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My eyes are covered with something so

My eyes are covered with something so that I see nothing but vague white light. My hearing is muffled like something is stuck in the ears. People are talking to me and I turn my head to understand them, but I don't succeed and I start freaking out and getting scared. I can't see or hear anybody and I have to force myself awake.

Vague dreams. Old friends mix with new

Vague dreams. Old friends mix with new , often I end up having sex or watching nude women, sometimes known, sometimes unknown. Sometimes even sex with relatives.

Dreamt of school a vague friend and

Dreamt of school a vague friend and old boyfriend in my own country one was in hospital so I was told in the dream but I went to go home

I always dream of myself getting killed.

I always dream of myself getting killed. Most often drowning. Sometimes being chased. I also see my funeral ceremony. One of my dreams have been haunting me for along time. I was in on board, on a ship. I saw one old lady directing me to a door. I opened it and saw that there was no path ahead of me, just the vast ocean. I looked to my left and right, saw people falling down from the same ship. I fell down just like them and drowned in the water. It was evening time in my dream. I saw the dream at a night time. But I did not get startled or got up from my sleep. And when I woke up I had this vague broken parts of the dream and I dont even remember that lady's face!!

This dream took place at my house

This dream took place at my house that I was living at when I first started school here. I recognized the street and the houses around me. It was at night and my neighbor and I decided to throw a party at both our houses at the same time so we could have room for more people to come and we wouldn’t be as limited. There were people everywhere that were laughing and drinking and smoking cigarettes in the yards and having a great time. Some people I knew and some I had to ask who they were. Between my brother and friends and neighbor introducing people to me as more showed up I could not keep track of all of them. But as the night went on there was one individual at the party that no one knew who he was, and was keeping a pretty close distance to me for hours. I at first didn’t think anything of it because of the number of people in our yards and houses. As the night went on he kept getting closer and closer to me and was touching me as I would walk by him and grabbed me and even hugged me. Of course not knowing this individual I asked if he would leave me alone or I would have to ask him to leave. A while later I was walking back from my neighbor’s house back to mine and he was leaning up against a tree and ran up and grabbed me and I started screaming. With all the noise and music no one heard me or even looked my way. Luckily my older brother and our best friend saw a guy running away towards the cars with someone over his shoulder and ran after him to check it out. Before the guy got to his car they saw that it was me and grabbed the guy and took me from him and threw him into the side of his car. Of course my brother threatened him to leave or the cops would be called, so we thought after he got in the car and drove away, that I would be safe to return to the party. Well latter in the night people started to leave and the party started to die down. As I was taking a bag of trash to the dumpster I was grabbed again by a different guy that looked vaguely like the next door neighbor on the other side. But this time my brother and brother’s best friend saw the whole thing and were closer to me then the first time. My brother grabbed the second guy and as it turns out not far from where I we were the first guy was waiting; my brother and I’s friend went after him. I was left on the ground and as I was watching this fight I started scooting away closer to my house. Then all of a sudden my brother scoops me up into his arms and starts running towards the house and I looked back and saw the guys lying on the ground lifeless. As we got back to the house my brother set me down on a chair just inside the door and told me to stay there because he was going to go take care of them and didn’t want me to see what they were doing. As he walked out the door our friend came and sat down in the chair with me and pulled me into his lap and told me to go to sleep and everything was going be okay and he was never going to leave me.

It was like I was an animal,

It was like I was an animal, yet I didn't picture myself as something other than what I look like now. I don't know if that makes sense... It's like I was just perceived as an animal. Anyways, I was in this cage along with other animals and I was constantly thinking of ways to escape the cage. Like one of the other animals had this toy where it was like the front part of the house with a door and I was playing with it, opening and closing the door. And as I did that, I imagined a person opening a door and I was judging how much time it took for the door to close and if i would have enough time to escape through it. The people that were taking care of us weren't cruel, but the were persistent about keeping us inside the cages. I had a fear that if I were to escape this cage and get caught, that they would put me in a cage more secure that would be impossible for me to get out of. I had helped one of the other animals escape and a chase began for the people to catch it. I was thinking about my escape when I was woken up. This isn't the first time I've had a dream similar to this. I can vaguely recall other dreams I've had where I've been like an animal in a cage and only thinking about getting out of it. I do remember a dream where I did escape and woke up while on the run. I just find this all quite odd... Why do I keep dreaming about this scenario?

