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Running to catch a baby falling from

Running to catch a baby falling from a very high wall. The baby was fine at first then we locked eyes and he wanted to come to me and was felling out of a small set on a high wall as I was running toward him thinking he would die if I don’t catch him with my arms out then I woke up. I dreamt this 2 time. The 1st the baby was ok and stated on the wall that was moving him up and down. What does this mean?

Dreamt my boyfriend kissed his ex girlfriend

Dreamt my boyfriend kissed his ex girlfriend and I slap her she was crying and he told her he loved us both then we all went into his car but while driving I saw a owl in the road and as he got close the owl dissappear then there was a black cat and it dissappear too what does this dream means

In my dream the nuns are tying

In my dream the nuns are tying me down and lubricating the toys as Father O'Malley sits there laughing in between hits off the meth pipe