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I am driving a white car. there

I am driving a white car. there is a cat and a dog in the car with me that I care for very much. i turn down a road but for some reason i could not take that road, i backed up and drivers back wheel is stuck in mud and spinning. I backed up a little more and now the car is in water and its sinking and filling up. i cannot open the door or window or moon roof. i know i cannot save the animals or myself.what seems to be the next seen I am crossing a bridge w my sister. my car can be seen from there, its still under water. a group of people jogging pass my sister and I a man i do not know asks me about the car.

I drove a truck To the store

I drove a truck To the store and waited on the passengers I didn't know to get back in the truck. I was on the way to my new job. Somehow, when the passengers got in the truck, I was now in the back seat and this guy I didn't know was driving. He was agitated that I was there. I told him I needed to go to work but then asked for him to just drop me off at my car right down the street and I will drive myself. He drove off the bridge into the very rough river waters. They were gone and I was still in the backseat trying to figure out how to get out as the truck was sinking and filling up with water. My alarm went off so I was not able to finish the dream.

I had a dream there was a

I had a dream there was a ship sinking we were in the middle of a storm I distinctively remember someone with a baby. Someone else puts down hundred dollar bills to any one who can prevent the boat from sinking in the end everyone gets saved and I see someone holding a baby.

I was on a train with my

I was on a train with my sister on the way to the beach. It made a stop and I told my sister we should get off the train but she said there's another stop that's closer to the beach so we stayed on. The train became a bus. When the bus was coming to the last stop it was going really close to the water and I was wondering when it was going to stop. But it didn't stop and it kept going in the water and it started riding the waves. We were all scared and didn't know what the bus driver was doing. Then the bus crashed into a wave and it started sinking. I tried swimming out but my shoes were dragging me down because they were too heavy so I took them off and swam to shore. My sister also swam to shore. Then I was talking to her and telling her that those were my favorite pairs of shoes and it's sad that I had to loose them. So I went to the shore and looked for my shoes and I found two other pairs of shoes and decided that I could just wear those on the way home. Then I realized that my sister was helping look for survivors so I went to help her. We saw a giant in the water and we all started to lift him out of the water. This giant was made by God to carry all of our souls so he was a very special person. I went to grab his head but someone already was holding it so he said to go hold his leg up so I did and we carried him to the shore.

I have been divorced for approx. 16

I have been divorced for approx. 16 years and is single at the moment. have 2 grown sons (34 and 35) who are married with children. They are great husbands and fathers. I dreamt I was asleep in my bed with my divorced husband and sons. My sons in the dream are grown up men just as they are now. The house we were in is the same house where I lived with my husband and the bed in the dream is the same bed we used when we were married. Presently the house is a two flat building.My ex is living on the top floor currently and the bottom floor houses a business being run and owned by my sons. Their father works with them also. Very successful business. We were all asleep when I sensed as though the bed was sinking and so I raised an alarm to wake my ex and my sons fearing they may sink. I saw a section of the bed had already began leaning as if sinking. However, I managed to get them all off the bed and soon after we all witnessed the entire bed go under and disappear. The water under the area where the bed stood appeared like a cesspool of filth and urine. Like a septic tank or sewage system. The bed disappeared into this filty, messy, stinky water. We had all jumped off in time. Soon after as I looked around the house in shock at what had just happened, I saw that the household articles, furnishings, pipes, etcetera badly damaged and in opinion I knew there had been an earthquake and so I proceeded to inform my ex and my kids that there had been an earthquake during the night.

I was sinking in ocean. Then all

I was sinking in ocean. Then all animals in ocean help me to surface. Then great white sharks give me a ride. I rode top of a giant shark and we went fast. I controlled all water animals. My eyesight improved. I saw fairies and became king Poseidon. I got a crown and a spear.

I dreamt I was on a Submarine

I dreamt I was on a Submarine at war and then it sank, while it was sinking I held my breath and thought of better times