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Having suspected a spy following Krsto, our

Having suspected a spy following Krsto, our two lovers arrived and left the public park separately. Zsusanna was there to see Krsto more than the play. It was a very humorous play. One of the actors, Romero, plays a man with a bushy beard and stood there holding his hand in triumph as people laughed. Zsusanna realized she knew so few people in that area. She had only Krsto’s circle of friends: a man in in very stylish suede boots, a woman whose voice narrated the story; a woman whose only voice was the melodic tunes of her lyre, and a bewitching siren, Krsto’s cousin. Bewitched by her lover behind stage, she also did not know that she, indeed, was being watched, or that he had caught a glimpse of someone stirring on the sides. Igor wore common clothing to blend with the townspeople, with a hat tilted to a side, and a patch to cover an eye. He hadn’t shaven in over a week to play the part as well. Jealous of Zsusanna’s presence in Edour’s life had become a hinderance for Istven’s aspiring role in the Protestant Reform, and in the next generation’s attempt to rebuild a country free of foreign rule. More so, he was wary of this woman who appeared from an outer circle, who was as equally educated, if not, more so than himself. What was an extraordinary woman doing being wed to a man who had no interest in women? More so, why did Jankovic agree to this farce? “Ugggggg,” as twisted pain seeped through his blood, and the sound of breaking bones, Igor could feel the point of a dagger piercing into the hairs of his neck. “I suggest you take your traitor self back to the Hungarian shit that spawned you. Get off this peninsula, and never show your face again.” “I am free to…” “You are not free to do anything.” and the crunch of a twisted wrist sent him off as two burly men in dark capes took him into a carriage, riding away, as Zsusanna felt desire dripping beneath her skirts. Istven had the scent of Ocean air about him; clean and light. He sat eating nuts and apricots as lightening lit the sky and the rumble of thunder approached. In his presence I am a ship battling a storm, wandering aimlessly. Sex is not okay with Istven. He has confusion around relationships. “What happened to you,” Zhusanna asked as she spotted Igor curdled in a chair by the window, unable to hold a book or turn its pages with bandaged hand and fingers on both sides. It was all he could do but spit at her. Marija found the encouragement to break the silence. “He no doubt wondered where he shouldn’t.” “I trust my cousin played the searing siren to perfection?” “The Adriatic would be, indeed, pleased!” “As your grandfather, as well.” Igor mentions to Zsusanna who looked bewildered at him. “Any sea-faring pirate of Senj would defend such a treasure!” Zsusanna mocked back, “But you wouldn’t know of such lust, Igor.” A bit of tension was building in the room. Zsusanna was not oblivious of Marija’s eye for Istven. She would just happen to appear outside his door in Reijeka or at the piazza, always appropriately placed five feet behind brother Antun or conniving Igor. Antun had studied law at university with Igor and Istven, together, in Austria. Marija was a woman, devious and determined, to get what she wanted. What she wanted was entitlement and Istven was the source for this wanna-a-be. Her dear husband Zoran, an unlucky man once the vows of marriage bound them, sweet, giving, and oblivious to the Upper Hungarian dragons, claiming loss to the Frankopan fortunes when ….was slain with my uncle and grandfather. One of thousands of noble widows dispersed without claims depending on beguiling ways of sanctity. 1693 carriage scene 2 hrs 1693 krsto and who he is 1693 Zsuzana AND ISTVEN BEGIN AFFAIR 1693 MARI POISONS HUSBAND ZORON SAVROVIC, AGE 31, 1693 TRUTH REVEALED KRSTO

My friend Anthony and I were sitting

My friend Anthony and I were sitting in my middle school cafeteria at the end of a table next to each other and my fifth grade report card was laying on the table. Anthony looked at me and said, "That sucks." And I replied, "What?" He nodded his head toward my report card so I picked it up and read the comments section where I had put that I wasn't sure if I was going to go to Upward Bound next summer because I wanted to get a job. When I finished looking at it, he asked me if he could write in the comments section. I said, "Sure," and he took the card and went to the comments section with a pencil. A couple of minutes later he gave me back the card so I could read it but there was one stray mark on the card that had been erased. He looked at me and said, "It's hard to put down your thoughts when you look at it from a different perspective."

I was at lunch with my psychology

I was at lunch with my psychology teacher rachelle myllymaki at a casual place along the coastline she and i were having a good time until someone challenged me to a basketball game she did not want me to play but i never back down the player was an arrogant ***** and scoring my first basket was hard but i was fouled on the next possession he throws the ball in-bounds but it goes out of bounds the referee calls it off on me along with the player i lose my composure and i begin to argue with the referee and the player it got so intense that he threw me and rachelle out of the place i continued to argue but then he began to argue with rachelle and discriminate her for being single i defend her honor by shoving the referee away she and i leave the place holding hands very angry and then we meet some of our friends who are in a happy relationship

I was with a group of friends.

