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I had this weird dream with my

I had this weird dream with my boyfriend . Okay so at first we were walking on this Long sidewalk & then his body turned into a snake & then he changed back to a human & we were on this bouncy house the bouncy house was like 300,000 feet in the air & not even inventible so anyway there was this big storm With a hurricane & tornado & the whole school was there , I don't remember the rest , but it was so dramatic but I think it was the end of the world okay so we both told each other that we loved each other & then we kissed held hands and jumped off & im pretty sure we died

I had this weird ass dream with

I had this weird ass dream with my boyfriend . Okay so at first we were walking on this Long sidewalk & then his body turned into a snake & then he changed back to a human & we were on this bouncy house the bouncy house was like 300,000 feet in the air & not even inventible so anyway there was this big storm With a hurricane & tornado & the whole school was there , I don't remember the rest , but it was so dramatic but I think it was the end of the world okay so we both told each other that we loved each other & then we kissed held hands and jumped off & im pretty sure we died

In my dream from what i remember

In my dream from what i remember i was in a house with a girl, we weren't suppose to be in this house at this time and we were climbing up ladders to get to higher levels of the house, we eventually got to what im guessing was the attic or top floor where this thermal camera caught my attention, it was just lying in an open case. i picked it up tested it out and put it in my back and went to leave, i don't exactly remember leaving the house but i had a text message off an old friend i don't really speak to anymore saying something like " in not going to slate you but did you steal this thing from me" so in the dream he knew it was me, the dream changed after that and i was in a house with everyone i see on the regular, it just seemed we were on holiday or something and the guy accusing me of stealing in the dream was there too but made no contact with me as every time i saw him he was ether leaving or walking into a room

I wanted to act or something. Model

I wanted to act or something. Model like white girl got in way moved me down to bottom. I went to tell on her. On my way back i get called. Its Jesse, Mr. Moore and some others. "Chauday how did it go...ooo..did she say when practice was?" I say "idk maybe 2 times out of 10 days" mr moore laughs "she we make her just for saying that" (push?) "U should always practice. Here" he hands me a flute. I try to play it but its clogged and something is sticking out. Edward appears. "What's this" i say "what do u think it is" he pulls it out to reveal a long pipe cleaner. I began to unclog all the gunc out of it and tried to play the first song i ever performed. Edward taking his time to show me. The background changes to a forest. And Edward to two new asain teachers. Im sitting in the same chair stuggling with the notes and slowly lifting my leg as if trying to march. I ask "how am i suppose to march like thi-" but before she answered i turned my leg into a perfect 90. The second teacher smiled at me and said very good then told me to stand up and march as i played as the first teacher continued to instruct my playing. I kept moving and playing until the background changed again "Chauday come on come on its suavemente" i look around realizing i was in a room now the flute was gone and two ppl were facing front at the screeb as it played suavemente. I took off my shoes and socks and began to follow the screen. After the dance i left the room to walk into another. Everyone is working around this table. This is when i noticed the window. The first deer burst threw the window and grabbed the ladies hair in his mouth. "Help me" she spoke. Ppl came to her rescue only for a fat half naked mad to come in to try and strangle her. Again ppl came to her need 'let her go' they said until he did. The man vanishes and everyone continues to work like nothing happened. I see the deer lurking in the window again. As if on repeat the lady walks by and the deer attacks again. "Help me" she says. Ppl come help only for the man to follow again "help me". 'Let her go' theyd say. And he would. And leave. They return working. "Chauday can u go untie the string in there please" someone instructs me. I walk inside the closet. Reached for the scissors and cut something. "Its in the back tied up..." Listening to the new instructions i know ive cut the wrong thing. I walk further down cut the right thing and head back "what happened to the power" i hear them say i return to the room but everyone is exactly where i left them. Stuck yet busily working. Only difference is now the room is lit by the now broken open window. The tree stands just outside of it like u could almost walk out unto it like a ledge. I see the deer, majestic and beautiful standing in the tree lurking. I see the lady walking by. Ik what was going to happen....

Well, it wasn't much of a dream

Well, it wasn't much of a dream as it was...something dream related. I can't remember my dream but I was sleeping in a cottage in Lakefield for summer vacation, I woke up the next day and the first words that I heard echoing in my head were, Demon Lord Ghirahim. I never really thought much about him nor did I care much about him, like at all. But an unknown curiously came over me which soon progressed to love, even thought he was a fictional character, I loved him no matter what others told me. I've changed and progressed more like his character both physically and mentally :Narcissistic and psychotic. My life has been strange ever since. I've had dreams were he's swept me off my feet, kidnapped me and taken me to his castle, despite his evil persona. Other times it's been a case of Paralysis dreaming. I've also been having dreams about that cabin where I first found myself loving him. I figure I might have had a dream that night that could have inspired this influence, that I cherish ever day. There is A LOT to this but these are the basics, sorry for this monologue, but I really want to know about my superstitious relationship...

Befor I fell asleep i was cuddling

Befor I fell asleep i was cuddling with my new bf after we I just had sex for the first time. I was at the park with my kids and this girl named saying was talking about my ex fling who I haven't seen in a month. I told her that I knew him. I was just seeing him for a few months. She kept talking about how big his penis was and how much she likes him. I laughed at her and told her good luck. He will be around until you get feelings for him and then he will run. I told her that's what he did to me. He spent a wonderful weekend with me and the next day sent me a message saying that he is that way because he's so scared of getting his heart broken so as soon as he gets strong feelings for someone he blocks them and changes his number. But I told her how he still asks people about me. Roy showed up then and started freaking out because I told her about us and then I woke up and was still in my new bfs arma

I was in my boyfriend car when

I was in my boyfriend car when i saw a doll and pick it up. It look very cute at first and then suddenly her smile changes. I was shocked for abit but then I continue looking at the doll just to be sure it is alive or not. So it is. So I ask my boyfriend to stop at any public toilet whwreby I threw the doll. Then my dream move to a new scene which is my possible new house. It was a beautiful house, as my mom does the cleaning, I saw the doll again right from thr cctv from my house. I got freaked out. I told my mom it was the scary doll haunt us in our new house. As I investigate the story behind the doll haunt. The doll tries to make the paper cutter to kill me when my sister tries to save me from being pulled to the possessed paper cutter by tying me up. Then I wake up.

I drive a city bus. My dream

I drive a city bus. My dream is that I am driving a bus and I am lost. I had several dreams like that . But now they have gone through a change. I am still lost, but now I'm on foot and asking people for direction. But I never understand their direction. I as them to show me, but they don't seem to have time. No, I don't remember who these people are.