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Boyfriend was helping me build a house

Boyfriend was helping me build a house out of a foundation. There were antique headboards that i set up for beds but they were twin sized. had to use a ladder to get upstairs. sneaking to foundation when trying to find insane asylum. crack in the wall. grandma antiques.

Boyfriend was helping me build a house

Boyfriend was helping me build a house out of a foundation. There were antique headboards that i set up for beds but they were twin sized. had to use a ladder to get upstairs. sneaking to foundation when trying to find insane asylum. crack in the wall. grandma's antiques.

Boyfriend was helping me build a house

Boyfriend was helping me build a house out of a foundation. There were antique headboards that i set up for beds but they were twin sized. had to use a ladder to get upstairs. sneaking to foundation when trying to find insane asylum. crack in the wall.

I was at my childhood home (as

I was at my childhood home (as I am now at my current age) and my bedroom door was bricked up. I put a ladder to the window and smashed it to get in. The room was full not of my bedroom things but all sorts of random belongings and furniture from my childhood and ornaments my mum had etc. The things in the room had been damaged, smashed, tipped over.