I was with a group of friends. We were in a rustic world. The world was of superstition, rogues, and canvas clothes, dirt ‘roads, donkeys and mules that carried goods, and roman soldiers. We were dirty and dusty and talking and mingling when we saw the sentries carting these enormous carts that resembled hay carts only bigger. They were covered in coarse dirty canvas and bound with ropes. We were undoubtedly curios so we followed them for a distance before turning into an abandoned side street where we notice d a huge wooden garden gate that towered about three times as tall as any grown man. It was locked and it seemed like there was a piece of the city hidden behind it and we could find no other entrance nor remember ever having seen this peculiarity once in our lives before. Being the hotheaded adventure seekers we were, we scaled the gate and landed behind it. All we saw was more stucco walls that we assumed was housing and a long open dirty road without any vendors or stalls or donkeys. The only thing we saw in the distance was the form of what appeared to be a misshapen babe. We decided to walk around and try to find the people that lived there but happened upon the babe sooner than we expected. Much to our surprise the sitting babe was nearly as tall as we were and it’s dancing sister who would normally look no older than two or three years loomed a few feet above us. We stared with our mouths agape as we tried to comprehend what we saw. Then we heard it. Rumbling footsteps that undoubtedly belonged to the parent of these abnormal children. Not wanting to meet whatever conceived such anomalies we darted for the gate but found it nearly impossible to scale. We alsotried squeezing through the nonexistent gaps in the slating and near the ground while we cursed ourselves for our rash stupidity. The creature that rounded the corner was huge. But considering that we were all too busy dodging its blows and scrambling to find our way out we had no idea what gender it may have been and whether or not it appeared human. I am still unable to describe how we managed to escape the nether side of the wooden garden gate, but thankfully we did. I do remember watching the solders finish unloading these gigantic canvas wrapped burdens from the huge carts. Donning dirty, abandoned doctors robes my friends and I approached the sentries with an air of confidence. One sentry led us over to the hills that he promptly ordered to be be uncovered for us only ( I may not have mentioned but this huge square was devoid of all but the solders and ourselves). They cut the ropes and the canvas falls and there are several Giant’s carcasses. Some of their bodies look mutilated, burned, and others are just bloody. My friends and I gather our bearings and try to look as professional as possible as we study the bodies. We then walk over to the most mutilated and damaged carcass in order to more closely observes how they killed these creatures (our experience form earlier that day still fresh in our minds.) The solder then asks for my opinion on the body and I scramble mentally for a response as I quickly survey the corpse. I then notice something odd about a bone in the back of the Giant’s hand and I pull it out gently. On a random impulse, I slde the bone into my own hand. Suddenly the carcass becomes animate as it mirrors my movements. I then wake up. What did this mean?

