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I was sitting on small hill having

I was sitting on small hill having a peaceful picnic with friends when we realized the hill was surrounded by lions. Immediately I stood up and made myself large, as if to threaten the lions away. I roared like a lion believing the lions would retreat. Most of them did but one of them, a large lion came towards me roaring and bearing its teeth. I fought with the lion, my only weapon a ragged doll or a small soft object of some sort. The battle took awhile, making me exhausted but after I continued to spread my arms out, roaring and hitting the lion in the head it finally retreated. I fought with the lion and I won.

On a bus going home could not

On a bus going home could not find home came outside to see where I was a lady who work with bus came up to me and told me not to take home some stuff animal in I said to her u think I am going to steal these things. She said to me hiding your face a little I want to talk to you in couple minutes She came to me on the side off the bus then I realize it was a dead person who dead about three months ago she began to tell me you are going to end up like me I feel my right breast and there was a big big lump when I look back at net she began walking away I was happy to see her is I held your hand and ask her you ok but sheeply and shly she began to walk away faster and as I look at her her facial expression change from the way she look when she was well before her death to 4 different other look at one point your teeth like it was all in one rotting out of her mouth than her nose turn long and holie until all her face turn dark and holie and dry up then I did not see her then I went to the other side of the bus and this other women look likie her said come here let me tell you something she told me the same thing, but this time I got angry and recognize that this was a demon and I began to do warfare with my hands and say by the power invested in me by the Holy Spirit no weapon form aganst me shall prosper the blood of jesus is against you she began o tun dark and reverse backward like she was shame and I continue to say devil you are a lyer I will not die but will live to declare the works of the lord she put her hands in your face and back far far away I woke up rebuking demons

I was riding on a cargo freight

I was riding on a cargo freight train through a war-torn area, along with many others. The train was moving so slow that donkeys caring bags and suitcases could walk alongside us at matched speed. We were attacked by guerillas and those on the train with me began fighting back, shooting and pushing those attackers off that tried to jump on the train. I became overwhelmed and felt as if I didn't have the energy to keep fighting. Everything went into slow-motion, and I realized that our attackers are not carrying any weapons and are mere children (ages 10-20). In the trenches alongside the train, I see hundreds of corpses on top of corpses (as if these children were victims of a mass homicide and thrown by the train tracks). I started yelling for everyone to stop fighting these children, but they looked at me as if I were crazy, pushed me to the side, and kept battling. I jumped off the slow-moving train and saw a survivor in the trenches. Upon leaning down to help what appeared to be a severely wounded, malnourished boy of 10-13yrs, I reached to support his head and was startled at the touch of the pus and blood spilling wounds he had. As I was startled, I drew my hand back and his head fell off--only the skin had already grown over this wound, and now I had what was then a badly decomposed body in front of me. Convinced he was alive a moment before, I looked over at his head and was terrified to see that his eyes could still blink and look around--and that his mouth was still moving as if trying to moan. I tried to back up, stand up, anything to get away, but kept slipping on the other corpses. Then this boy's body attempted to stand up. I was terrified beyond belief and finally gained enough ground to stand and run. I looked back and saw his body standing, headless, and with very jerking movements, begin to walk...

Gangster chasing a person with all weapon

Gangster chasing a person with all weapon and trying to kill him but they lost him somewhere in a way . They started searching him . Then there was a big crowd near the ground. The crowd were watching dead body .

