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Hey, my name is George Newman! I`m

Hey, my name is George Newman! I`m a professional writer and I`m going to change your lifes onсe and for all Most of my works were sold throughout Canada, USA, Old England and even India. Also I`m working with services that help people to save their time. People ask me "Sir, George Newman, I need your professional help" and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can save their time! Academic Writer - Newman - TeachaBouttheBible Corps

Hi, my name is James Porter! I`m

Hi, my name is James Porter! I`m an academic writer and I`m going to change your lifes onсe and for all Most of my books were sold throughout Canada, USA, Old England and even Australia. Also I`m working with services that help people to save their nerves. People ask me "Hey, Porter, I need your professional help" and I always accept the request, `cause I know, that only I can save their time! Professional Academic Writer - Porter - SoieBiologique Confederation

I had a dream that I was

I had a dream that I was laying on the couch watching christmas movies, which i love more than anything. And than out of nowhere I saw a huge spider in the corner of the ceiling, on the opposite side of the room from me. I tried to get up and leave the room but I was stuck to the coach and couldn't move. The spider started to move across the room toward me and I still was stuck to the bed and unable to run away. Then the spider kept getting bigger and it landed on me and I was screaming and then I woke up.

I'm in Antalya, my hometown. Suddenly I

I'm in Antalya, my hometown. Suddenly I see Barack Obama, and he starts to chat with me. He says he bought large land by the seaside an he will settle there in a few years as a retirement place. I see the land full of forest by the wavy sea. He says due to law, the land is registered on the name of a policeman and he asks for money. I advise him to pay the policeman regularly, on a quarterly basis, even monthly.

Last night, I had a dream and

Last night, I had a dream and I was with two other persons and we were at a place like an office environment not a place I am familiar with. Then a man called prof. came and led us to another place. Then he took us into a lift and we stood with our head fixed to a compartment of the lift that we did not see each other but when the lift took off we were riding in the open across a very big ocean in extremely fast speed with our heads turned upside down but when we approach the destination our heads were turned upright and we landed on our feet at the shore. we landed like from a parashot and prof. who led us walked away and in search for him I met a woman who said I should wait for a room to be free for her to prepare for me to settle but I could not locate the other persons I came with nor prof. although I saw a lot of people at the place either standing and smiling at me or chatting on their phones and I was there to work for three weeks so I ask the lady whether there wasn’t alternative transport except for only that lift to connect the two places and she said yes.

Last night, I had a dream and

Last night, I had a dream and I was with two other persons and we were at a place like an office environment not a place I am familiar with. Then a man came to lead us to another place and they called him Prof. Then he took us into this lift and we stood with our head is something fixed a compartment of the lift as part of the lift design took the lift took off and our head turned downward with so much speed and but when we approach the destination our head were up again and our feet back and were pass through an a very big ocean. When we were arriving, we drop like landing from a parashot and prof. walked away and in search for him I met a woman who said I should wait for a room to be free for her to prepare for me to settle but I could not locate the other persons I came with nor prof. although I saw a lot of people at the place either waiting or chatting on their phones and I was there to work for three weeks so I ask the lady whether there wasn’t alternative transport except for only that lift connecting the two places and she said yes. I took over an organisation where some of the staff do not comply to rule and regulation and always undermining authority. I also have pressure to secure a partnership for my work and the institution i have contacted is very slow in concluding the deal