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I was at gas station with my

I was at gas station with my friends and some other people, it looked like some trip or collective tour since we came in bus. There was this one boy, which I kind of liked, we texted and so on and so on. But it wasn't anything important nor big for me. Even when my friends asked about him I was just neutral, no big feeling, he's just okay. I don't even really know who is in reality. However, as I was talking to my father, still at the gas station, the boy I mentioned appeared from behind me and whispered "Come with me somewhere". I immediately turn red and asked in nervousity "Why?" The boy hanged his arm over me and said "I want to show you something." My eyes was terribly wide at that moment, I felt like I've known him my whole life, I felt so in love with him, even though I technically don't know him. I was just so shocked that this is the boy, that this the boy that has interest in me, that he's mine. I immediately woke up, red as a tomato even in real life, my body hot and heart pumping.

I was sitting with A (my classmate

I was sitting with A (my classmate who was my friend years ago but transfered and now we don't talk anymore. He seems a bit similar by facial features to me I guess, I'm not sure). The guy I like S was sitting in the same row as me but right at the back. I suddenly got up and went outside. It was independence day and I picked up some flags from outside, however when I came inside they became tissues. And I distributed it among everyone. When I went to S I was a little nervous and thinking the he's similar to my friend W I got sad but anyways he asked me to give me tissues for his friends N as well (he's close with him). In this whole scene, it was white or off-white. Scene changed and we went to a room to get pictures. However, before that A asked me to wear a saari next day and I remembered it's farewell, but I didn't like it. Here the scene was silver or light grey. Next we went to a dark room to click pictures. I saw S as I was sitting but chose not to sit next to him. My mum was there and she gave me my phone which she is not allowed to and she got scolded by a sir due to it. Next due to something S and a guy in between X who in my dream was my friend whereas in reality X is not someone I know. Anyways S told X that I get good marks in English due to my mum being a teacher in the same school. X asked me and I cleared everything out and was kinda angry at S. S gave a sarcastic smile but in my dream I felt he was jealous cause A asked me out for farewell indirectly. Herethescenewasdark incolour. Whatcouldthisdream possiblyindicate ?

I met a man, introduced to me

I met a man, introduced to me by a friend last night. The kind of guy im instantly attracted too. Strong stature, good looking, in command of himself, confident. The remainder details are unimportant because they are reflective of why i am drawn to him and this kind of guy. The dream, after a night out drinking. The first in a very long time. We were in a car together, he was driving. I sensed a snake under his seat almost like under the stuffing he was sitting on, like there was a damaged hole in the seat directly under him. He asked me to help him get rid of the snake while he continued to to drive but as i lifted the cushioning from between his legs it revealed a nest of baby snakes. I informed him and he asked me to get rid of them. So i poked them gently with a stick and one by one they all slithered off and disappeared. It was left that the immediate danger was over however the car would need to be cleaned to rid us completly of the snakes and to be safe. My interpretation of the dream. He has multiple sexual issues that need to be addressed gently and guided out of his life but he needs help with it. He wants to continue on his lifes journey without change or disruption but is wise enough to ask for assistance and completly trusts me to release those issues. There is heavy symbolism here. I did not look at any media or connection with snakes in a couple of days, possibly a week or more. And no nest of babys So nothing in my direct memory. It is clearly connected with this guy and his need and the dream seems more focused on his need to go on his personal journey without hinderance and hes asked me to assist him to do that. To what extent i travel with him isnt clear.

