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My girl friend grand daughter, her children

My girl friend grand daughter, her children and there deadly snake and fluffy grey cat moved in with my girl friend and I. Snake got out and bit some people in our home. I called ambulance. Snake crawled in and out of things in our home. I threw grand daughter out and her kids. Cat saw snake on ice box and bit its head off and bit snake in 2 pieces. Snake head got on cat foot and cat died.

I was dinning in a fancy restaurant

I was dinning in a fancy restaurant with my husband and other people who are strangers to me. an old man was sitting and dinning with us, looks like was diagnosed with a deadly desease asked to hold my hand while praying , but was afraid that his disease is contagious and will affect me. I ended up searching for a place to wash my hands, I did not find one and returned again to the restaurant.

I was driving dinning in a fancy

I was driving dinning in a fancy restaurant with my husband and other people who are strangers to me. an old man was sitting and dinning with us, looks like was diagnosed with a deadly decease asked to hold my hand while praying , but was afraid that his disease is contagious and will affect me. I ended up searching for a place to wash my hands, I did not find one and returned again to the restaurant.