Je suis dans une maison. C’est celle

Je suis dans une maison. C’est celle de Marie-Pierre mais dans mon rêve, c’est la maison nous nous habitons avec maman et les autres. Nous sommes assis par terre devant le canapé avec Alois, peut être aussi Oriane qui n’est pas loin. Parc contre c’est le salon de Teverga. Je crois que nous ne sommes pas d’accord sur le film que nous désirons voir toute les deux avec Alois. Oriane ne prend pas partie il me semble (si elle est là) elle fait autre chose . Sensation d’énervement, de fatigue, de lourdeur lié à la paresse d’être resté longtemps à ne rien faire il me semble. Ce que reproche Pascal qui arrive, il est énervé, il faut mettre la table, faire à manger.. Je me lève, je ne suis pas fière de notre état de léthargie, je m’aperçois qu’il n’y a presque aucun meuble, le salon est grand, blanc, il me semble qu’il y a des bâches en plastiques transparent tendues sur le mur du fond, derrière le canapé de Teverga, (sur lequel je suis endormie dans la réalité) ce lieu me fais penser a chez tatie Mylene, un grand espace blanc peu meublé et pas décoré. Je me dirige dans la cuisine pour aider, faire quelque chose, en tournant dans un couloir (vide encore) d’un vert étrange, un peu écaillé, unvert Smaragdin,qui est lié à la maison de Marie-Pierre, en fait je pense que le vert de mon rêve est une version plus claire de la moquette en plastique qui recouvre le sol du salon de cette maison, et qui d’ailleur a été en parti abîmé par le feu d’une cheminé. (dans mon rêve, le revêtement du mur était aussi endommagé). J’arrive à la cuisine, (c’est la cuisine de Marie-Pierre) il me semble qu’il y a moins de meubles à mesure que j’avance dans mon rêve- dans la cuisine Pascal est énervé, je m’empresse de mettre la table, avec un sourire affable mais faible,(ici, je ressens un sentiment de honte vague quant à mon comportement, le même que je ressens quand Sylvie me reproche une chose et qu’elle a raison) je vais chercher les couverts (fourchette et couteau) au fond d’une armoire de basse qualité, avec des portes en verres, en fait qui est celle du salon de Teverga où l’on range les verres mais en plus vétuste. Dès que j’ai la tête dans l’armoire je sens une grimace me tordre le visage, je veux pleurer mais aucune larme ne vient. Première pensé : « tu ne vas pas pleurer, tu t’étais dit que tu ne pleurerait plus maintenant »

I had four brothers, one of which

I had four brothers, one of which I later realized had died, and 2 sisters, Kirstin was one, but it wasn't Kirstin and she was allergic to oranges. Our parents were somewhere, but none of us knew where. Us sisters were outside and all caged separately behind barbed wire fences, and it had rained a lot, somewhat flooded. Kirstin somehow escaped and let me out. In the distance was the house we grew up in, and I told her I was going there to get our dead brother's necklace and to find our parents. I didn't want to go alone, but she couldn't go because of her allergy. It skips how I get there and it jumps to me in the house, which was flooded and some walls missing completely,and there was no power I guess there was a storm. It's set up just like the house I grew up in, with the room upstairs to the right set up how it was when my eldest sister lived there, which was like nine years ago. In that room I found my mom and she was sitting in the corner in a rocking chair trying to get tv channels. The tv was on, but there was no other power in the house. We start walking through the flooded hallways, but the old house didn't have hallways, and my mom became possessed almost it seemed and then her face splits in two and her head falls off completely. Even after she died she kept talking to me and following me around, and none of that bothered me in the slightest..I finally found his necklace, which ended up being a bent fork. I also found my brothers and dad, but they're all vague to me. We all go outside and we're sitting together at a table trying to figure out who we are supposed to go into battle against and how we can defeat them.