Two people, I think old more or

Two people, I think old more or else, try to assassinate me by pushing me down the stairs to my death? My mother tries to throw some kind of powder at them and she only succeeds in knocking down an old woman but she doesn't have time to throw at the old man and he pushed me and now I woke up with a headache terrible

I had a dream about getting married,about

I had a dream about getting married,about my wedding...the wedding was happening in my living room,while we were walking down the aisle everyone was kind of interrupting my thoughts,the dream cut off before we got married so we never actually got married because the wedding never finished

Interpreting dreams Available 701 Satisfied customers Chat

Interpreting dreams Available 701 Satisfied customers Chat with a Dream Interpreter in minutes, 24/7 Talk to doctors, lawyers, vets, tech support & mechanics 12,000+ Experts from Appraisals to Zoology Pearl Wilson Pearl Wilson, Dream Interpreter's Assistant Welcome! How can I help with your dream interpretation question? You Hi. I dreamt I was in a kitchen and then this family (it felt like I knew them but also like I didn't) were leaving the house and I asked them to buy me a food I'll pay them back. When they came back the mother brought Burger King for me, she put the bag on the kitchen counter and said here's my food and that I don't need to give her money. I thanked her and she left. I don't remember if I ate the burger or not but I do remember opening it and seeing its contents, I also found another burger but didn't eat in case someone left it there for later. Fast forward I'm still in the kitchen but I'm with this dude I know in real life who I don't really like and I feel like he has feelings for me in real life and he always calls me his best friend. Anyways, I'm with him and his 2 friends in the kitchen. So his one friend is like do you like her, will you ask her out, etc probably thinking I can't hear them but I can. Then they left the kitchen and went outside to do something but I don't remember what, and I was left with the one friend. Once they left the kitchen I walked up to the other guy and we hugged in a boyfriend-girlfriend kind of way (I don't know this person in real life or in the dream but it felt like I knew him). Anyways he had his arms around my waist our bodies were touching and we were smiling, laughing and acting all lovey dovey like a cute happy couple; I won't lie real life me was actually happy, blushing and curious about the guy. We spke about how funny it was the other guys didn't know we were dating and how he thinks he has a chance with me, etc. Then we heard the other guys coming back and we quickly broke apart and then I woke up from my dream. I'm really curious about the meaning of my dream and why I'm so interested and curious about the guy I was getting cozy with and why my heart seems to beat faster as I think of him.

My boyfriend met his ex and didn't

My boyfriend met his ex and didn't tell me about that, he wasn't telling me anything about that, when i asked him he was like what's there in it, I will meet you next day.he was kinda cheating me

I find coins on ground. I took

I find coins on ground. I took it and put in my pocket. Afterwards I checked these coins and I saw that there were different kind of coins. Some coins were feng shui gold coins.

Well in the beggining, I was in

Well in the beggining, I was in the top of balcony near coast completly alone, so I went down the cobblestone steps surrounded by beautiful summer houses full of plants, until I got all the way down to the beach. Then I emerged on a wide promenade along the very edge of the beautiful sea. The promenade was more or less deserted, but I noticed some groups of young people talking to each other and I suddenly felt sad because I remembered that I was alone. Until suddenly, out of nowhere, a beautiful blonde girl approached me with the friendly intention of hanging out. Suddenly I didn't feel so alone and I was happy. We had a little walk, talking a bit with each other. I didn't even manage to ask her name. Then I woke up and felt a kind of sadness. That's my whole dream in a nutshell. Even I managed to notice a lot of symbolism in this dream. So hope you can help me even more to understand the meaning of my dream. Thank you.

I saw my mother telling me how

I saw my mother telling me how we have lots of places to visit. Then I remember visiting a man whom I have never seen in real life yet is was married to with a kid probably in my dream (I never saw it in the dream nor was it mentioned I think, I just knew). We had an amazing amazing time together, the most close I've ever been to anyone I loved, it was surreal, it was the purest purest love I've ever felt. During that time, it was mentioned that I also had a relationship with my recent broken up ex, probably because the boy was only my baby daddy?? Well, we talked around, and I asked if he wants to know about the boyfriend, and he frowned, and he answered no, it's not because I want to know about him, but...and he never finished. In the end I again heard my mother telling me we have plenty of places to go to, and then I woke up. When I woke up, I couldn't remember his face, though I could see it in my dream, he kind of reminded my of my ex, but not exactly, he was different.