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I had a dream about and i

I had a dream about and i gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent

Yesterday I had dream that I was

Yesterday I had dream that I was in collage..and my principal was introducing me to my new principal... In next scene I was in class room and CA classes were going on and I was repenting myself I could have joined before.. In next scene I and my hubby went to Bangalore and he told me to go to Udupi alone and till then he will roam here and there in Bangalore.. In next scene I was in Shimoga and my dad mom nd my sis was there..In next scene I was in class but it was a Kindergarden class and I was sitting in a small chair which I used to sit when I was Kid in the school...But now Iam at this age still sitting in that sir...Then I dont remember further...dream continued but its notclear in my mind so I dont remember..

Soñe que estaba en un citio era

Soñe que estaba en un citio era como una casa; y de repente veo al patio y habian urna(ataules) no se si era un entierro, se que me acorde de mi sobrino y mi hermano ambo son difuntos, y lugo aparesio la urna de ello o nose si eran ellos se que los hiban aenterrar estaba una señora con todos ello eran varias urnas, la señora lloraba, y yo recorde a los mios difuntos luego estaba ya enterrado y la tumbas no estaban identificada solo tenian una placa redonda pequeñay algunos la perdienro segun fuero seres muy pecadora.