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I had a dream that it was

I had a dream that it was dark outside and i'm on a school bus on a country road surrounded by corn fields on all sides. there are two people on the bus but they only look like shadows so i never see their faces. the lights on the bus were flickering and i remember looking out one of the windows and there is a black moth on the outside of the window. i notice a woman outside the bus wearing a long black dress walking towards the bus, i feel scared but i'm not sure why, she gets closer to the bus but i still don't see her face. Then she starts running towards the bus, but i always wake up before she gets too close. this is a re-occuring dream.

I was driving down a dirt road

I was driving down a dirt road (late evening) and a big anaconda was hanging from the tree. I stop the car in amazement and fear. As I watch this big snake slither down and take of in the corn field. When I reach my destination I hear someone died but I don't know who. Then I woke up.

Standing in an above room of a

Standing in an above room of a two storey building. feels like my home but it is not. below on the property are five brown horses. Then I see a neighbour driving in an old blue car through the property to take short cut to his property. I feel that it is not right as he is disturbing the horses. I have spoken to him previously in this regard. At the bottom corner of the property where he goes into his property water is pouring out of a pipe. There is also an advertisement board which always lay over the stream of water to prevent it from spraying in the air but this has now been moved and the water is spraying in the air. I decide to confront the neighbour because of the short cut and walk to the same place where he goes to his property. we introduce ourselves but I can't remember his name. I tell him that I am now going to close the gate and he states that he then will be unable to gain access to his property. His property is at a corner and is fenced and I thin k by myself that that will be his problem as he needs to make his own gate. back at the building there now is six horses and it is as if there was merely a wait for the sixth horse to arrive. There is a person like a fatherly person who states that we should chase the horse to the stables where he got a place for them.

I keep having a recurring dream, it

I keep having a recurring dream, it was nightmare before but I've become so used to it..it's not scary..it's a house, but it's in the day. It doesn't start as a house,it starts almost like an amusement park entrance, you pay for ambition...you basically go along the front portion of the yard before you get to the house. it is set up as if you were gonna go to a haunted house but it is one. I learn more about the house as I go, always with a friend tho. But the dreams go from vivid to vague everytime I experience it. A girl died in that house not long ago..her stuff still in her room. The actual dream is very weird and off. The was a forest after the house, I thought it was big but it burnt down I guess..and it is now a normal backyard on the corner...near a carnival.

This dream is from when I was

This dream is from when I was 5 years old. I'm hanging upside down at my elementary school which had 4 rooms oriented like pillars on each corner of a square area for sitting maybe 200 by 200 feet. I am in the middle hanging upside in a area about 4 by 4 feet with metal railing in a square surrounded by Jason,Micheal myers,ghost face all of those horror characters not scared at all of them since I have NEVER even seen these characters or heard of them since I am only 5 years old so no way I should even dream of them. was also randomly eating crackers not sure if I just had them or was given them.

So ima start from the beginning. So

So ima start from the beginning. So i remember that me and a freind went to a teacher that ima have in a couple of days when school starts we went to her house and i dont know why she gave me a bmx bike that our school normally lets u borrow at the after school program and so me and my freind went back to school on them when school was over already so then we hung out for a wile and then i dont really remember but i think my brother called me because i live right in front of the school so i go on my bike and i dont know where my freind went so then we went to this guy who lives like 6 houses down but it wasnt the real guy as he is in real life so i dont know wat hes telling my brother all of a sudden he hands him like those skulls that doctors use to tell were the muscle and everything is it was the head part but it wasnt exactly human lookin it was like a devil face and he was showing my brother were his daughter or something like that had the ingery so then i remember my brother say ok ill show the doctor so he was helping him out but then out of nowhere a video of that devil skull came up and it was saying dont look at the video and dont read this because something would happen and so in my dream i was like okay wat ever u know but then i forgot to tell u guys before we went to the guy i set my bike down on the grown and as i was reading the video i heard someone like scrape it off the grown and like took it but we inteded to look idk y but when we were done talking to the guy we turn around and all of a sudden its like dark and i look at the ground and i can see the the pegs of the bike scrapped on the groung so then i run and see if i can see who took it and when i get to corner i look to my right and i can see the guy in a black jacket very far but ass im looking at him theirs a verry tall man holding a gun but in a position of holding an rpg so i remember telling my brother lets go inside hurry and he was like y and i said theres a tall man shooting at people and i look at my neighbor and i thought she was just looking at them shoot but when i see turns out they shot her in the stomach part and i live like in the back of a house so its like two house one in the front and one in the back and my front neighbor is also dead so me and my brother open the gate to enter the back and he said i saw a ginormous fat tall shadow so i let him go first i mean hes 18 im 13 so he goes and it looks like hes punching the wall hes just punching wherever in my eyes but he was punching the shadow and we went inside to our room and i was like call mom and tell her to not come home because she was working and i told him tell her to go to fillmore where my aunt liveso then it ended but for me it seems like ive had a dream where the people shooting shot my neighbors already and they were fighting outside it seemed like i had a dream exactly with thoes people i remembered them but i might of not had it but thats all thanks

