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My dream had a lot to do

My dream had a lot to do with numbers and I remember the number 24, I also remember looking up in the sky and a light shining down, a cross came floating down and as soon it touched the wall where is was supposed to hang it broke into four pieces, the cross contained jesus on it.

I woke up in my childhood home.

I woke up in my childhood home. My mother told me something had gotten into the kitchen. It was a seal. She told me it was playful there was no need to worry. but then there were several wolves in the kitchen and I was afraid they would kill the seal. Someone said not to worry about a wolf. I think there were birds in the kitchen too. Then we turned around and there was a bear right outside the sliding glass door. We went into the other room and closed the door but people kept opening it and I was scared to see an animal killed or to be in danger from the bear or the wolves myself. I tried to call animal control but they said they were very busy that day. I looked out the window and saw that it was raining and it was also raining lobsters. I tried to call 911 but they wouldn't answer or my phone would type the wrong numbers even when I had typed 911.

My late mother came to visit me

My late mother came to visit me and she was wearing a white gown she told me that she will protect me and she will go fetch the numbers for me tommorow and she asked me where my child was and i told her she was sleeping next to me.she said she wanted me to send my brother and sister to college.

I asked my boyfriend if he has

I asked my boyfriend if he has gotten any phone numbers he said six then I asked him how many people he has slept with and gmhe showed six on his fingers. He lied and cheated

I asked my boyfriend if he has

I asked my boyfriend if he has gotten any phone numbers he said six then I asked him how many people he has slept with and gmhe showed six on his fingers

Strange man trying to rape me but

Strange man trying to rape me but i fight back and cry he had a tattoo with the numbers 46 on his left arm.my dad and i started to hit him