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L had this dream that l saw

L had this dream that l saw my dad in another apt's and he didn't speak at all and l saw he moving an T.V to another room and then a man came in l realize who he is l interduce him to my daughter that he is her uncle from her father side of the family and my daughter cryed on my shoulder sayin she isn't really he took her to aside and say some thing don't know what we all took an ride. that went l woke up

The music was blaring and I was

The music was blaring and I was having the time of my life at a Justin Bieber concert with my sister Sheridan. We were dancing and laughing together; everything was going great. We were in the standing section of the stadium towards the side; still close enough to the front to where we could touch the star’s hand. During one of Justin’s songs, his manager came out of nowhere and pulled my sister aside. The manager told her that Justin Bieber was going to sing one of his songs to her on stage. She was super excited and I was a little bit jealous, but still happy for her. The manager set my sister up a chair on the stage. She sat down and Justin Bieber started singing his song called One Less Lonely Girl. Right as he started his song, he pulled out a gun and shot my sister on stage

The music was blaring and I was

The music was blaring and I was having the time of my life at a Justin Bieber concert with my sister Sheridan. We were in the standing section of the stadium towards the side; still close enough to the front to where we could touch the star’s hand. During one of Justin’s songs, his manager came out of nowhere and pulled my sister aside. The manager told her that Justin Bieber was going to sing one of his songs to her on stage. She was super excited and I was a little bit jealous, but still happy for her. The manager set my sister up a chair on the stage. She sat down and Justin Bieber started singing his song called One Less Lonely Girl. Right as he started his song, he pulled out a gun and shot my sister on stage.

7/1 – I dreamt Mrs. C pulled

7/1 – I dreamt Mrs. C pulled me aside and told me she thought I was a bad influence and would never be as good as Maddi and didn't want us to be friends. I felt hurt, surprised, angry, and sad.

I actually highly agree with the basis

I actually highly agree with the basis within your disagreement with all the RIAA. $1M regarding 8 tracks is usually silly. How can they may have received aside using this looting to get so very long? I seriously desire along with wish that you simply each are effective in cases like this and that the court docket procedures are are living so the RIAA can be open for any Shylocks that they and their lawyers/advisers usually are. canada goose site officiel

This is the 4th time I've had

This is the 4th time I've had a re-occuring setting inside a dream. Even though it was the same place every time, different things happened within each dream. The setting is my workplace, only it is not. My workplace is a warehouse set in a metropolitan area that looks of a neon, brightly colored downtown area. It doesn't look as intense as Las Vegas; more of a New York with neon signs feel. The majority of the dream is spent inside of a mall; connected to my work. I have now been here 4 times in four different dreams so I am starting to know my way around it. Every time my dream starts I am running to work but I have plenty of time to get there. The reason I'm being so rushed is to go to this bar before I start work. The bar is like a luxurious hotel bar, complete with a golden awning and load and unloading area in the very back of the mall. The place is very fancy, from the inside out. It's very beautiful and fairly busy, along with the entire setting of the mall. For the fourth time now I've gone there to sneak two beers in before I start my shift. They make you buy tickets and you turn in those tickets to get glasses of whatever you want. I usually get a dark red IPA there. Every time I've had this dream, I've met this girl there that was very friendly to me. She'd engage in most of the conversation, she would approach me instead of the other way around, and we'd talk until I had to leave. She's very beautiful but she's also imperfect. She doesn't look like a model or a celebrity that's too attractive to obtain but she instead has a homely, yet very attractive look. Blonde, petite, and most of her facial features looks to be of European decent. This time around she came up and talked to me yet again. She also have evening bar attire on that fits the atmosphere of the bar even though it is always in the morning. She had a friend of hers with her this time that I never met previously until this dream. Unlike real life, she wasn't very judgmental or condescending to me like most girls are when there friends are approached by men. She seemed just as bubbly and happy to be around me as the girl I kept meeting. By the end of it, we went outside and it was fairly cold out, way too cold for what there were wearing. This is where I finally got the nerve to get her number. My phone isn't a smartphone so it takes awhile to enter somebody's number. She and her friend patiently waited even though it took a long time until I entered her number. Her area code was either 625 or 652...I looked these up and they do not exist. Aside from that, this was also the first time I found out her name, which was just as weird as the area code. Her name was Lythmia. Upon looking up that name, that seems to be some weird connection to Thor and Loki and I am not familiar with those in the slightest. The other spelling it could be, Lithmia, is a medical condition where too much acid is being developed in the blood. I don't know what that could mean.

I was hiding in a dorm room

I was hiding in a dorm room with other girls because captain hook and his gang were out to get us because we knew something about them. I kept making sure that the blinds and windows were closed so that they wouldn't see us but then knew that they were on to us. We then ran through the hallways trying to escape. I escaped through an elevator and ran into one of my professors who pulled me aside as people were getting shot at by marshmallow guns.