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It was night time and I walked

It was night time and I walked on a dock and slipped but I got stuck in the mud under the water but I was fine the I felt scared and I sunk miles under water very fast

The type of dreams I have are

The type of dreams I have are dreaming and realty. when I'm awake Im 1I can see hear my husband and dogs he gets me a drink water etc. at the same time Im aware of my surroundings and they are not my home

I was dream this woman was looking

I was dream this woman was looking at a drainage gutter and there were worms coming down with a flow of water then from there I was inside the building which was made out of brick and there was flooding going on and the water was rising and at the top there was a window opening and the other lady gave me a bust to reach the window and I am holding on but the water busted the walls and I was still holding on to the window but was washed away by the flood water

Me my mum had a car crash

Me my mum had a car crash and I fell in the water and got lost. I meet a young boy who is 18 years old, and I got pregnant with two kid.