I walked out back door on my

I walked out back door on my trailor off the portrch, it was dark,then i seen a set of reflecting eyes, i thought deer at first but it stayed so i yelled at it saying i knew it was there,then more and more sets of eyes popped up,they were on a small hillside 30 feet or so from the portch,then all at the same time they steped into the portchlight and it was dead realatives and friends,they started to come torwards me,i dont kno if they ment harm or friendly, i went back into my trailor/home and another dead elder i know, i woke up on the bed,i told him what was happening,as i turned the t.v. off he got out of bed and walked to the corner of the room and started to whisper to them something i couldnt make out,then i woke up

I had a dream where in the

I had a dream where in the beginning me and my mom were shopping at a store and she was looking at yarn and charms and we heard a man a few ales away shouting at a man and a woman. The mans shouting scared me but my mom seemed unaffected but alert in case of danger. after shopping we went to a hotel and we were on our way to the room we were going to stay in when we heard a man shouting again at someone. We stopped for a short time but we kept on moving to our room. When we got to the door to our room a skinny but fit man came out of his room and he looked like the man who was yelling in the store earlier. My mother opened the door and the man walked in between us and stopped in front of me. I tried to go around him and he kept blocking my way to the door. Then all of a sudden the man grabbed me and took me around the corner to a completely empty white room. I kept yelling and kept trying to make him let me go but he wouldn't let go. I yelled for my mom and thrashed and finally escaped his hold on me. I ran to the door of my hotel room and it was closed and my mother was no where in sight. I looked back and the man was right behind me so I kept running just to get away from him. I ran down several hallways and yelled for help but no one came to help me. when I looked back again he was bigger in more muscle but less agility. I ran from one wall and ran back knowing he couldn't keep up with my agility. The dream ends with me still running up and down the hallways away from the man.

So I went to my cousins who

So I went to my cousins who is not really my cousin house and he moved and now he lives in some kind of mansion apparently and my family came over to have dinner and it happened to be kind of dead so he proposed to me that I should come to a party with him but I had to eat first because drinking on an empty stomach is bad. So I had cornflakes and lucky charms with water and then some chicken -hella weird combination. Then he was like okay, let's go- but we didn't want our parents to find out and I also had no clothes and so I was like I need to go home I'll find a dress but instead he took me shopping and bought me this dress and these shoes.then we went to the party and it turned out to be his prom so it was awkward cause I was like I'm not going to get in and there is no drinks at prom except I think it migh have been yr13 and most people were 18 so maybe. Then all of a sudden I found myself in a maths classroom but I was drawing my eyebrows on because I forgot to - and then although it's a girls school this guy I met at the party was in my class because he is gay and prefers going to a girls school I don't know. Then my maths teacher walked in with a man on her arm and it turns out this was my new maths teacher After that I found myself at my nans house where I was trying to get ready for this party which was weird because none of my clothes were there and I was just rapunzeling out the window when my Old childhood friend walked by and was trying to get into the car. He then stopped and was like "gabbey is that you" And I was like - "yeah it's me." And then I told him I was attending a party and he was like I'm going to a restaurant and he got offended he wasn't invited but I told him I was either and so we continued to catch up and he pulled out a box and inside of was a ring and it was like blue white blue diamonds and a silver band and I don't remember where I've seen this goddamn ring - he then looked at me and said "this would make a really good proposal moment" and I was like "ok wtf is happening" and then he told me he was proposing to his actual girlfriend today but he wasn't sure about it anymore because of me and then I woke up