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Dreamed about being in a beach resort

Dreamed about being in a beach resort for vacation, and I was witnessing a person jumping into the water to tame the orca but the orca whale pulled him into the water in a flash and did not return back to the shore. I was not alone witnessing it. There were lots of people with me left in terrified shock when it happened. It caused trauma in the dream that after the scene, in the later part of the dream, I was scared to plunge my feet into the water for fear of getting dragged and drowned by the orca whale.

Before the Gillian obsession came on….. One

Before the Gillian obsession came on….. One of my childhood idols had died and I saw her with a lot of my obsessions I recall them all in a room each holding envelopes with letters each offering what they had or have given me. The one who had just died had to give her envelope to someone before she could exit my life. There was some sort of block infront of her so I didn’t know who she passed it to…..turns out it was Gillian

I dreamed about chicken being upside down

I dreamed about chicken being upside down .. but it was part of a store of some sort.. and in my dream I said I'm not going in There it looks creepy...

I was a princess in a castle

I was a princess in a castle and I was sorta like sleeping beauty. There was a prophecy one of us would die, one of us was cursed with sleep and one of us was blessed with powers. I ran away because I had earlier been experiencing both powers and the curse. It didn’t make sense so I ran away to the south and almost got spotted so I ran away to the north. My friends there offered to help but in the place i was staying in i was kidnapped by a man who was handsome. He used a tranquilizer dart so I wouldn't run away and brought me to my kingdom where I fulfilled all of the prophecy. Instead of my sister dying it was my curse that died and I was blessed with powers to protect the kingdom I love.

I was in my house and then

I was in my house and then in the ocean near a foreign countries army was throwing bombs into my house. I knew they were attacking everyone in America not just our house. My parents and I were running around dogging bombs, one huge bomb came through my bathroom window. The bombs didn't destroy anything just like went off but didn't hurt my house.I felt very calm and was almost having fun. Then some sorta of mafia came into my house and arrested my dad for doing dirty business. But then my dad became friends with the mafia. And our house became a mafia house and we were apart of the mafia and it was so fun.

Okay cool. In this dream the team

Okay cool. In this dream the team I always participate with in hackathons was also there. So we were going on a hackathon I can say outside Johannesburg and stuff and you were driving a blue range rover. I was in the front seat helping you with basic stuff like when you needed me to do the GPS for you and stuff. It was fun because everyone was so excited. We arrived at the hotel late at night and everyone went to bed. The next thing the team was at home having some dinner and you said you want to sort some things out you'll fetch us wherever we are and then you left your other phone with me. While everyone was eating you called your phone and told me to reply to you on whatsapp which I kept on doing. So it happened that I entered into your girlfriend/baby Mama chats and I saw the messages stating that she has a problem with me and she was suspecting that we were having a relationship that is not work related and that you're always busy with me claiming it's work and she even called me a home wrecker

My friend and I, close in age,

My friend and I, close in age, I was 9, he was 9 or 10. We were playing on the concrete floor of the statue of liberty. The statue of liberty was in shallow water and started to shake. As it began to shake some of the pieces fell off of the statue of liberty, mostly from the crown. When the pieces fell from the statue, they hit the water and disappeared. We were unsure if the water was shallow or if we were actually walking on water, because when the pieces fell they just disappeared or sank, not sure which one. About 2 minutes after the shaking began my friend and I were concerned and went inside. When we went inside, we entered some sort of contraption and it led to some underground tunnels. This contraption was like a square room, with a white floor and gray pipes that ran down the middle. The walls were white cement and on every corner there was a symbol like a square target. My friend and I were looking around when we saw a futuristic man there. He had weird characteristics! He had purple skin and wore a red and blue armored suit, a red and blue biker helmet, and bright yellow glasses. He started chasing us so my friend and I left the contraption were back on the cement floor in the statue of liberty where we first began to play. When we got there , there were 3 people that were our age about 9, 10 or 11 there were five of us 2 girls 3 boys we all agreed to go back in and check it out again but as soon as we got into there we saw the man with some sort of ray gun the ray gun was mostly red but the bottom of the gun was blue and the shooting part of the gun was yellow. This ray gun shot yellow lasers we ran back to the exit just to find the statue of liberty in the middle of the ocean we realized the color of the statue was brown either rusted or it was like an old copper penny. we went back in the statue of liberty and the man started chasing me and attacking me when he finally caught me by my leg then my dream ended

I’m trying to walk in a big

I’m trying to walk in a big city but all the buildings are moving around and changing into all sorts of shapes so I can’t go anywhere. While this is happening, I can feel myself tossing and turning in my bad to try and escape the dream but I just can’t open my eyes. I keep tossing and turning but I’m going nowhere in my dream and I still can’t open my eyes and I start to cry. I can hear myself crying and can feel the tears streaming down my face but I still can’t get out of this dream. This goes on for quite a while until I finally get my eyes open and I sit up, still crying.