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Exgirlfriend and I are all dressed in

Exgirlfriend and I are all dressed in white, drinking champagne, on a flight to Paris. The plane crashes, I am unhurt, but my exgirlfriend is trapped under debris. I free her, and we realize we are the only survivors.

I had a dream where my boyfriend

I had a dream where my boyfriend and I were getting married. The theme was red, gold and white, even my dress was red. We had the ceremony in a Theatre that had red carpeting and curtains and all of our friends and family were there. Once we had said our vows, we sat together in the front row of the theatre and me and my boyfriend/dream husband, watched a performance done by students from my high school, drank champagne, and laughed and joked about the people around us and kissed and hugged. It was a really beautiful dream. I have known by boyfriend for five years (almost six) and I've known I wanted to be with him for a year and half, but he just recently asked me out about three months ago, going on four. We've been so happy together. What does this dream signify?