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I saw I was singing lullaby to

I saw I was singing lullaby to make my baby lord krishna sleep and he was also sleeping by closing his eyes slowly in my dreams.

I just fell asleep. Dreamed of one

I just fell asleep. Dreamed of one elder of ex speaking to another saying she won't come to family reunion. She was in my kitchen as she talked her head became covered then she became a child face with full black eyes no white in them not anyone I know and came at me and I had a butcher knife in my hand all of a sudden to protect myself and I could not speak but felt very threatened and scared and tried to say I would kill her but was scared she was a kid and I shouldn't but was scared and felt danger. I couldn't speak but tried so hard to.

I had a dream that my boyfriend

I had a dream that my boyfriend came home from jail I was sleeping on the bed in our home and he came sat next me and I caressed my check waking me up I then looked up at him and started to cry and hug him it felt so real like I was really touching him we kissed an layed down together and then I woke up there was more to it I just don’t remember

My estranged daughter was sleeping in my

My estranged daughter was sleeping in my house in bed that is not mine, her ex wearing all white was walking upstairs to join her. Older alienated granddaughter was in my bed with the kitten ( I was going to get her a cat should she come to live with me). Younger granddaughter that is very ill stayed at their house with the nurse. Also in my garage 2 very old cars that belong to tgem

My estranged daughter was sleeping in my

My estranged daughter was sleeping in my house in bed that is not mine, her ex wearing all white was walking upstairs to join her. Older alienated granddaughter was in my bed with the kitten ( I was going to get her a cat should she come to live with me). Younger granny that is very ill stayed at their house with the nurse. Also in my garage 2 very old cars that belong to tgem

I was in my apartment building waiting

I was in my apartment building waiting for the elevator three of the four were out of service “Similar to reality”. I was holding my son so I waited for the elevator. The elevator skipped my floor so I got off on a higher floor figuring I’d take the stairs to my suite. As I was descending at a rapid pace out of nowhere I was running down the railing instead of the stairs when I noticed I was on the railing I slowed down as I began to slow down I noticed personal belongings of mine and my wife. I started gathering them then I came across our diaper bag I used it to store our belongings I found on the staircase. Finally I made it to our floor I could see my suite door open as I approached it I noticed it was not my unit. So I approached the elevators to notice I was even in my building anymore. It was like I was in a labyrinth. I got into the elevator and it went down to the ground floor. I got off and I was somewhere else the sun was shining throughout the building everything was made of glass I could see lush green vegetation outside. It was beautiful but weird at the same time. Also every so often my sons diaper he was wearing would disappear and reappear periodically throughout this dream. I noticed a local grocery store attached to my building and remembered asking myself why my wife didn’t shop there then I woke up beside my wife and son both sound asleep.