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My classmate whom I don't even think

My classmate whom I don't even think about came in my dream and I felt a really strong connection and shared cute moments with him

A battle with 2 armies. I helped

A battle with 2 armies. I helped lead 1 army and wielded a sword and shield. My army was armoured men and women. Our opponents were magical monsters created by a witch in a tower using a magical orb. We had to fight our way through the army to get to the tower. Once we had destroyed the monster army, we confronted the witch in the tower. I goaded her with harsh jokes about her appearance into revealing herself. For some reason the jokes were all 20th century cultural references. Our army was uneasy about the references and did not quite understand them at first but quickly got onboard with them and started to laugh all at once. This infuriated the witch who reversed course and headed to the top of her tower again. The witch had a big hole in her face where her mouth and nose should be. When she revealed herslf a girl shot her magic orb away from her using a bow and arrow. I picked it up and began to destroy it. The fact was that unless I believed I could destroy the orb, then it could not be broken. And it did not break no matter how much i hit it and dashed it to the floor. Once I truly committed myself to destroying it, and beleieved i would destroy it, it shattered. Once it broke, my fist went all the way through it and the tower that the witch lived in began to crumble and the witch began to shrivel up and die. An orchestral symphonic piece of music began to play and once the tower had fallen it exploded.

I dreamt again of my former housemaster,

I dreamt again of my former housemaster, Nick. This time we were with the boarding school in a hotel and suddenly he became very distant. He told me he knew I loved him and that he had to close everything. I was then locked on a balcony in the hotel. I was crying and I found myself unable to reach him. I later found him on the beach and he then disappeared in the water. His boss watched the interaction from a distance. I later found him again in a restaurant 2 years later and we didnt speak but he and I shared eye contact and he mouthed my name and smiled.

There was a tall slindermen creature/demon standing

There was a tall slindermen creature/demon standing above me watching me sleep, there were sheets on the walls and they fell of the wall and the demon was hanging the sheets back on my wall. Then I heard a noise in the closet and I go to check it out and a possessed baby doll with big red eyes and a knife were staring at me, I ran to my bed and then it started to peak out from around the corner. After that I look up to see a silhouette of a girl sleeping on a cloud and she tells me to look at her and the demon wouldn’t hurt me.

Ok in my dream a princess ran

Ok in my dream a princess ran away before coronation so a handful of kids are unlisted to find her. The first kid is the prince who's looking for his sister. There is this kid who is like a con man/performer in a prince costume. There's these mischievous twins who are living on the streets, one girl, one boy ( both black). There's this really little girl who's also a really good thief. She was living in an orphanage before she was forcefully volunteered to help ( she actually tries to escape before getting convinced by the performer to stay). Lastly there's this very quiet kid who has a little romance going on with the performer but he wouldn't admit it (he was also Chinese). They search by day and hide away in trains by night looking for the princess.

I dreamed of a friend of mine

I dreamed of a friend of mine who came by my apartment unannounced, I peeped through the peep hole and saw her with her sister as well as her kids I was trying to shush my son so she wouldn't hear me but somehow she picked my lock and walked in then they bumbared my kitchen cooked what they wanted destroyed every room then left

I had a dream with my crush

I had a dream with my crush which i wasent even thinking about her i was with my brother and his friends they where playing some games and i saw a video on social media that was a girl with red hair and i dont know why but she wanted my number and they appered in my house that girl was in the other room i told a girl if there was any other red head (my crush) and she said ou so you want her sister not her i was surprised because i didnt knew she had a sister i knew only about her brother and i said to that girl can you give me her sister's instagram  so i can give the number ro the other girl so as i go to get her number she wasent there i go to see her sister's instagram there was a different person than the dream ended