It was a normal school day, except

It was a normal school day, except dark and gloomy. We had exams and assessments, the pressure was high, deadlines closer. A student was getting bullied having mean notes on her locker. Another student in my class was dating a teacher, he told me and I told my close friends. Suddenly the whole school new and he became a laughing stock. It was partly my fault that everyone found out and he started getting mean notes. He didn't really seem to be bothered by it but I started crying. I then raced with my friend to a classroom to look out for him. The classroom changed into a fence and we had to find something so we climbed over. I then saw a person who I knew from a long time ago with her family. I asked her to help me but warned her of an evil, cannibalistic woman in a house nearby, who was based on someone from a prior dream. The setting was sunny, on a beach with houses nearby, similar to the beach in my hometown. There where vaguely two other people with me, one may have been my friend. I warned them of the woman. We then saw a snake, I have a fear of snakes. We traced our way back to the fence, seeing more snakes and got out of the island.

I fell asleep at roughly 11:15 on

I fell asleep at roughly 11:15 on Monday, which was much later than usual. I am wondering if the odd dream I had was in any way attributed to the disruption of my sleeping patterns. Perhaps as I recall these dreams over time, I will be able to conjure up something resembling an answer. Every once in awhile, there will be something that makes me fall in love with the human mind all over again—dreams are one of those things. They are the pictures I wish I could see with my mind in a conscious state. First of all, I don’t remember the dream in its entirety, and the parts I do remember are fuzzy and difficult to recall in details great or small. Before going to bed, I remember feeling embarrassed because I had fudged the name of my favorite Dodos album. I like being right—not in the obnoxious way that makes me correct everyone all the time, but in the way that makes me feel silly when I make mistakes. Trudging forward, I had asked a friend, Kaveh, what his all-time favorite album was. I knew what it was the first time we were friends, but I wanted to see if time had changed his answer. In my days at Purdue, my favorite way to talk to someone new was to ask him or her about music. Naturally, one of our first conversations, and probably the only one that I remember so clearly, started with the same question on which our communication ended last night. Back then it was Beep Beep’s “Business Casual,” which, as it turns out, hasn’t changed. The funny thing about “all-time favorites,” is that I don’t think people understand that the “all-time” makes their response very important since this is, essentially, the end all be all of your favorite _____________. My mind is scattered, and so it is only appropriate that the writing of my thoughts follow suit. Back to my dream, though. As I mentioned, the details are quite difficult to recall. They enter into the visual part of my mind in little snippets, like in movies when there are flashbacks that are supposed to all of a sudden bring you to this great understanding. I have not reached this understanding yet. I remember the overall color of the dream was blue—it was almost like there was a blue neon sign outside the window of the room I called “bedroom.” I remember being aware that the apartment that I was in was one that I lived in previously, during my time at Purdue. The carpet was the same, I remember that much. The layout of the room, though, was entirely different. A much smaller version of where I once lived. My bed was near the window and it was raining. My blankets were like white, fluffy clouds. I like to think that it was the white pillowy down comforter I have always wanted. At least in my dreams I am comfortable. It was raining outside, which I enjoyed when I found upon coming back to reality that it actually was raining. In the dream it was raining big, full drops. The beads of water made a beautiful pattern on the window—I remember admiring them. I have always loved watching rain on windows. When I was little, I used to sit in the recliner by the window in our living room and pretend the drops of water were racing each other. I didn’t have many friends. That’s beside the point. I remember feeling like I was having a conversation with someone, but I was alone. The next sequence of events is most likely out of order. Maybe as I read over them upon completion I will notice what needs to be rearranged. I noticed that my phone lit up. This part, I think, was brought on by the fact that prior to actually falling asleep, I had texted someone and fell asleep before getting a response. In my dream, it was Kaveh (it was in the world of consciousness as well). It related vaguely to what we were talking about before I drifted off, but there was something unrelated to what we were discussing. I don’t remember what the extra part was, but I remember enjoying it. The details here are quite fuzzy, and at this point the dream skipped around a lot. Maybe I was drifting in and out of sleep; maybe my mind is telling me not to remember. I often times think that our rational minds are waging war with their emotional counterparts. At the dream’s conclusion, or really just the last part that I remember before waking up, it was still raining quite a bit—I think that it had picked up significantly. There was lightning, which made the room light up for fractions of a second. I couldn’t see very well because of the flashing light. I felt confused. There was someone in my bed, but I don’t know who it was. I gave them a hug before they ended up there—a friendly hug that makes me think it was someone I already knew. I can’t recall their face.