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Dream 1: I was outside and it

Dream 1: I was outside and it was dark, but I could see, and there was a buffet in front of me. I had a Styrofoam takeout box and I was filling it up with piles of meat. Then I remember getting cooked pumpkin that looked like wedges and they were on sticks. No matter how much food I put in the takeout box it never broke or fell. The dream eventually faded. Dream 2: I was waiting with some people to go somewhere, not sure where, and we were waiting outside a white van. When it was apparently time to leave, I got in the front seat and I was supposed to sit on a metal plate looking platform, but there was grease and oil coming from somewhere and no matter how much I wiped it away it always came back in the spot. I eventually sat in the spot and the dream ended. Dream 3: The only thing I recall from this particular dream was being in a white jeep without the cover and driving over lava and laughing, trying to take someone I knew home. The person was not identified. Dream 4: This dream took place in the back right corner and second story of a house that had a wraparound hallway from the right wall to the back wall, ending with a door. There were two windows, one on the back wall and one on the right wall. I was standing in the hallway and I look outside on the ground outside of the right window and I see an old flip phone, and for some reason I thought, “Hmm, that’s a good phone,” even though it was not. Then I traveled to the back wall window and looked out and there was a huge pool in the back yard that was maybe twice the size of an Olympic pool. There was a dull forest behind the pool that had dull leafless trees. The next thing I know, I look to the back left of the pool, and there is a blonde girl running and screaming towards me and there is a man chasing her. She runs down the left side of the pool and around the front to the right wall window, and I leaned out of the second story of the house and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her inside. The dream fades into reality as I awaken. Dream 5: This dream took place in a surgical room. It was dim and I was lying on the surgery table. My stepmom comes in the room and hands me a frozen red drink. I lay back down on the table and then they told me that my ear had bled. I sat up and and checked the table; there was blood on the table. I then sat up and asked my dad if he was leaving. He replied with a yes; the dream ends. Dream 6: In this dream I was riding out on the back of a bike. It was a crotch rocket to be more specific; not a motorcycle. I then picked up my brother and I turn and see a man pointing a gun at a line of cars. He takes the two bikes from the side of the road and takes them to the parking lot and sees a manager at my work and a guy smoking. Dream 7: At home I have a friend whose mom owns a bunch of property, and so in this dream there was a particular building called the Majestic House that we always went to. In this dream, we were all standing around on the inside of the Majestic House. It did not look like the regular Majestic House; there was more glass than usual. I remember looking outside and seeing my Durango parked on the side of the Majestic house. Next thing we knew we were outside and standing by my car. There were a couple of black people walking and talking down the road and we kind of shrugged them off and did not pay them any attention. We went back inside the Majestic House and talked with my friend’s mom for a little while, until I looked out and saw that every window on my vehicle was smashed. I was distraught. Thinking it could not get worse, I left it alone. Then I realized that my Zune, my music player, was probably gone. Turns out, it was, after I checked through the broken windows of my car. I gave up and went back inside and walked to the back of the Majestic House, except in this particular alternate Majestic House, the kitchen was right after the common room, and then there was the front room, as if it was a house. I walked through the kitchen, past my friend’s mom and my friend, and went to the front room to play some Black Ops. Miraculously that was what was in the console. Eventually I suppose I got bored and I walked back through the room I was in to the kitchen where everyone was. I had just passed the threshold when I looked to the left and saw two men dressed in black pointing guns at me through the window. I quickly backed up and stood for a moment. Then I walked through the doorway again, but I was not being shot at. I kept walking and as I approached the windows to view my Durango, I saw something completely impossible. My Durango was upside down, all the windows smashed in. Then my dream fades and I end up in the woods by a road. It was me and a few friends that I did not recognize in the dark by some random road in the woods; we had lawn chairs. When I realized that there were many cars coming by, we all went into the log cabin. I did not realize how big the cabin really was. The girls went into my friend’s room and we all sat and talked. I escaped and I ended up in the top of the log cabin, looking out of the top. The top of the log cabin was pure glass, and you could see the tops of trees. In the backyard there was a huge lake that reflected the grandeur of the cabin. Then the dream fades as the sun comes up over the horizon of the dream.

