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Kayleigh is running up a stair case

Kayleigh is running up a stair case that never ends whenever she gets to the top she falls over or more stairs keep being added she then finds her teacher at the top of the stairs and he/she pushes her over! the next part of her dream kayleigh is in the exam hall about to take her exam then she looks down and she has forgotten to put her shoes on that day she then looks down again and her pen has disappeared. The dream ends and Kayleigh wakes up.

I saw this horrible dream last night.I

I saw this horrible dream last night.I was staying in a bar with some friends and in a moment comes a guy that had a familiar face but I cant remember who he was.There was also a boy that goes in a university next to mine but I dont personally know him.Whatever.So the unknown man throws acid at this boys face and In a moment the man attacks me with something and when I look at my body I have THREE deep cuts,one in my breast ,one in my leg,and one in my cheek.Then I pull like a gun or something and hit him.What does this mean? I dont known if this is related but im going to have some very hard exams in a week.

Kayleigh is running up a stair case

Kayleigh is running up a stair case that never ends. Whenever she gets to the top she falls over or more stairs keep being added. She then finds her teacher at the top of the stairs and he/she pushes her over! The next part of her dream Kayleigh is in the exam hall about to take her exam, then she looks down and she has forgotten to put her shoes on that day. She then looks down again and her pen has disappeared.