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I dreamt that i was at a

I dreamt that i was at a supermarket rebranding a coco cola shelf when armed rubbers came into the supermarket.....i quickly fitted my self on the bottom shelf where I was working out of sight... As everybody who was in the supermarket were taken to the front and some shot dead.... A young lady tried to run but was shot just as she reached where i was hiding...as she fell to the floor her eyes wide open looking at me between the shelf....i wanted to scream but blocked my my mouth ...the guy passed by and i took a pic of his shoes....i sent an SOS to all my contacts... Texted my boss to let her know what was happening so she could call the police... The robbers escaped...but one stayed to see what was going on....the same one i took the pic of his shoes...i showed the pic to the police and he was arrested and led them to the rest of his friends

I was at home and laying on

I was at home and laying on the floor rapped in a blanket and my dead fiancé came home from work and changed clothes I told him that there was a women and a young child sitting on the couch he said he had some shorts on and than he came by me and I gave him a hug I said to him I though he lost weight because when I was hugging him I was able to rap my arms around him he said he was losing weight and smiled than we started talking about selling the house we were in.

I was in this huge castle. My

I was in this huge castle. My sisters and I all shared a room. We got in a fight one day and I was running around the house to get away. The floor breaks open and a huge hole is formed. The only way to get across is by swinging on the rope. I swing over and a huge alligator tries to eat me. i sawing back and try again. After a while I made it over. The end.

I was at a mall and my

I was at a mall and my friends and I were going up an escalator. Some friends branched off and me and one girl went to Jamba Juice. We were on the 3rd floor and her juice was leaking to the 1st floor. I looked at the store across from us and there was no clothes in it, but I did see my brother in law at the store. ( just like some people did in the alice training) he took his belt and held the closet door shut in side the door. The door opens towards him so the people that he was trapping in the closet got out. I go into the store to see what is going on because it looked really strange. I got in and my brother in law was now wearing a candy suit or armor. He had big candy velcroed to his legs and he had the box candy on his chest. He started fighting me. I was pulling candy off his suit and by doing that I realized that he was losing power. The people that he had trapped earlier started to help him go against me. The end.

I was in a bus with my

I was in a bus with my friends we were talking and having fun and then all of a sudden the bus stops violently because the road was blocked by black cars with black windows and some masked guys get in the bus and they started shooting. We were all trying to hide I laid on the floor annoyed

I was shown a beautiful pristine house,

I was shown a beautiful pristine house, it was not huge but it was beautifully decorated, I went out to look at the blue peaceful lake, looked down and the floor was crystalline, then the Angel took me to another house, where I was going to live, we crossed green grass, there was a huge pool, it was a group of smaller houses, there was someone on the grass waving at me

IN a house where snakes are coming

IN a house where snakes are coming through the window. My mom takes out a blanket and they bounce off the blanket but still come inside the room. Theyre all over the floor and im standing there freaking out

In a function type room with pews,

In a function type room with pews, you sat up the front which looked like the front of a ship. Alex and Rory were there. They were saying goodbye to you as you were going on an adventure. The people sitting in pews looked like a congregation, cheering and crying for you. Rory sat in front of you and was opening an ice cream packet, you opened one and gave it to him and he did the same. It wasn't ice cream, they were fish on a stick, covered in chocolate. You and Rory hugged and then you had a gold knuckle sign that said BAD MOTHER pointed straight at me, you were laughing and didn't look at me at all. My sisters Tanya and Rachael were there. Tanya wanted to be seen so she grabbed a large white box and stood on a woman's head, then the box so she could feel seen. I climbed up the pew a bit, stretching my arms out to feel free. I felt sad. All the books were dropped all over the floor and I walked away. Jemma met me at the door and we gave each other a hug and I told her I loved her. Then she said she had never loved anyone properly her whole life. I felt said and glassy eyed again and said "I have" and started walking. We then stopped and I started to cry. "I would travel around the world twice, just to find him" I said. Two hands swept over my eyes, but just before that happened I saw Jemma smile at something behind her. The hands felt large and so did the frame standing behind me. I knew it was him, I know his hands and the feel of them on my skin. Heart pounding, I slowly turned around... Then I woke up.

The part of the dream that i

The part of the dream that i remember starts in a grey clay house with one window. the skies are blue and the temperature is nice and soft. The house does not have a roof and there is one more person there. It is a pale bald man with a very plain face. The appearance of the person is pretty much as undressed as it can be. I feel close to this person maybe as a friend maybe more but im unsure even in the dream i feel unsure. The person begins to bang his head on the wall to the left. I seem to understand why the person does this and i somehow even agree to what hes doing. After banging hes head on the wall i see a red circle on his forehead. the person smiles. The person lies down on the floor. The person tells me it wants to die and asks me to pick up one of the multiple huge boulders in the room and drop it on hes head. I reach for the boulder but i cannot bring myself to pick it up. Now two other persons without faces come into the room and start kicking the person a few times before picking up one of the boulders. They carry it above the persons head and i move out of the building. Intense fear and sadness are what i feel next. I move back into the building but there is nothing there except for a few stones and boulders. Now all of a sudden i feel like I want to die. It feels so unreal looking back at the emotion and feeling i felt in the dream. Like nothing i have ever experienced in real life. The feeling was completely alien to me. It was not even like a want but it felt necesarry to die. I wanted to die... I had to. Two wooden supports appear in the room. I set up the supports and before i know it the big boulder simply lies on it. Enough room for my head under it. All it would take is me lying under there and pushing out one of the supports. i sit down besides it and i feel very heavy. I lay down and close my eyes. Envision nothingness before opening my eyes and leaving the room. I stand outisde to room near a ledge with a small wall. I lean on the wall with both my arms and look over it. I see a beautifull sand beach and a blue sea with blue skies above it. It feels so empty and sad. I wake up.