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Humans run away from a giant but

Humans run away from a giant but i'm so wondering about going to see the giant but the giant looked at me and i ran away but there was a wall blocking me and the giant ate me

I don’t know when this is but

I don’t know when this is but for some reason, it is in Chicago or Los Angeles I meet an alien who the size of a toddler. He states that he and comrades come in peace and hope to stay on Earth. People approve and people disapprove, others are just frightening. The aliens are nice enough to introduce advanced technology. The doctors take it an advantage. I use it on my grandma with my own discount they give me and she is given a whole new body. But it’s sadly a Russian model, who is loved by many. My grandma is 65 but is in the body of a 25-year-old. There are even a store and school dedicated to her. I’m with these group of people: Jason, Clare, and two other people I don’t know. I actually become the watcher at this point The aliens confess that they have refuged from a darker source. Sadly, the Russian model is involved. The world turns its back on the aliens and separates them in reservations. This makes me sad because the alien who I got to know had become my best friend. The group of people actually help me find out how to make humans believe they are no better than the violent aliens they think they see. The entire world is in fire and rage, almost like an abandoned city in the Walking Dead Our plan was to try to show the advance technology the doctors believe to take advantage of was good to do. Jason, giving the fact he said he was studying to be a surgeon, puts his blood in and makes beautiful but vicious plants. But our plan backfires a bit because the Russian model is a bounty hunter. We leave Jason with the experiments to find out that the darker force is coming, in large black glowing ships, the world panics as the ships just stand there, while that happens, Jason is murdered by the Russian model by drowning in the water and being eaten by the plants. His blood and his body fill the tank as the plants suddenly die. We come back to find him like this and I state that it’s the Russian model and I state I will be the one to kill her because her technique of killing is at closing time, she walks casually out while another rush out and she shoots a tranquilizer with pink liquid at her victim. The Russian model knows what I plan to do so she casually just goes with the process I say. At closing time, the model is ready to leave while I casually walk in front of her. She shoots it but I turn my back, catching it. The model runs to me and pins me down, trying to put the tranquilizer on me, but I reverse her hold and inject her with the pink liquid and push back in the purple dark aura that appears to return herself to a nicer but dizzy state. We help her out and turns out my alien friend is there because he could sense me. We go back to the clinic with Jason covered. We look at the purple aura and try to use the system to try to find out what made her calm and “normal.” We find that the pink liquid was meant for the model because she had been given nanobots to made her that way. It only killed others because they were aliens. The purple liquid, however, that was inhaled, was the negativity that was in her. So, we all decided to take liquids that the doctors had tinkered with and take them back to the aliens We come outside when it turns out the reporter states how we will be arrested for taking doctors’ equipment and trying to go to the reservation. But we say, “so?”. I hide the alien friend in the bathroom and keep watch as the reporter gets upset and grabs a heavy hammer that she thinks she can carry. Behind her are other reporters, they all get upset at one another and apparently beat each other to death. In the end of my dream, it’s stuck at the point where all reporters are dead.

When I was younger, I constantly had

When I was younger, I constantly had dreams of being a Arch Angel sent to Earth by God. My task was to do something on Earth but the moment I went to Earth I forgot what I was suppose to do. I couldn't go back unless I did my task. So there I stayed on Earth for the rest of my existence. I lived the life of a human, wearing large coats to hide my wings, stealing food to survive. I looked like I didn't have a bath in a long time. I lived in a hold abandoned home high up in the mountains away from other people. A few years later I was found out by the humans, local media everywhere, scientists captured me, probed me, shoved tubs up inside of me, trimmed my flight feathers so i couldn't fly away, put a tub down my throat as a breathing tube, while I was submerged in a tank full of water as I slept. A month past as my feathers had grown back. Some how I managed to get out of the tank and pull away from all the tubs and needles that they had inside of me. I was naked and didn't have any clothes to wear but I needed to get out of that horrible place that I was in. I managed to get out but they were firing guns at me as I climbed out a window. I flew away as fast as I could. They were still firing there guns at me but I managed to escape. Once I had escaped I found a beautiful realm of some kind. The building was white, bright, with tall pillars. There were beds and cribs everywhere for the children that had passed away. I was standing there in a white dress and gold bracelets on. The kinds were all laughing and smiling, horses running around. It was like paradise, with nothing to worry about. Then all my dreams stopped. Few years later I had the same dream of this paradise world, but it was not the same. Not a sound from the children playing, not a sound from horses, and babies. The only sound that was heard was the wind. Dead, dried up leaves blew in and out of the room in and outside. Dust was collected on everything that I touched. It had been empty for so long. It was dark, miserable, and lonely for so long, it was as if no one ever lived here.

Me and a boy were at the

Me and a boy were at the movies and we saw a Five Nights at Freddie's movie. We came out of the movie laughing. I said, “That the movie was great!” He said, “It was good but not as good as the real thing.” I asked, “What do you mean?” “Oh, you didn’t know. I’m the balloon boy.” I freaked out at first but took him home with me to make sure. My brother had a weird ray gun that made you fall down if you got shot with it. It only worked on real humans though. He shot it at the boy and he did not fall down. I asked him to shoot me and it almost hit me, then I woke up.

The report, commissioned by VisitBritain, argues that

The report, commissioned by VisitBritain, argues that recent growth in tourism employment has been “stellar”, rising at four times the rate of manufacturing since 2010. According to Deloitte, a net total of about 173,000 posts were created between 2010 and 2012, a net increase ofSometimes it’s hard to countenance the disturbing nonsense we present before our youngest and most impressionable trainee humans as guides for living. Nike Air Max 90 87 Homme

Speaking of sleep, last night I had

Speaking of sleep, last night I had a dream that I had a slimy pet goblin dog that kept saying "hey little mumma lemme whisper in yo ear" and also scientists used a picture of me on TV to prove that humans are closely related to goats

In my dream i was in building

In my dream i was in building that was processing people to be transported. The being doing this i didn't recognize has humans. Before entering the main building i had a chip put in my wrist. The chip look like a sd card. Then i was in a line. Where everyone was being scanned and put on busses. When it was my turn my chip didn't scan .that's when the creatures yelled she wont scan. I insisted the chip was there. That it had become dislocated. They separated me ,i was begging for my baby they brought him to me. I was placed in a room that look like a bathroom. I was cleaning and try to think of a way to be useful so i wouldn't be put on the bus. I ask for food. I was hungry they brought me a sandwich with a rat in it. I said i can't eat this this creature used it's long nail to prick the rear f the rat and thats when blood gushed and they told see it's good. I hid the rat and was contemplating eating the two slices of bread.

Vampires attack my town, some look like

Vampires attack my town, some look like real people and some look like gross bald people with fangs. My school is chosen to fight the vampires. We are given guns and fight them in a dark field,. The vampires can see us in the dark, we can't see them. I tell my friend Cassy, "This is it! This is the end!" We are shooting blindly in the dark , hoping t hit vampires, not humans. I am bitten twice on my right ankle and once on my left ankle. Suddenly, the field turns into an opera house and the vampires are the actors putting on a play. I am out of ammunition, a vampire girl offers me ammunition if I promise not to shoot her, I agree if she promises not to bite me. We both agree not to kill each other.

People discover that there are planets that

People discover that there are planets that are just like Earth and humans can live on. But the thing is, there are dinosaurs. So to domesticate them, we discover that we can train the baby dinosaurs with candy. That goes well, so people build a Flinstone-style town.