The room is in a large historical

The room is in a large historical grand basilica style building. The room has huge columns holding up high cathedral domed ceilings. The room has no furniture. The room’s only natural light source came in through many windows and open doorways to semi-dimly light the room. I was being judged unfairly because the 3 white people did not give me a chance to defend myself to the 1 white person they were speaking to. It’s daytime, I entered a room and see 3 casually dressed white people (1 female, 2 males) I did not recognize life in real but supposedly knew in the dream. In the dream, the 3 white people knew me. The 2 (1 female, 1 male) of the 3 white people were standing talking negatively about me as if they were trying to discredit me unfairly (because I was not given a chance to understand what is being said against me and not given a chance to defend myself) to another white person (1 male who he did not know me and seemed neutral) who is dressed in a standard government military attire. He is a person having authority (but acted as an ambassador or a guide in his position). I felt the need to be given a chance to be heard and to be understood instead of left to feel wrongfully accused of something I was not even given a chance to understand in this dream to have caused the 2 white people not to like me. In frustration to understand the situation and resolve it, I attempted to approach the group of white people. I am outside in the desert standing in a crowd of white people during the day. The entire nation is in danger and all people are trying to escape. I am in the crowd trying to investigate what is causing the danger and to try to find out why everyone are rushing and panicking to leave and where. Massive amounts of white people rushing to secure a spot in any of the two separate lines to enter checkpoint to the departure gateways. Looking up from below a nearby staircase, I again see 2 of the white people who do not like me. The 2 white people look at me (It was at this point in the dream I realized in real that I’ve been involved in a series of this particular dream. They urgently followed the white person with authority who led them to walk through a solid rock wall similar to the Jerusalem walls. Their bodies passed through a solid rock wall. I later discover the wall is separated in 4 consecutive sections and appear to be solid rock. However, each block is embossed with an arched border framing a secret portal. The portals are not obvious because there were no visible physical door to open. I ran up the top ridge of an inclined wall where there was a wide (about 10 foot wide), flat, and clean path with a clean brushed steel railing I did not use along the path. When I arrived at my destination, I rushed up to the 1st solid rock portal I saw from my left standing in front of me. Without doubt and without hesitation, I easily walked through the solid rock wall with confidence and urgency to seek for answers and explore. The experience if walking through solid wall was the same as walking without obstruction. In my urgency to enter, I was able to glimpse a posted note written on a blue lined white paper like a piece of paper torn from spiral bounded notebook. The note was pinned on the rock wall with a red push pin tack. The note stated that particular portal next departure will leave at 10:31. The note was clearly understood by me that whoever enters this particular portal would have to wait until being transported from inside the portal. Within the few seconds that I spent inside the portal, I realized the size inside the portal was more of a comfortable pod size. I understood the portal holding morphs into a comfortable standing space of the passenger. From within this portal, I understood the portal is meant to transport 1 person at a time to a destination away from Earth –a destination that is at least neutral or safer than the definite annihilation of good humanity that will happen for those who stay behind who will be devoured by evil conquest. I quickly decided to leave this particular portal to try to enter any of the other 3 portals that have no delays in transport because I was eager to investigate the situation and also try to find out where the 2 white people went with that 1 white person who appeared to have authority. I walked out of the initial portal of the solid rock wall. I was going to enter the portal right next to it (the 2nd from my left facing the rock wall), but I thought there is a higher chance someone is already in it, so I chose to try to enter the 3rd portal door from my left which was a few more steps away and because of this reason could have a higher chance of it being unoccupied. I rushed toward it but just as I was about to enter, I woke up in real life.

I'm lead down a corridor that's got

I'm lead down a corridor that's got one of those flame torches sticking out on either side of the walls. The person in front of me has like large black wings and he is leading me towards a huge room. Now, in that room there are 8 stone thrones and a gold one in between. On the stone thrones, there are 4 beautiful people with black wings, and 4 beautiful people with white wings. I just stand at the side of the room whilst a bigger man comes in. One of his wings are black, and the other is white. He sits on the golden throne, so I guess he's like the leader? My wrists are bound and I'm very quiet. The man on the gold throne clicks his fingers, and two guards bring a man in. It's kind of like a judgement for heaven and hell. The man's face was so familiar but I couldn't place who it was. The two guards had one scroll each and they unrolled it. One was bigger, which was the length of a 2-storey house, than the other one, which was really small, as long as the palm of my hand. The man on the golden throne read out each scroll, and I realised they were his good and bad deeds. The rest of the angels on the stone thrones looked at each other and were discussing something. Then a bell rang, and each angel (from the stone thrones) said whether the man should be condemned to hell or exalted to heaven. He was a good man, so they all said 'Heaven'. The man in the golden throne held his hand up and a halo appeared over the dead mans head. The man looked at me and smiled, then he was lead to a white corridor to the right where choir sounds and birds could be heard. The angels on the stone thrones lead out through the passage I came in through. The man on the golden throne walked towards me and said, "When will you be ready? You've seen them all come and go..." and I just shrugged and l was confused. He said, "Very well... farewell," and he walked out. I was left in the room on my own, and I fell asleep.

