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Mom tried to kill me with a

Mom tried to kill me with a knife. She first asked me why I waited until she got fat to tell her who she was

First, me and my brother were fighting

First, me and my brother were fighting and cursing.Real dad holds my step dad and mom hostage with a knife. I went to back of house and found gun but couldn't shoot it. Then I started crying hysterically in the bed.

First, me and my brother were fighting.Real

First, me and my brother were fighting.Real dad holds my step dad and mom hostage with a knife. I went to back of house and found gun but couldn't shoot it. Then I started crying hysterically in the bed

First, me and my brother were fighting.Real

First, me and my brother were fighting.Real dad holds my step dad and mom hostage with a knife. I went to back of house and found gun but couldn't shoot it. Then I started crying hysterically.

I walked into this rustic style bar

I walked into this rustic style bar and all the chairs and tables were knocked down,i saw my son at the front of the bar with his back to me ,his fists were clenched and he was breathing hard,then somebody said oh no he killed four of them, then he ran out a side door which led outside , i stumbled over the tables and chairs until i reached the side door, when i exited there was a man blocking the way and he was brandishing a knife menacingly, from one hand to the other,i didnt have time to fear him and i kicked the knife up and out of his hands into mine, i stabbed him in the stomach and hurried around his falling body,i ran as fast as i could ,yelling out my sons name over and over,i knew he was in big trouble and i wanted to help him escape, i heard running footsteps and saw a shadowy figure ahead of me, when i caught up with it i could see it was just a shadow on the wall it was black with a bird like head,holes for the eyes and it had on a calf length cape that was blowing behind jt, in that instance i realized what it was i caught up to ( a demon) there was a fork in the road coming up and i had slowed way down away from the shadow it went straight and i quit running and woke up.