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In my dream I see monkeys and

In my dream I see monkeys and a grey wolf. They were coming up to me quickly. I told them to stop. They preceded towards me. I roared like a lion. They stopped in their steps. The grey wolf turned into an eagle. The eagle bowed its head to me.

My son and I were chased by

My son and I were chased by lions, but did not kill us were went into a building and got away

My son and I were in the

My son and I were in the wilderness and I was sitting next to a pond swap when I looked up I saw like three lions charging our way. I grabbed my son and we started running as fast as possible we found a building and went inside we were added then I woke up.

Sometimes my daughter is carried away by

Sometimes my daughter is carried away by a lion. Sometimes a lion stares at me motionless. Sometimes a lion walks by me. Sometimes the lion is running.

i was standin in a garden next

i was standin in a garden next to a seal, a beautiful seal with a coat so shimmery and he had bright healthy eyes. it was obvious this seal was in absolute glowing health. the sun shone on its back and it had the most rapturous sparkling eyes full of life and happiness. i noticed i had a bag in my hand, and i thought it might have something in for the seal as surely a creature like that deserved a treat of sorts. when i reached in the bag, a million maggots swarmed out and fell onto the back of the seal devouring its beautiful glossy skin. the maggots grew and some changed into bright and shiny ducks and floated off down a stream, and others scattered to flower beds and feasted upon them, leaving the once-beautiful flowers wilting and withered. I looked back at the seal and scooped away the remaining maggots to find the seal all eaten away and its lovely coat and skin was no longer shining, it was rooted to the spot, half eaten and would never move again. The expression in its eyes was what caught me...it was one of pure sadness, pain, bewilderment and confusion.... a truly heartbreaking sight. i had to turn away in guilt, as i had let the maggots out the bag and onto it to begin with. i then turned towards the ducks who were swimming quite happily and rapidly away, oblivious to the pain they had initially caused. i turned back to the seal and said "dont worry, i'll look after you now". the seal smiled with gratitude. i never felt so much guilt and misery, as when i looked into the eyes of a once beautiful seal that i mistakenly had pretty much destroyed. i woke up crying. one of the most horrendous dreams i have ever had.

I dreamt i was being circled by

I dreamt i was being circled by lions last night so climbed up onto a swing trying to get away from them - very odd ...... wondering if your the Lion

A lady with long black hair came

A lady with long black hair came to my country house and told me I sold a million dollar house and the buyers were ready to sign the papers. I was excited but I told her I had to feed the cows in the corral first and then I would go to the office. as she was walking away the cows got loose and she was helping me round them up and then I woke up.