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Hi. My dream was really brief. I

Hi. My dream was really brief. I was at a resort with family. There was fire drill. Whilst waiting for my mom & aunt to come down, decided to take some pictures of the beautiful scenery. I heard splashing & roaring coming from the water but initially ignored it. Then I saw a large tiger calmly swimming around, & at one point even strolled along the beach. Next 'scene', I was just still on the sand along the shore with a cushion on my lap. Suddenly I hear yelling & look up to see a local guy running towards me, & closing in on him running like a mad man was my lover. I then noticed the tiger swimming parallel to my lover & yelled at him to stay away. Next thing I knew the tiger was lunging at me but just in the nick of time my lover grabbed the tiger, joined a few seconds later by the local guy. I then proceeded to help by grabbing the tiger by the scuff and we wrestled it to the ground. Dream ended there. Could you help me interpret pls? Thanks

A recurring dream about a close friend

A recurring dream about a close friend not in touch for many years. in the dream my life moves parallel along with him. at first it was about being in unknown places and i was trying hard to speak to him but he wouldnt say anything but still be around. off late its him trying to mend things between us.

I was riding a roller coaster in

I was riding a roller coaster in space and it derailed and sent me to a parallel world where I found a replica of my girl before she had met me, and I re-lived our entire life together until this point.

I was riding a roller coaster in

I was riding a roller coaster in space and it derailed and sent me to a parallel universe where I found a replica of my girlfriend before she had met me, and I re-lived our entire life together until this point.

It was like in 1920s America and

It was like in 1920s America and I was in a side street that was connecting to major streets. I was just standing there when all of a sudden gunfire erupts in on of the streets. At first people are like da fuq? Then it starts coming from everywhere. People start hiding and I see this one lady just standing there, so I grab her and run into an alley straight ahead that runs parallel between the two major streets being followed by the "mob". We climb a ladder up onto the roofs, which are pinkish red, and the "mob" quickly catches up with us. They shoot her on site because she was their target. Since there can't be any witnesses, they give me the choice to kill myself. I hold the gun to my head but can't do it, I feel the pain of what it would feel like and breakdown a little. I give the gun back to the guy who gave it to me and tell him to do me in but not let me see it coming. So I turn around and walk a few steps and face away from him. Then he shoots. I fall on the roof face down with my hands by the sides of my face.

It seems that having a dream takes

It seems that having a dream takes on a dienerfft and deeper aspect as we get older. Lyn, I can\'t say I have specific dreams either, but thanks for making me feel less bothered about it. As to having a parallel universe, Ray, I think that is a great idea. I\'m going to start working on dreams I can drift into and relax . whether of simple things like a gorgeous meal, practical things like a white beach and bright sunshine, or lots of campervanning holidays!

It seems that having a dream takes

It seems that having a dream takes on a dienerfft and deeper aspect as we get older. Lyn, I can't say I have specific dreams either, but thanks for making me feel less bothered about it. As to having a parallel universe, Ray, I think that is a great idea. I'm going to start working on dreams I can drift into and relax . whether of simple things like a gorgeous meal, practical things like a white beach and bright sunshine, or lots of campervanning holidays!

I was walking in a cemetary. There

I was walking in a cemetary. There was smoke or fog and a scary looking tree. I was walking parallel to a wolf as I followed it through the graveyard. All of a sudden the wolf come from nowhere and jumped at me, causing me to fall backward over something and wake up with a start.