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I dreamed that I was tossing around

I dreamed that I was tossing around a baseball with my son when a pretty woman and daughter walked up to me asked about rock climbing with her small car. I told her the rocks are huge here and she immediately began to kiss me with her tongue down my throat so I kissed her back

I was climbing some open tread stairs

I was climbing some open tread stairs to a bridge. There were clothes hung on the treads and I picked them up as I helped a child to climb ahead of me. I got to the other side of the bridge and the stairs there were made of bamboo. It was shaky but I plucked up the courage and descended anyway because I believed that there was no other way to get down.

Climbing over boulders with dead grandmother following

Climbing over boulders with dead grandmother following me. Reach end of path to dead end with secret door. Scared of upsetting husband and moving into new place near lots of people and stores which makes me so happy as I hold my son. Marry go round, water slides and surrounded by people who love me