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First one I saw in my dream

First one I saw in my dream in the morning was somewhere a strange place where different races and colours of people are surrounded. Not racism but it was and the place was very beautiful.I saw a handsome Caucasian tall guy in front of me working in front of his house. He was tall at 6.3. Blue eyes and light brown hair .His house is far from my house able to see him from windows.He was handsome and it was in countryside and may be in Abroad.Then he was clean shaved ,was wearing a jeans pant which was nice,shoes was converse,check full shirt and half jacket.Hair was short.So attractive.I was at my home looking at him through window was wearing tank tops and shorts and sandals then went outside checking out on him he did not notice try to talk to him but he was working and busy.I noticed other girls try to talk to him checking out on him.But he just do not give damn and then he was looking at my house window then saw me in front of him and after finishing work we took a long walk talked exchange number and had a large conversation and we told goodbye to each other and see you around he said.Maybe it was in America not sure.

I was at school and then I

I was at school and then I overheard my crush telling the principal who his crush was. Then the principal came up to me and asked who my crush was and I saw that over his shoulder, my crush was looking at me while smiling.

The dream started off. I was at

The dream started off. I was at my house, but it was bigger like way bigger I was doing something upstairs I needed to go downstairs to get some thing so I went downstairs to the downstairs bathroom. So I went and got it as we’re going to the bathroom. Ama is talking to my mum and I looked at her and she looked at me and smiled. I got what I was looking for and I was finished getting ready and then I came back upstairs because I was done but when I came downstairs, Ama was in the music room playing the piano, so I want to talk to my cousin and my siblings. She came shortly after and we were talking. Somehow I ended up in my garage and it was so clean and big so it was my cousin Ama , Simien, and Simiya they’re all just conversing and chilling waiting for everyone to get out and get the fuck on somehow that lead Ama to go on a walk and come back with an injured bird. I’m a boy holding the bird in her arms, and it looks like an heron or a duck. I told her to place it somewhere comfy and that will look at it when we come back so she does just that and now we are finally leaving but something makes us go back inside to my brothers bathroom. Ama follows me and we hear a really good be coming from my brothers room. I ignore it and walk to the other way, but she was trying to look into it so she starts towards my brothers room and I start to push her the other way so we can get in the car and she was like “oh no” and I was like “come on ignore it in the car” as she’s pushing against me she’s sliding because she has socks on and I’m laughing because I’m strong as fuck and she’s way taller than me now everyone is outside my cousin sister, Nikengie is also out there talking to your friend with me and Amme walk out. She got from Nikengie up and proceed to the car for some reason Aunty Chelle and some woman from reality TV is there any sitting in the back I’m gonna get in the front passenger in my siblings make me sit in between the woman in my aunt I didn’t want to and I was like you always do this shit, and got in the bag and sat down my eyes started watering but I wasn’t sad. My aunt and the lady were like you don’t want to sit with us and I said no we started driving and then I woke up. I don’t know where my sister Sasha was or my dad.

My deceased father walks into a room

My deceased father walks into a room looking young, tries to tell me something but i can't hear, and i wake up before he can finish

Dear Sir , I would love to

Dear Sir , I would love to know what does this dream about. Last night in the dream I was in test room . I was the test attendance . There were two of my friends talking exams. One was happy and answering every questions while the other was straggling . I took the happy man paper , he score 100%. End of dream

In my dream I saw my late

In my dream I saw my late grandmother and my late Dad. In the dream my dad was sitting in at the house entrance, then all of a sudden my late grandmother appeared crying and walking around the house,then my mother, my siblings and became scared and ran inside the house then my late Dad walked towards my late grandmother and was telling her to walk away but refused and continued crying bitterly, walking around the house then I walked towards my late Dad and told him to follow us to the house too but he didn't say anything to me and that's when I woke up

Interpreting dreams Available 701 Satisfied customers Chat

Interpreting dreams Available 701 Satisfied customers Chat with a Dream Interpreter in minutes, 24/7 Talk to doctors, lawyers, vets, tech support & mechanics 12,000+ Experts from Appraisals to Zoology Pearl Wilson Pearl Wilson, Dream Interpreter's Assistant Welcome! How can I help with your dream interpretation question? You Hi. I dreamt I was in a kitchen and then this family (it felt like I knew them but also like I didn't) were leaving the house and I asked them to buy me a food I'll pay them back. When they came back the mother brought Burger King for me, she put the bag on the kitchen counter and said here's my food and that I don't need to give her money. I thanked her and she left. I don't remember if I ate the burger or not but I do remember opening it and seeing its contents, I also found another burger but didn't eat in case someone left it there for later. Fast forward I'm still in the kitchen but I'm with this dude I know in real life who I don't really like and I feel like he has feelings for me in real life and he always calls me his best friend. Anyways, I'm with him and his 2 friends in the kitchen. So his one friend is like do you like her, will you ask her out, etc probably thinking I can't hear them but I can. Then they left the kitchen and went outside to do something but I don't remember what, and I was left with the one friend. Once they left the kitchen I walked up to the other guy and we hugged in a boyfriend-girlfriend kind of way (I don't know this person in real life or in the dream but it felt like I knew him). Anyways he had his arms around my waist our bodies were touching and we were smiling, laughing and acting all lovey dovey like a cute happy couple; I won't lie real life me was actually happy, blushing and curious about the guy. We spke about how funny it was the other guys didn't know we were dating and how he thinks he has a chance with me, etc. Then we heard the other guys coming back and we quickly broke apart and then I woke up from my dream. I'm really curious about the meaning of my dream and why I'm so interested and curious about the guy I was getting cozy with and why my heart seems to beat faster as I think of him.

The first thing I remember from this

The first thing I remember from this dream is that the setting was just super bland. There was light, but I could not tell where it was coming from. Ash (the boy that I think is cute) and I were talking and I asked him to give me a piggyback ride, but before he gave me one I told him that I would be too heavy for him. He said no I wouldn't and told me to get on, so I did. We just walked around. I cannot remember where we were or anything, it was just blank. After walking around we ended up in a mansion house. I could hear Liz and Jamie Moore (we went to school with her in Salina) talking, but I never saw them. Ash was laying on the bed on his stomach watching tv and told me to come over and lay with him. So I laid directly on his back and I told him “I am crushing you aren't I?” So I started getting up and he grabbed my arm and pulled back on his back.

I was living in a house with

I was living in a house with a family. They had 3 sons. One day these boys got a toy gun for a present. Obviously as kids do , they started playing with it. One of the brothers pulled the trigger and it turned out that it wasn't a toy gun , but a real loaded gun. He shot his brother who died on the scene. Instead of throwing or selling the gun , the parents just hid it on the top of the wardrobe so the 2 sons wouldn't be able to reach it. But some time later one of the sons saw the gun sticking up from the top of the wardrobe and managed to get it down. He must've thought again that it was a toy because he started to play with it again. He pointed the trigger at himself and pulled. He too has died instantly. The parents and I were devastated because there used to be 3 boys but now there was only one. I remember then seeing the dad sitting on the couch crying and spinning the gun in his hands. I started screaming and telling him to put the gun down so that nothing bad happens. But he was too devastated to hear me. He accidentally pulled the trigger and shot the last son. The dream ended with me screaming over his dead body