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My dream was very weird. I was

My dream was very weird. I was dyslexic. So were Jessica and John. We went to Vancouver to this park with exotic animals. Whilst we were talking about all the different animals, Isabella, from Phineas and Ferb, appeared. She was going on and on about never seeing a unicorn before. We decided to go outside to see the other displays and that’s where we saw a unicorn spitting out rainbows and glitter. Isabella was so happy. She wanted to take a picture. That was when James and Nikole’s family appeared. We all took the picture together, but it was actually video recording it. James and Kirveen were repeatedly changing their pose while everyone else was frozen, smiling and staring at the camera. It was kind of creepy actually. James then showed us a video from last year where we did the exact same thing in the exact same place! It was hilarious! After a while Skye got bored and wandered off. We were close to a spray park so he slipped. He suddenly turned into a fish out of water. I don’t remember much after that. I also don’t remember how the dyslexia fits into this.

I had a dream that my brother

I had a dream that my brother went missing for days and we couldn't find him we found him frozen on a block of ice

I dreamed i was in my old

I dreamed i was in my old condo and my family was there but not where i could see them. I went into my bedroom and my aunt that passed away 20 years ago was laying in my bed and asked me to come and lay with her. I said I would be right back because i wanted to go outside to smoke a cigarette. When I got outside, there was a wild bob-cat being chased up the street by a doe and a skunk. I tried to get back inside was I was frozen on the steps afraid the cat would get me

I am at a lake, only one

I am at a lake, only one side is frozen. In the middle there is a path made of ice on which we try to cross the lake. We suddenly see a decapitated woman, her head is "standing" at the stump of the neck. We see it as a warning from the murderer. We encounter thepolice and they tell us that there have been mass murders. Only women were victims. We help the police to dive for the other victims.

I dreamed I was in the kitchen

I dreamed I was in the kitchen with the man I was cheating with and his wife, and me and the wife were going to fry some fish but when we opened the bag, there were thawed out frozen snakes. One snake she put poison in the mouth , and the other snake was near him and rose up and hissed at me.