I am so scared that I had

I am so scared that I had this dream. It was absolutely terrifying. I am so horrified right now, and I beg you for your help. I dreamed that I was with my dad. We were driving somewhere far away, perhaps to another town, and I had never been there before. We pulled up at a school, and I remember seeing a chain link fence, and a scoreboard, like the ones they use for sports. I got out of the car, and I knew that he was going to wait there until I was finished with whatever I was doing. I found myself in a library, but it was dark and people were screaming. There was so much death, there was a group of a few people killing everyone in the library. I suddenly was with my younger brother, and a man who I didn't know, but was a friend because of these circumstances. They went to go get help, and I don't know if I was supposed to follow them, but I heard them murdered with a knife, and I heard a choking sound as they died. I was in shock, and I felt nothing but grief for them. And terror for my own life. So I curled up on one of the shelves and pretended to be dead. One of the killers found me, and began talking to another killer. She started rubbing her hands along my side, and I thought that it was useless of me to play dead, and that she knew I was faking. So I opened my eyes, feeling so much fear. Then I found myself bound and sitting on the floor in between the aisles of books. The killers were all around me doing various things, and I knew I was the only one alive. I could tell they were preparing to kill me. I started sobbing, as being tortured is one of my greatest fears. I cannot describe my horror and absolute desperate terror. But I had given up, and knew there was no way I was going to escape. I continued sobbing, and the killers all came to me and tried to comfort me, saying they were going to kill me quickly. I felt comforted by this, but still felt myself clinging to life. Yet I had resigned myself to my fate. I then found myself sitting on a beige mat, the kind you usually see in the wrestling arenas. I was still bound, and sitting watching a small tv with the killers. We were watching a tape of the leader of the killers, and I remember knowing that these killers were a vast organization that no one knew about. As we were watching, the leader, who was old but still lethal and fit, was sparring with other killers. He swung onto the bars they use for gymnastics, but miscalculated, and crashed to the floor, in a sitting position. Everything around him turned black, but you could see him still. It was as if I was standing behind him, not looking through a tv screen. I watched all of his bones explode out of his body, forced out by the impact of his hit to the floor, yet there was no blood. I fellt horror at what i was witnessing, and deep revulsion. I was back in the room with the killers watching the tv. I saw the woman who had first found me cover her mouth and let out a strangled sob at the leaders death. She then turned stone cold, all emotion fled her face, and she turned to the killer next to me and asked him if he could "finish the job" meaning to kill me. He nodded. I then found myself being led through a construction zone, somewhere in the back of the building. There was a bunch of grey metal scaffolding set up, an I could hear saws and see sparks coming from someone welding. I saw men in bright green hospital suits walking up and down the cold grey metal scaffolding. I saw a group of 4 thugs leading a man out. The thugs were skinny, but tough an obnoxious in a sadistic, mentally insane way. The man was in a white hospital gown, and I could see blood dripping down it from several places along his torso and back. I remember feeling so intensely betrayed, as my killers had promised me a quick death when it was plain that they were going to torture me as they had this man. He seemed to have found a renewed strength, for he was at the end of his rope, and did not care if he was tortured. He only cared about not dying a coward, and not complying to these men. He stood in the middle of this noise and scaffolding, his thugs calling him a dog and telling the "dog" to come or they would hurt him more. I could tell that he was making this distraction so I could escape, and so that he could die with honor. I felt confident and dangerous and emotionless. I just let determination take over me, and I turned into a machine with just one sole purpose: to escape. I broke free from my killers, and I remember running down a white hallway with many doors. Two of the men in the bright green tries to stop me, but I hit them both in the throat with my forearm, stunning them and kept on running. I could tell that there were more following me, but I got outside and knew I had some time. I knew that they would not venture out of the compound, and that I had bought some time. I remember finding my dad in the truck, and must have told him what happened. He and I both had that emotionless determination, me to escape this place, and he to protect me. I jumped in the car and crouched down as he began to drive out of the school. I remember more chain link fences, and many school children and cars waiting to pick them up. One of the guards was a killer, disguised as a school security guard. My dad knew what he truly was, and leaned out of the window and told him if he wanted the agent, to phone him in the car two cars behind us. I knew my dad was trying to throw him off our trail, and the killer seemed to understand what my dad said, and went to interrogate the other car. We sped out of there, and I remember wondering how my father knew to say that. I thanked him for staying for me and being there for me, and I felt our bond as father and daughter grow to such a strength. We arrived at home, and I found myself in our dining room. It had white walls and a small wood table and chairs. I remember talking to my mother and father about what happened, and felt the old terror returning, but also a safety and comfort that I had from being back with my family and out of that place. I think my sorrow and fear and horror and terror all exploded out if me, for I screamed something, and found myself sobbing without control into my couch. I felt anger and such a deep sorrow and fear. I remember holding a swimsuit top and sobbing into it, it was olive green and had tiny flower patterns drawn into it. I remember sobbing into it, and I felt my mother behind me stroking my back, trying to comfort me, and I remember thinking to myself, wondering I I would ever get past what I had seen and felt. I awoke with tears in my eyes. I am so shaken by this, I am pleading to you for your help. Please help me understand. Thank you so very much.

I saw an earthquake around a place

I saw an earthquake around a place which is crowded it came two three times each time stronger than before there was a friend with me we tried to go through stairs but everywhere it was crowded so we were in first floor we went near the boundary and my friend jumped I caught hold of her and she came up again, then again earthquake came more stronger then we both went to the boundary and jumped down there was a open area around that place we went there and were happy we escaped then I called my home to enquire about their safety