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My sister and i were both had

My sister and i were both had our periods on us and she wanted to lay on top of me with her blood flowing through her panty. a bulldozer was going downhill to rescue something of mine. two children were left in the sun and the younger one was passed out on the side of the road then later their parents and family came looking for them and they were burnt from the sun.

I do not remember any start of

I do not remember any start of the dream in particular. Only that I was laying across vertically on this larger than life Silver Bullet that felt like I was laying across a large penis at the same time. I do not remember how I was dressed other than either I was in my panties or shorts and some kind of light shirt. My legs were bare as my legs caressed this long large silver bullet. My arms and my hands and my fingers were also feeling this large silver bullet. Feeling each sense of feeling in vivid detail. Sensing the sight of the luminous shine that this large silver bullet had. Feeling the coolness and smoothness yet solid hardness that seemed to stimulate me with each movement. I could even sense the fragrant coolness that accompanied the stimulation. I could move across each end of this long hard silver bullet penis with ease and sensitivity to the utmost joy. The tip of this silver bullet was long sharp finely crafted to a fine tip that was smooth yet firmly hard feeling each movement in long long timeless strokes. Time did seem to be irrelevant. I seemed to wake up from this dream as I was actually feeling Wayne’s penis at the same time in waking time. I woke up needless to say very erotic and very sensitive. I see no connection at this time to my waking life. I am attracted to the shiny and comfort of pleasure and freedom I felt. Moving freely and with ease. I felt attracted to the comfort level at the deep senses of everything I was feeling with such intensity. I felt emense joy, freedom. No self doubts no hinderances. Just unconditional feeling of eroticism, joy and sensitivity in everything in and around me.

In the office with old style before

In the office with old style before renovation, Steve said stores data isn't working & I was trying to issue the serviceable tag. ARC hasn't completed and needed to be done by a girl. She had conflict with some street people so I went to check them by jumping up the really high fence holding the girl. Leo's whole family was in the house & Mike was in the other room. I was telling him off that by bullying this girl making it delay issuing ARC somehow got to do with unknown street boys or MSRs. I realised lost shoes but couldn't find it. The girl was taking shower so I got outside the house. Train pass next to the house. I was tie the party color tape purple on left foot then ready to jump down the house. The lady flying up to me & gave me a lift to building in Japan. My sister was running to the lift after one of singer. Her husband was sitting on the bench waiting for her. The lift was for authorized only then she came back & said she couldn't make it.