Dream 1 This dream was weird ,

Dream 1 This dream was weird , kind of like the hunger games just with a little less action. It was a compition at school we were all split into 12 groups. Basically all our friends and some others were in our group (except emily and marci) this compition was a singing compition and our mentor were Mr. Billiet and Mrs. Burch. The 1st day was were we were split into groups to hilight our voice someone would be the main singer and you would have two other people for your harmonies (they told us all the rules on the intercom and they said we would have our own personal stylist for other arenas and proformances also some people in our group were Daniel, Alexis, Dylan, Alec, Chelby, Bella, Arissa, Jlo, you and others) We are on locked down and all of this is televised to the public and you cannot leave unless get kicked out or escaped. We also had stages through the day where we had physical challenges they gave us trainers who were Coach Tucker and Coach Worms were you suited up in amour with a few group mates and grabbed a weapon and you fought off people to get goods from the other side and come back alive and if you died you were taken somewhere unknown. But the 1st day we didnt have a physical challenge we all went into seperate rooms for rehearsal you couldnt even listen to another’s proformance even if they were from your group. On the second day of hilight you ,me and Alec were in my group it was my hilight and you were my harmonies they handed us a song and we go to work of course safe and sound. The dream switched to different rooms Dylan was paired with Daniel and Dylan sang only human by jason maraz as coffee was his harmonies the list goes on and days went by and the only way to get food and water was through physical challenges.Me, you, Daniel, Dylan, Alec, and Alexis were always were a physical challenge group we mostly had the guys fight while me ,you ,and lexi run and grab in this challenge Megan Rocha was coming at you daggers in her hands but luckily i had a bow and arrows I grabbed one and shot her before i could think I stared at her body not believing I killed someone. My 1st kill. We all looked at each other in shock but we had to keep moving and get back to the quaddrent. We ran as fast as we could the guys were still fighting off brainwashed students that were trying to get to us many bodies lay around them as we get closer to them and only a couple of them were left we yell at them to run witch they drop everything and ran we pass the other students one snarled at me and jumped on my back with a knife in hand but before they could do anything they lay dead with a spear through their skull I look at Dylan and his weapon’s gone indicating he threw it we all keep running and make it back to the quaddrent with all the goods we could carry we lay them and every starving person runs toward us and digs in on the bread and berries we snatched and chugged the little water we had. We go to rehearsal again but today was duets, me and Dylan were paried and had to sing somebody that I use to know (note for phychall^: our group was the only group to not be brainwashed our mentors and trainers wouldnt allow it) you were paired with Bella and you sang if i aint got you by Alicia keys. Our team had the most people left others were dead or were kicked out from their performances , weeks went by and our group still had everyone in it but in a physical challenge Dylan and Alec got stabbed. Dylan in his side and Alec in his leg. We tried to stop the bleeding once we got back to our quaddrent. All the people who werent in another physical challenge or had to do in a proformance help in all they could some people got bandages from a good bag we got a few days back and wrapped up the two. A hologram appeared and the face of a gamemaker he started speaking and said two of us would go and get a bag from the center of something that would be of value to us. We both knew it was meds for the guys me and you looked at each other and knew we would go. We only had 30 minutes to get to center and get the hell out of there, only four groups were left and we had to face them. Before we left we hugged everyone just in case and headed out the quaddrent we made our way through the ‘arena’ trying to get to the center making good ground for what little time we had 12 minutes left and we could see the center in sight we ran as quick as we could we made it to the center and Emily was there grabbing a bag, we looked at her and she was clearly brainwashed her eyes had no light. We snuck in trying for her not to see us but we tripped over something and she turned around giving us a death stare she headed toward us and i shouted at her to stop which she did and looked at me with the most evil glare i told her in a clam voice “We need the bag for Dylan and Alec, they’re hurt.” She looked at us confused trying to remember past the brainwashery, she looked up as if she did remember and nodded toward me so i ran toward the bag grabbed it, and we ran as fast as our bodies could take us. 3 minutes left and we were almost to the quaddrent when I heard a noise i instantly stopped this was no ordinary challenge I thought to my self and I was right. I handed you the bag and drew a arrow looking in every direction out of no where giant lions were chasing us our eyes got huge and out of instinct we ran like hell the quaddrent was so close but the cats were catching up but we tricked them by going a different way but we knew a different entrance and slid into the quaddrent. Everyone turned toward us and sighed in relief we ran toward them and gave the meds that were in the bag and only time was the healer. The next day we had another proformance but Daniel took the place of Dylan and Alexis the place of me so I could help heal the two . One day on the intercom the said only two groups were left all of us and group 8 but only for were left from them either we had to kill them in a physical challenge or they would be kicked off if there was another proformance. We all suited up for a physical challenge this time we were all going in. The last thing my dream was my face ready to fight and i said “Let’s do this!” and we all cheered as we jogged out the door. This was one crazy dream!

I was in a public swimming pool,

I was in a public swimming pool, swimming alone, and there was other people there and then i dived under water and it was like a reef, with marine life and turtles and such, then i swam with them, breathing under water (i don't know how) and then i started to go blind (this has happened before, often) slowly i could see less and less then i could only see a strand at the bottom of my vision, the rest was black. then i got out and was in a dark place, still half blinded, and i had to fight off monsters. i didn't run, i fought them off with a weapon. i could only see their scaly feet and knees. in the end i couldn't fight them anymore, i just saw them get really close, just their feet and then i woke up.

I dream of having wings which I

I dream of having wings which I can hide from my surroundings if needed to and I seem to keep getting into fights with a massive group and end up with assassin equipment on, and winning the fight and loads of money. I end up being a hero of many and finding more friends and love and finding skills and weapons on my journey and end up giving my life (death) for others. I keep running into demons.

I dream of having wings which I

I dream of having wings which I can hide from my surroundings if needed to and I seem to keep getting into fights with a massive group and end up with assassin equipment on, and winning the fight and loads of money. I end up being a hero of many and finding more friends and love and finding skills and weapons on my journey and end up giving my life (death) for others.