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Dreams inside the database entered to be analyzed and interpreted - search dreams containing symbols of your dream

I was walking on an island, and

I was walking on an island, and found a jetpack. I put on the jetpack and a gravitational force threw me into the water. The fish kept getting bigger and bigger, but eventually the force stopped, and i swam back to shore. As soon as i reached shore, the force threw me into the air, then it felt like i was falling forever. I could see the clouds. I landed in the middle of the ocean, the island no where in sight, and huge sharks circled around me. they came closer, and de-limbed me. All of my limbs were torn from my body as i cried out in pain. Then i died, and a red screen appeared and said, "GAME OVER"

So one time me and my sister

So one time me and my sister were trying to find this treasure chest and we had to go through this huge search to find it and it ended up being on the titanic when we found it. Then all of a sudden we were at my house and my whole road was like an ocean and there was a shark. We tried escaping my road to go shopping since we had all this money and i was trying to escape the shark but i only had a nerf gun. Then when we were close to escaping i woke up.

I was in the beach with my

I was in the beach with my family and my brother wanted to go to the water but it had receded so I told him not to go to close to the waves or he could get caught under. And then I dreamt I saw a shark in the water and it was attacking my brother so I jumped in and began fighting the shark.

I was on a boat with my

I was on a boat with my family. Two of my cousins, My Grandparents and myself. Me and my cousins were playing with their cat. For some reasons I was anxious about sharks even though I love sharks. Eventually my Grandfather stood up and look at the temperature gauge and whatever measures wind speed. He told us that the temperature kept changing from really cold to really hot. The largest was up to almost a 300 degrees difference. Then the wind speed kept going up and down. Fast to slow. My Grandma said something along the lines of "An Act of God?" And I'll I said was "God?" And then I woke up.

Speeding down a highway swerving out of

Speeding down a highway swerving out of the way from all the people dressed in black on the highway. Now I'm at a beach swimming in the water next to an old man up against a wall. The old man disappears and I see a shark right next to me. I try to swim through a hole in the wall, but get stuck and then feel a massive pain from the shark biting my right left.