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A white cobra comes into my house

A white cobra comes into my house it dosent try to attack but I keep my distance I see it curled up by the wall as it bites the neck of abother white cobra I try to tell my boyfriend its in our house and him and his friends search for it but they cannot find it but I see it slither from spot to spot

I had a dream me and my

I had a dream me and my pregnant girlfriend were in a city and someone slit her throat and killed her infront of me

I dreamt of being chased by a

I dreamt of being chased by a man trying to kill me but I always managed to escape, until I gave up and handed myself over to him and he slit my throat.

Hi, I dreamt that I was a

Hi, I dreamt that I was a sister (human) to a fox called Queenie and a badger (no name). the badger had run away from home and me and the fox and our family were trying to find it to nring it home. the fox then disappeared. We go to each home in the area and turn up to a home of 2 spinster sisters and hear a crash. Before that I see 2 chickens walking and think if the badger and fox were here they would have killed those. We go to go to the back yard and despite the sisters trying to stop us we see that they have slit the badgers throat and the fox is trying to hide in a lake. they killed them to stop them killing their chickens. Weird or what! any suggestions of what this may mean? FYI I am 14 weeks pregnant. Thanks

My dream was I was walking and

My dream was I was walking and my dad said watch out for the snakes in the grass but the grass was short and I couldn't see any. So I kept walking then fell in and looked back to see Dad fighting a big snake while all these small snakes were slithering over me.

Garden snake and red striped ribbon snake,

Garden snake and red striped ribbon snake, slither onto the ceiling. I try to kill them with a kitchen knife, but can only find their back ends, their heads slither off and are still a threat. I find them behind a desk and get covered by three butterflies, two orange and one red, with big white spots.

A room and where ever I look

A room and where ever I look there are hidden snakes. Slithering. I kill a snake after I sever it's head from it's body.

A room and where ever I look

A room and where ever I look there are hidden snakes. Slithering. I kill a cobra after I sever it's head from it's body.