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Last night I've dreamed that I was

Last night I've dreamed that I was in my grandparents house (they are dead now. they were my father's parents). it was almost night in the dream. at the moment in that house nobody lives, but in my dream I had the feeling that there are so many people... like in my childhood when I used to visit.At some point in the dream, my dead grandmother showed up. she didn't speak or look at me. she was just passed by. she was inside the house. i was looking at her. I wasn't afraid, but I was so surprised to see her again so healthy and on her feet instead of very sick with one misseing leg like she was before death. she was walking slowly, very careful but with dignity. in my dream she was looking very well and I had a feeling of admiration. after, i dont remember what happened but I was in another part of the house, staying at the door, looking outside, with a fear feeling. in front of me were wood fences . to the left a man silhouette (I couldn't see who he was...maybe my father) and to the right an animal.. I thought it was a small bear, or a dog looking as a bear). they were separated by fences. each had a door with locker. In the dream I was afraid of that open locker... I could see the big lock, full of rust..open. in the dream I was thinking that we must close that locker but at the same time I didn't move. I dont remember the rest of the dream.. but I remember changing the plan. I was back in Uk, from Romania (my grandparents house) with my actual boyfriend... trying to manage some furniture in a very tiny space...our new home in my dream. I remember also a woman. I didn;t see her. I knew she was very young and somehow connected with my boyfriend. she was kind of a menthor to him. what all these could mean?

I am laying in bed in a

I am laying in bed in a tall skyscrapper in the city and as I look out my window there is a person on the roof who makes eye contact with me and then jumps to their death. I dont know the person jumping. In the next dream after we made eye contact I was suddenly at the bottom of the building in a bed and saw a body splat on the ground. my sister is always with me in bed and there were also 2 puppies

Last night I saw my deceased father

Last night I saw my deceased father in my dream. He was looking very very old and weaker than at the death time. What does this dream means?

I have had the same type of

I have had the same type of dream since I was young. It starts with me waking up, in a bed that's not mine but still familiar. A man, his face obstructed, sleeps next to me. He is warm, I feel safe near him. He wakes up and suddenly I remember why we must hide our love. It's always a different reason. But the danger remains. I try to convince him to leave, I tell him I'm not worth his death. He dismisses my fears. However soon, another man, this one dark and cold kills my love in front of me. He offers me a choice, love me or die. I would rather die than be with him. He always kills me in a horrible and painful fashion. My death always has different excuse; witch, traitor, whore. I wake up feeling my wounds.

I had a really long dream about

I had a really long dream about escaping from a lot of people who actually wants to kill or hurt me and my companions. In the dream, wherever I go, it seems like everyone has this bad motive and is the companion of the bad people. I've witness a lot of death in my dream, but I seem to escape somehow and then wherever I go, there are just bad things that happen. I escape through several transportation like boat, train, and car. In the dream, I also was trapped in the train, expecting that I can escape through it, but it turns out that it is a trap. Then there are a lot of bad people who are just randomly killing everyone on the train, and I actually felt like I was shot too but I'm still alive and managed to escape with some people. Also, there is a part of the dream, that I managed to escape through a car, but I was suspecting it is trap again like the driver could possibly be one of the bad guys too.

Last night I saw a group of

Last night I saw a group of dreams a group of people kidnapping me after that I saw my cousin sis death