My 20 year old son was backing

My 20 year old son was backing up an SUV vehicle towards my parked vehicle (the parked vehicle was my vehicle I actually own). My son does not have a driver’s license in real life and I did not recognize the SUV he was driving. My boyfriend was standing beside me. My 5 year old daughter was standing at the back of my vehicle talking with my bf and I. She could not see my son backing up towards her. However, I saw the vehicle come towards her and although I was thinking I should rescue her for some reason I was frozen and time went slowly as her body was squished flat between the two vehicles. My daughter died. I was crying and upset but appeared as though no one but me cared. I was afraid to look at her squished body and somehow my boyfriend told me not to worry that it was ok. I remember being angry at him for not carrying and I was crying (enough that it did wake me from my sleep). Then I remember that although she clearly was squished and died in my dream and I knew that she died I was carrying her, she was able to talk and she was not squished like I saw. What she had instead was large cracks and a bump on her head over her right eye but some how I still knew she was dead. I was calling out and crying and frustrated that I wasn’t getting help. I think my 10 year old son and my boyfriend’s 11 year old daughter were in the background but they did not appear to really be paying attention. It was as though they were busy doing something (I do not know what). I do not remember anything more....but then my dream moved into an old townhouse. A kind of boyfriend of mine from grade 9 was sitting on a couch in this town house. There were others in the house but I did not know them or see them, I just knew they were there. He was dirty. He did not have a job and asked me why I didn't remember that from the last time we talked. Then I remembered he had an injured foot (which actually I seem to recall from an actual dream I had before). He showed me his foot and it appeared more healed but not completely healed from the last time I saw him. For some reason we were waiting for a high school friend of mine to come over to this town house. Some how I remember I was standing looking down from the top second floor to the doorway entrance of this townhouse to keep checking if she had arrived. It was almost as though I was peeking. I do not know why these two people where associated in my dream as they did not know each other and are from different periods of my life. For some reason I was worried she would be mad because there was a house full of people. I do not think we were in high school but that it was present day. I do not remember any more.

I have this reoccurring dream that happens

I have this reoccurring dream that happens quite often since I was in grade school, It takes place in my mom’s home is McNary, Arizona. I wake up within my dream in my bed at my mom’s house, everything is dark but looking out the window the sky is orange (this is usually the color of the sky after it snows at night). I walk down the hall feeling very uneasy, I can see that no one is home. I go to the closet grab a jacket and step outside. My dogs are gone and my friend is standing at the end of the pathway outside our gate, saying, “Shannon we have to go, they are coming.” I don’t say anything. I just run off the porch and get to the end of the pathway and she is gone. I start heading down her house. The place is heavily filled with pine trees and snow, with red splatters here and there. I can feel the fatigue in my lungs from breathing the cold air so I stop. But I here the crunching of the snow beneath someone’s feet, at this point I feel so much fear my heart is racing. But my instinct is to turn around when I do there is a hooded person with its eyes glowing red. I’m frozen I can’t move, I can feel my heartbeat in my head forcing the blood back to my face. I turn to run, but there is another red-eye person there. It slams me to the ground and sits on top of me pinning me, and the other person pinning my arms above my head. It pulls out a gun, cocks it and I beg squirming around and crying. “Sit still” the voice of a male softy says. I relax knowing my fate; he kisses my forehead and then my lips. Placing his hand on my chest and placed the gun between his fingers and pulls the trigger 3 times. I can feel the pain, I yell in my head “Wake up! Wake up!” and I do. My heart is pounding hard and I’m sweating.

I dreamt that I broke into an

I dreamt that I broke into an old friends house and took frozen chicken breast out of the freezer and cooked them there and then got caught. But, in the same dream, I did the exact same thing the next day.

I am laying on my back asleep

I am laying on my back asleep n I become paralyzed and cannot move. I see alien faces around me but my limbs are frozen.