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I had a dream that I had

I had a dream that I had to walk my baby and dog through a swamp. When I got to the other side of the marsh safely, I had ticks and feared having other parasites on me. My wife helped me check for parasites.

I had a dream that I had

I had a dream that I had to walk my baby and dog through a swamp. When I got to the other side of the swamp safely, I had ticks and feared having other parasites on me. My wife helped me check for parasites.

Today I dream of me getting married.

Today I dream of me getting married. I think he is a paying guest as a neighbour then my mom and he had some issues. Then it was solved. And he was introduced to me. I think I only said hi to him. The next thing I saw is him and my family digging onion from soil. He have a sister. Then the next thing I saw is us getting married. I saw most of my relatives. I think I'm still doing my degree at the time. The thing I didn't see his face not at all. The wedding ended in the church and I came to my home. A room was prepared for us. I saw his belongings in the bed. Since i am introvert I was not able to become friends with his sister easily. Then the next day near our home there is some kind of building and I saw him going through the gate I followed him. I think he's a dentist. He had a few customers. Then I saw him with my cousin elder brothers going somewhere.

I was with my dad, outside the

I was with my dad, outside the house, we talked about time..I asked him if Time walks? Or does it flow with us? Does it does from past to future? Or from future to past? He said from past to future, i asked him how do you know? He thought hard about the question and couldnt answer me

Saya bermimpi bersama orang yang saya sukai

Saya bermimpi bersama orang yang saya sukai dan melihatnya tanpa menggunakan jilbab seperti menjadi istriku (dia muslimah) dan saya melihatnya berambut pendek dan dilihat juga oleh keluarga ku yang lain