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I had a dream about going out

I had a dream about going out with my cousins for the day. It seem to be just me and my family then after we went out somewhere we came back with one person that we knew I can’t remember exactly who it was. While out, I believe we got chased, or had an altercation with another person in my dream or like they just didn’t like me or something. But when we got back to my cousins house, there were more people. I remember for sure that my ex Lekenia was there and before I woke up, I can remember catching myself looking at her and seeing a new scar on her back or maybe I don’t remember ever seeing that scar on her back. It seemed to me that I was flirting with the other girl that we knew in the dream and she was watching, but she never said anything. We were going out and before we left, I went and brush my teeth and did whatever and then woke up.

Interpreting dreams Available 701 Satisfied customers Chat

Interpreting dreams Available 701 Satisfied customers Chat with a Dream Interpreter in minutes, 24/7 Talk to doctors, lawyers, vets, tech support & mechanics 12,000+ Experts from Appraisals to Zoology Pearl Wilson Pearl Wilson, Dream Interpreter's Assistant Welcome! How can I help with your dream interpretation question? You Hi. I dreamt I was in a kitchen and then this family (it felt like I knew them but also like I didn't) were leaving the house and I asked them to buy me a food I'll pay them back. When they came back the mother brought Burger King for me, she put the bag on the kitchen counter and said here's my food and that I don't need to give her money. I thanked her and she left. I don't remember if I ate the burger or not but I do remember opening it and seeing its contents, I also found another burger but didn't eat in case someone left it there for later. Fast forward I'm still in the kitchen but I'm with this dude I know in real life who I don't really like and I feel like he has feelings for me in real life and he always calls me his best friend. Anyways, I'm with him and his 2 friends in the kitchen. So his one friend is like do you like her, will you ask her out, etc probably thinking I can't hear them but I can. Then they left the kitchen and went outside to do something but I don't remember what, and I was left with the one friend. Once they left the kitchen I walked up to the other guy and we hugged in a boyfriend-girlfriend kind of way (I don't know this person in real life or in the dream but it felt like I knew him). Anyways he had his arms around my waist our bodies were touching and we were smiling, laughing and acting all lovey dovey like a cute happy couple; I won't lie real life me was actually happy, blushing and curious about the guy. We spke about how funny it was the other guys didn't know we were dating and how he thinks he has a chance with me, etc. Then we heard the other guys coming back and we quickly broke apart and then I woke up from my dream. I'm really curious about the meaning of my dream and why I'm so interested and curious about the guy I was getting cozy with and why my heart seems to beat faster as I think of him.

I saw one of my missing closed

I saw one of my missing closed person in a religious place. Our religion is ifferent but I sw him in my religious place. After I go to him and talk to him. When I talk ith him by holding his hand little time later i realied he is a wrong person

It started out with a zombie apocalypse,

It started out with a zombie apocalypse, I didn’t see any zombies I just knew it. I’m out in the hot summer run in a lush green forest, looking for food and shelter. There’s a rustle behind me and I turn, hunter’s knife in hand and it’s an older man with a little kid hiding behind him. They look hungry, hungrier than me. I ask him why dosent he try out for our district’s competition. Sure it’s a zombie apocalypse but we still had a form of government. And this one held a competition twice a year for the common people to live in the capital if they won, runner ups get food. We travel to the compound where it’s being held. Like a metal auditorium, small and the steel is surprisingly not boiling hot. I trained the little girl in preparation for the competition, I’ve grown close with her and her dad. Revealing I had competed when I was 16 and won. But now I was living as an outsider. The compound soon fills with families also competing. We get sat next to a redhead family, I can tell something is off with the dad by the way he sighs as he watches his young twin daughter play. We fill out paperwork as the 13 or so judges come in and take their seats. I recognized a few but one knew me. He smiles and tilts his head in a respectful way. I turn away feeling my face go red. First is the kids spouting off facts about our government. Next to compete are the fathers. They’re made to kill zombies, the red head father almost died. A zombie aiming for his neck, I kicked it away from me and the girls and the guy I’m with kills it. The night ends, the judges leave but we are made to sleep on the steel benches and dirt floor. There’s a small lamp, I remember someone once telling me the capital uses these little lamps to signal for electricity. Turning it off is considered a crime. I’ve competed before, I know what comes the next day. I know I’m the only one awake, I turned it off to give me an extra leg up in tomorrow’s competition. Then it’s tomorrow, everyone wakes. No one notices the lamp. The judges come back, the one I know personally gives me a smile as he sits. I hear whispers. The capital holds this event twice a year because they’re struggling to keep people alive in their secluded area. It’s true. I used to live there so I know it is true. I say nothing, no one can know I competed before. I need to help the little girl and her father, they’re my friends. It’s time to complete. I look over at the tired red headed father and know immediately what he is thinking. I whisper to him, don’t kill yourself, your daughters and wife need you. He looks surprised, I shrug and get down from my seat and stand near his wife. There’s a song we are meant to sing but the tablet with the lyrics isn’t working. There’s no electricity, I made sure of that. I know the default song, it’s the district’s anthem. They have us sing it while they wrote our scores. I sing soft for the parts I know I won’t get right and belt out the parts I know I can nail. This is how I was taught to sing. By the judge that I know. He looks proud I remembered his teachings from when I was younger. I hold back a grimace. They give us our scores, we have to add them together. There’s comments left next to the scores. I notice the judge I know left me a x8. I can multiply my entire score by 8 to get the highest score and win. He leaves me a flirty compliment. The dream ends before I can get my final score.


