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I was walking along the forest path

I was walking along the forest path with my crush whom i am forbid to date in real life because of caste difference and out of nowhere friends and junior of my race appearing rolling lots of guava fruit.i collect them and fill my bags and his bag and one other bag and we walk again where we were followed by a white puppy then i met my senior who does not allow the dating so he hides with the white puppy and harm it so he was condemned by PETA or animal lover something

I was walking along the forest path

I was walking along the forest path with my crush whom i am forbid to date in real life because of racial difference and out of nowhere friends and junior of my race appearing rolling lots of guava fruit.i collect them and fill my bags and his bag and one other bag and we walk again where we were followed by a white puppy

I was walking along the forest path

I was walking along the forest path with my crush whom i am forbid to date in real life because of racial difference and collect lots of guava fruit together

I was walking with my crush whom

I was walking with my crush whom i was forbid to date because of racial difference an d suddenly they roll dowm guava and we collect lots

I'm trying to warn natives in a

I'm trying to warn natives in a canoe of forboding danger. They don't listen. I'm on a cliff then in the water. I'm swimming and trying to hide from dangerous men. There are dead bodies floating all around me in the water.