the trip returned everyone sought to create everyone's worst nightmare. All these people were chasing me and trying to shoot me, which I guess is my worst nightmare. I ran into my house, which was like the Order of the Phoenix in Harry Potter. Mr. Bailey was there with a palette of nail polish, trying to communicate some code to me. But I couldn't figure it out. So then I escaped to a kind of vineyard where Sue's worst fear was being realized. Her worst fear was that everyone had found out some secret about her. So there were all these freshmen and sophomores tormenting her in the trees of the vineyard, saying things like, "We know, Sue..." and then I remember one of them saying "We know about Abbylius," (I just made that name up in my dream) and then I woke up.

I was staring at Noah whilst he

I was staring at Noah whilst he was eating Jelly which made him come over and gives it to me. Deb had a horse and she was taking kids from my school to see it. Then Noah took me in his car drove around and came back. He then went to Dominos for a shift then Mrs Sutton got mad at me because I was emailing Noah. I was eating fruits and she was talking with me as people were walking past.

Last night I had a dream where

Last night I had a dream where me and my friends were outside at highschool with lingen, but the high school wasn’t Lincoln, it was St. Bernards. Then we started to hear shots, so Mr. Lingen was trying to find a way out on school grounds. He found the CAP van but it was red and had like 10 seats. He was hoping the keys were in the van and I found them so we all hoped in but there weren't enough seats so kendal sat on my lap. We drove across the street but it was at Daniella's house and she doesn't live over there. We got there and sat around for a while then the shooter found out we were there so he started to try to come inside and when the door opened I woke up.

I had a dream about a school

I had a dream about a school shooting at LHS. It was very weird because I was like a ghost and no one could see me. I would follow the shooter around the school and try to warn and help people, but I was a ghost so they couldn’t hear me or see me. I remember Mr Stock, Mr Lingen, Mr Rogalla, Mrs Hurby, Mrs Weets, and Mr Hams were all in the dream. I never got to the point where the shooter actually killed someone, but he was just walking around the school and I kept following him and trying to help people be safe. I kept trying to help because no one knew there was a shooter in the school, we weren't even in a lockdown. I was a ghost and no one could hear me, but then I woke up and no one died.