DREAM ANALYZER DREAM QUIZ About Nancy Wagaman, M.A. Contact Feedback Search Dream Dictionary Dream dictionary: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ You entered: I dreamt that i was having a sleepover with my friend at my old house and then i told her that something happened woth me today , a previous friend who recently passed away appeared to be alive again. Her family contacted me and she appeared and told ne its true and i stayed in disbelief and questioned this topic the entire dream and throughtout the dream where just scenarios of her proving shes alive and me not being able to believe it then the dream in the end was it being her one year anniversary and me scared to go to their house because i saw her and i feel something bad regarding it

My wife's sister developed crush on me

My wife's sister developed crush on me and always wanted sex from me but I always denied her.she killed me for it after telling my wife that I carried some nude videos of her sister and she believes her. And she leaves me for it before I got killed.even after I died, my wife's sister tries to have sex with me.she kills me by mixing poison in my food.

I dreamt that I got a note

I dreamt that I got a note on the door from a childhood friend that I am no longer friends with. She left a note about selling me insurance and needed me in her office immediately to discuss it. This particular friend and I fell out over a decade ago and I ended the friendship. I was living in peace until this friend was hired at my apartment complex and suddenly I'm dreaming of her. Our friendship ended badly because she always belittled and bullied me.

In my dream,l saw myself in a

In my dream,l saw myself in a community,where empty bags made of nylon and tied to the sky hover around everyone.l got hold of the bag and l touched,pulled it to confirm it truly came from the sky.A feeling l should put in some cash was erazed by my belief that it could be the handiwork of fraudsters.Suddenly while everyone gaze was up in the sky,a member of the community pulled a couple of the bag and there was a big splash.Immediately the sky opened for some hefty looking humans..while they were descending from the sky,l called for us to prepare for war.We instructed women and children to move indoors.Beside me lay a dead warrior of the community and another warriors who was alive.l beckoned on the warrior alive to lend me the sword of the dead man,only for the dead soldier to raise and gave me the sword.The war started and my oponent was very strong..after few minutes of a fight that did not produce any bloodshed,injuries or pain,we bacame friends.He told me they were sent from heaven..he called my name and said he will tell something later.l and a friend who joined us insisted he speaks...he only now told me that l may be 31 years but people see me and thinks l look older...and that the friend who joined us is suppose to help me but he is not.In reality the friend he mentioned is very poor.pls help interpret

My name is Imieh Justice Gerald I

My name is Imieh Justice Gerald I had a dream on 9/01/2018, in the dream I was set to travel overseas (UK to be precise) I was at the airport and I entered the automated human scanner holding only a phone which I dropped in a rubber pale and passed through the scanner. I passed through the scanner but could not go over to where the rubber pale took my phone which was on the other side. I could see but couldn’t reach to the other side where am to board. Suddenly I found myself in a hospital, so I began to roam around the hospital to find the way to the other side where am to board my ticket. While I roamed I came across a section where everyone there was an albino, as I walked on I entered a morgue where they kept dead albinos. At the tail end of the morgue was a door that led to a boy’s only secondary school, I took the door out of the hospital and was in the school classroom area. While standing out confused I suddenly noticed I was in front of the automated scanner where I started earlier. This time I saw an old school buddy whose name is Michael Aiyegbusi, I told him my ordeal, how I was supposed to travel, needed to pass the scanner to the other side, losing my phone in the process, other details I mentioned earlier and also as my flight might took off already Suddenly the scanner was now on a higher ground, I was looking up to it and was no longer on the level I was. There was then a stair on my level where I could climb to reach for a small narrow window sized opening which was under the automated scanner. I took that path in and I as i was under at this time Mike had already passed the automated scanner and I was looking to him up. Then he spoke to me to jump so he could help me up but I could not jump high enough. Then I continued on the path underneath which was a much longer route for me to the other side where the airport was. Then I finally reached him at the other side at the airport, he consoled me while I pant, then I woke up. The most thing unique about this dream is i usually don’t remember my dreams. I only have the knowledge that I dreamt. But When I woke up after this I remembered it in full detail and a voice spoke out, the voice was so clear “Write it down!!” With sleepy eyes I wrote it down. I have so far not shared this with anyone.

I was going on a school trip

I was going on a school trip with all any out of school fiends and my mum was also there, I got on the bus and my family friend was there and I thought his hot brother was sitting behind him and there was a free seat next to him so I sat down but it turned out to be Heath Taylor, who is very annoying but funny so I was stuck on a 2 hour bus ride with heath. When we go to our destination there were 4 different islands. One had the hotel/resort on it then one was an island made fully out of obsidian that Chloe was old because she could turn everything to lava and she would flood the hotel with lava. The second island had a volcano next to it and it was full of plants but very swampy because Amirah could flood the hotel with water and create water out of thin air. The third island was mostly dirt but it was very close to the volcano on Amirah’s island so they were basically connected, this island was for Lena and she had powers of earth and could used wind to remove shards of rock from the volcano and use them as knifes. There were different periods of time where the hotel would either be flooded with water or lava or there would be rock spears flying around the air. I got bored of being in my room so I went outside to the roof of the hotel above the pool, I looked out on the different island as there were different boats full of my friends going to visit the islands, there was one teacher form my school, Miss Hoffman who was a relief teacher for my class in year 4. I was not supposed to be out on the roof so I hid in an air vent until she walked away. I crawled thought he air vent until I ended up in a massive room that was much nicer than mine and it had 2 king sized beds a massive tv and a whole living area, suddenly Erin came in and even though we are really good friends in real life, in this dream she was like a celebrity so I quickly sprinted out of her room before she saw me. When I was running through the hallway someone stopped me and told me my mum was crying because she couldn’t find me anywhere I quickly went to my mums hotel room and found her crying in the shower as she called the hotel staff to keep a look out for me.