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Im protecting a little girl from a

Im protecting a little girl from a bunch of zombies and im running down the road away from zombies as im carrying her. i put her on the roof of my house and i leave to get some medicine for her and when i come back shes dead...

I've never had a nightmare in my

I've never had a nightmare in my life. Not truly. I have complex dreams with detailed and intricate plots, often including demons and foes who would do harm. If not for me. I am socially interactive and whatnot, but dream me is emotionless. I am, in dream, the most effective version of myself. Strong enough to kill off the hordes of zombies. I hunt the wolves that seek me. I defeat the fastest warriors. Battles of words. Fights beyond fist. Every scenario I could not do. I use others, never directly hurt them, to obtain my objective, I myself would not do this. I am "better" in my dreams and I destroy my nightmares. But, is it possible he is the true nightmare? A shell of myself, void of emotions. Using solely the most effective methods. Doing what I could never do. What happens if I were to fight him. His will would make me believe I would win. Then again, it's his will. I am him, he is me. What is he? Who am I? Could it be I aspire to him and he aspires to me? Btw, I'm not crazy. No really. I'm dramatic but what are these dream. Who do I become?

My boyfriend was a psycho killer. He

My boyfriend was a psycho killer. He would go everywhere and kill everyone he sees, except me, because he is sweet and kind but only to me. He had security cameras set up everywhere so everyone including the police can see the baby in the water being eaten by the shark. Finally they were able to arrest him and a couple of his friends and they were brought to a mental institution and once you look at them in the window they would seem calm, drawing or walking around but drowsy like zombies. If you try to open the door, they will try to escape. I visited a couple times to say hi. He had his gang that wasn't in the intuition to find me, lock me up in a house with cameras all over, so they went to a dorm at school, pulling girls hair in each room trying to find me. I pretended to have an accent so they wouldn't recognize me, but still managed to find me. They put in a house like the one in the purge. It is a beautiful mansion, but I couldn't escape. He had security cameras set up all over to spy on me and for some weird reason I had magical powers in my dream (like being invisible) but only he and his gang wasn't affected by it. Every time I misbehaved and tried to escape I would just apologize to my boyfriend who told me, "there is no point in trying to escape. If you leave me, I will have no choice but to kill you." The only good part of it was he was easy to trick and manipulate. He bought a whole mall and managed to put it in the house and when I would get lonely would invite people outside to come in but they, like me, could never leave.

I dreamed that I visited a legoland

I dreamed that I visited a legoland theme park with members of a youth cult that I was traveling with. It must have been in California cause the weather was nice. They had a new zombie section where you could dress up in Legos and look like a zombie. I was really proud of the way I looked and kept trying to take a selfie with the Lego sign behind me, to use as my FB picture come Halloween, but the zombie parade kept coming by and I couldn't get a clear shot. I thought, "I wonder if all these kids who work at legoland go to school or is this a full time job." Then I realized that the reason I couldn't get a good selfie pic was because my phone was full of pics I had secretly taken the night before of the cult performing their cult antics around the campfire. But I really wanted that selfie. While I was busy deleting pics from my phone, all the other cult members moved on and I got separated from them. I missed the bus. I was walking back thru the Olde English Village section thinking now what do I do? I saw an office with somebody sitting in it. They were reading manually labeled "Military and Other Special Guests." I was afraid to ask their help because I was no military. But I was special. I still had on the zombie Legos and didn't know where to go or what to do. I felt lonely and tired.

I went to a garage sale with

I went to a garage sale with some friends in a van. We left the house out of different doors and became separated. I was lost and couldn't find my friends. Just when I saw our van I found my friend. He was being attacked by Zombies. I screamed then they turned toward me.